insert_link Transcripts Liberty, The God That Failed – Part III Part III - Christopher Ferrara Interview "Liberty, the God That Failed" Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Christopher Ferrara is on the Dude Maker Hotline. His book is Liberty, the God That Failed. I’m going to endeavor to get some of these from your publisher and get you to sign them because I want to sell them in our bookstore at our site. That’s what I think of this conversation thus […] todayFebruary 5, 2014 7
insert_link Transcripts Liberty, The God That Failed – Part II Part II - Christopher Ferrara Interview "Liberty, the God That Failed" Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – I told you people you were not going to expect what Christopher Ferrara was going to share with us. His book is Liberty, the God That Failed. Check out today’s transcript for the rest… Begin Mike Church Show Transcript Mike: That is really, I think, as I learn more and as I read […] todayJanuary 30, 2014 46
insert_link Transcripts Egalitarians Can Keep Dreaming, There’s No Utopian Heaven On Earth Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – The dystopia is counterbalanced, as I said, with the utopia. This is where guys like Steve or people that think like that miss their mark and, I think, at some level pose a risk to the rest of us. I hate to interject religion into this. Well, no, I don’t hate to. It’s my job to, my duty to. To use a very popular […] todayOctober 28, 2013 10
insert_link Church Doctrine When The Oath Ridge Boys Are Wrong Mandeville, LA - Church Doctrine - When I think of the US Air Force I think of its theme song “Off we go, into the wild blue yonder… nothing can stop the US Air Force,” nothing except a misunderstood use of the first Amendment. You see, the Air Force Academy is under fire for asking cadets to recite its oath, “[w]e will not lie, steal or cheat nor tolerate among […] todayOctober 25, 2013 17
insert_link Transcripts Climate Change “Science” Illustrates Humanity’s Hubris Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – You people all proceed from the point of view that this isn’t God’s planet. This is God’s planet. If he wants it to warm, it’s going to warm and it’s going to boil and there’s not a damn thing you can do about it. This is part of our arrogance and our conceit in this era. Check out today’s transcript for the rest… todaySeptember 30, 2013 26
insert_link Transcripts Culture Turned Inside Out – Gays Can Be Gay But Straights Can’t Be Straight Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Now what formerly was normal, for 10,000 years of recorded history was being normal and as being biologically necessary for the next generation is now not permitted. It may not be legally not permitted, but now it is politically incorrect. They will make sure to enforce this on college campuses by ostracizing people or by intimidation. Check out today’s transcript for the rest… todaySeptember 27, 2013 8
insert_link Transcripts The Cult Of Football Is Bloodthirsty Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – You can see that the religion plays out on most Sundays during late August all the way up till mid-January or so. Instead of finding yourself in a church for the actual participation in a religious ceremony, you will find yourself at a ballpark or at someone’s house as a facsimile of a ballpark for the proverbial tailgating and all that stuff. Check out […] todaySeptember 24, 2013 6
insert_link Transcripts If The Pope Won’t Defend The Catholic Church, Who Will? Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – This is why what Pope Francis said yesterday or in a series of interviews is so disturbing. I think there are some good things he said as well, but some of what he said is disturbing. That’s not just the traditional Catholic in me; that’s the world traditionalist in me. If the Catholic Church is not going to do it, then who in the […] todaySeptember 24, 2013 12
insert_link Founders Television Mark Kreslins: The Constitution Wasn’t Handed Down From God Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Video and Audio - Many so-called "conservatives" (aka Decepticons) will tell you that the Constitution is a document that was handed down to the Founding Fathers by God himself. But the people that tell you that probably have never actually even read the Constitution, or if they have, they don't know about Patrick Henry, or why he objected the ratification of it, why Governor Yates walked […] todaySeptember 19, 2013 3
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1757