john brennan

8 Results / Page 1 of 1



TSA Opt-Out And Filibuster – Both Legitimate Forms Of Protest

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – That was the other thing, our government treats us today as if we are all terrorists. They tell the TSA to treat four-year-olds as though they are terrorists, do they not? They tell the TSA to treat 88-year-old grannies with Depends undergarments on as if they are terrorists, do they not? They tell the TSA to treat teenage girls and prepubescent boys as if […]

todayMarch 23, 2013 7

Daily Clip

Drone Strikes Could Never Happen Here, Right? Eric Holder Says They Could

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – We now have reached the juncture in our concurrent evolution as citizens where one of the functions of our government is to kill our own citizenry? Really? Every government has to do that. There are loose cannons in every country out there. Of course governments have to have assassination power. Why? What on Earth could possibly make a citizen commit so grave of a […]

todayMarch 6, 2013 5


Lindsey Graham Loves Drones

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - Ladies and gentlemen, just imagine this. Just wrap your heads around this for a moment. The senior senator from South Carolina is saying that the person who gets to determine who an enemy combatant is is the President of the United States, the Commander in Chief. His decision is final and his decision also on what kind of force to use is final. Do […]

todayFebruary 8, 2013 16


Everyone Needs Their Daily Dose Of Drones

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - I’m going through the stories, and one of the ones I was running across, kept seeing, was the Brennan testimony and how acrimonious it got at one point. What I thought was, I don’t want to say humorous because none of this stuff should be funny, but what I thought was intriguing about this is how he presented the drone and the drone killings […]

todayFebruary 8, 2013 6

Pile Of Prep

UAV Drones Are Good And They’re Good For You Too!

Mandeville, LA - Mike Church's daily Pile of Prep, chock full of John Brennan's idolatry for UAV drones and other [r]epublican stories used to perform the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM Patriot channel 125. "There never was, perhaps, a greater contrast between two characters than between those of the present President [Washington] and his predecessor; although it is the boast and prop of the present that he treads in the steps […]

todayFebruary 8, 2013 9


Glenn Greenwald on Obama’s Kill List

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - Glenn Greenwald has taken a day since the release of that memo that we talked about two days ago, the memo from the Obama administration alleging the legalities and implied powers used to assassinate American citizens. That’s the terminology that Greenwald uses at The Guardian UK newspaper, that the president has claimed the power. Check out today's transcript for the rest...

todayFebruary 7, 2013 6


Send In The Drones

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - From Michael Isikoff, National Investigative Correspondent, NBC News -- this is posted at, so I’m going with this based on the sterling reputation of NBC News. “Exclusive: Justice Department memo reveals legal case for drone strikes on Americans.” You mean they’ve actually fessed up? Not only do they do it, but they plan to keep on doing it. If anyone is keeping score […]

todayFebruary 5, 2013 4


“If It Walks Like A Terrorist and Talks Like A Terrorist… Then It Must Be A Terrorist” -The CIA

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - Just imagine the government and the agencies that have the attitude that if they have guns they’re up to no good and they have to be taken out. What if a drone is flying over some airspace in the middle of Montana and there’s a couple rancher dudes out there shooting cans off a log? They’ve got guns, too. “Hey, guns spotted out in […]

todayJanuary 9, 2013 5
