insert_link Interviews Blast From the Past: Interview With Congressman Ron Paul, 10 November 2010 Mandeville, LA - If you missed the show today then you missed three hours of non-stop awesomeness straight to your eardrums. To be specific, you missed the King Dude chatting it up with Congressman Ron Paul on some of the issues most pertinent to our Country, like if there are any more Paul's we can put in Congress besides Rand. Some of the other topics they touch on: Governor Palin […] todayJune 1, 2013 18
Pile Of Prep The Big News Should Be That The Pentagon HAS 800,000 Employees! Mike Church's daily Pile of Prep, chock full of Pentagon extravagance beyond description plus other [r]epublican stories used to perform the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM Patriot channel 125. “The department of defense is a sinecure, a massive, unfathomable, black hole for taxpayer dollars that has never been, and perhaps never can be, plumbed to its hellish depths.” - Michael Bauman The Imaginative Conservative todayFebruary 21, 2013 9
insert_link Founders Television Rand Paul Successfully Straddles the Foreign Policy Line Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Video and Audio - In his speech to the Heritage Foundation yesterday Rand Paul successfully walked the line between big R Republicanism and non-interventionism while quoting James Madison in the process. Now we know that Madison isn't the best Founding Father to be quoting on foreign policy but he would ranks in the the 95th percentile of non-interventionists were he alive today. We know that Rand […] todayFebruary 7, 2013 3
insert_link Transcripts DeMint Jumping to Heritage Means Conservatives Assist In Their Own Political Deaths Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - I would ask those that think DeMint’s departure to the Heritage Foundation is such a great idea, I would ask those people: If it’s a good idea, what do you expect to gain from that? Maybe we should all just move to Washington. Maybe we should all found our own think tanks and all participate and chip in on growing the State. Just imagine […] todayDecember 10, 2012 5
insert_link Transcripts DeMint and Heritage Now Become OFFICIAL Arm of GOP Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - Let’s be honest here. The biggest right-wing think tank on the planet is now an arm, a functionary arm of the Republican Party. It’s party politics. What do parties do? What is the job of a political party? Let’s establish some critical thinking from the get-go. The job of a political party is to do what? Win elections. That’s what its job is. Its […] todayDecember 7, 2012 8
Pile Of Prep How Do You Run Against ObamaClaus & Win The Parasite Vote? The once "slam dunk" pick up of the US Senate for Republicans is now in doubt as the War Party struggles to find its ground game after Bush TIC: Brad Birzer reminds us that "The Founders" never intended or thought their Constitutional Union was absolutely permanent How do you run against Santa (or ObamaClaus) Claus and win in Parasite rich Ohio!? And just HOW does ObamaClaus find all those goodies […] todayOctober 1, 2012 7
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1757