john taylor

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Veritas et Sapientia

Veritas et Sapientia – Once Taxing Is Legal Your Batteries Aren’t Safe

Mandeville, LA - From John Taylor of Caroline County's magnificent argument on the Constitutionality of  The Carriage Tax, available here. A reference to the progress of the excise in England, will illustrate this insatiable construction. It commenced about a century past, and has since glided along until it has mingled its poison with almost every human enjoyment.Its ravages have already been extended to beer, ale, cyder, perry, metheglin, mead, strong […]

todayApril 8, 2019 18

Daily Clip

Ya, Federal Governments: The World Only Needs $169 TRILLION Back to Being “Flat Broke” – The Mike Church Show

Mandeville, La Time  Red Pill Topics & Headlines 6:17 Welcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show 844-5CRUSADE Weather Channel News Coverage on Hurricane Florence Make Canon212 your first place to get news each day. Canon212 - News of the Church and the World. 6:26 HEADLINE: Police arrest 5 in North Carolina as looters begin to capitalize on Florence chaos by Paulina Dedaj If you need 911 […]

todaySeptember 17, 2018 7


It’s Marx’s, Material World, We Are Just Stuck Living In It – Mike Church Show

Mandeville, LA - The New York Times wants you to celebrate the 200th birthday of Karl Marx; this has Mike wondering when the countdown to the 200th birthday celebration of Adolf Hitler begins? Brother André Marie joins to discuss why the Amazon "Smile program" is an anti-Catholic, corporatist scheme to fund the diabolical SPLC. Mike demolishes the Louisiana Conference of Bishops plea to continue pubic funding of Catholic School lunches...WHAT!? […]

todayMay 4, 2018 26


The “Conservative” Nominalists Have Won, How Much Is A U-Haul To Bora Bora Again?

Mandeville, LA -  "The Imbecility of The "Romney Option" Must Be The Last Straw For "Conservatives", SERIOUSLY folks....- The Managing Editor of the allegedly "conservative" rag, the National Review, has offered "conservative 'Muricah" the ultimate ballot option: convince socialist/kleptocrat Bernie Sanders to run 3rd party which will trigger a "Conservative Party" entering the race and fielding an "authentic conservative" candidate in the person of.... drumroll please.... Mitt "for brains" Romney. Salvation by Balloteers, […]

todayMay 26, 2016 11


Pile Of Prep

Veritas et Sapientia – Jefferson Explains Why We Should BUY Our Own Villages

Mandeville, LA - [Editor's note: the following is excerpted from a letter written by Jefferson to John Taylor of Caroline County, available as a Project '76, Audio Webisode here.]  "I see in it much matter for profound reflection; much which should confirm our adhesion, in practice, to the good principles of our constitution, and fix our attention on what is yet to be made good. The sixth section on the […]

todayApril 7, 2016 13

Pile Of Prep

Veritas et Sapientia-True Security Comes From Divided Government Not Standing Armies

Mandeville, LA - Peace is undoubtedly that state which proposes to society the best chance for the continuance of freedom and happiness, and the situation of America is such as to expose her to fewer occasions for war than any other nation, whilst it also disables her from gaining anything by war. But if, by indirect means, the executive can involve us in war not declared by the legislature; if a […]

todayFebruary 18, 2016 8

Daily Clip

Conservatives Must Divorce GOP, Turn To Philosophy And Republicanism

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – The Perry for President campaign is the first casualty of Trumpzilla.  I think actually the greatest casualty of campaign 2016 has and will be that conservatism, if it is going to survive, is going to have to divorce itself from the Republican Party.  Check out today’s transcript for the rest…. FOLKS, a message from Mike - The Audio Clip of The Day files, Project 76 […]

todaySeptember 23, 2015 7


Little Jimmy Madison Would Have Nullified Homosexual Marriage By Supreme Court – Here’s WHY

  Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – There's some fascinating stuff to discover in this that the Virginians were proposing.  If we read from the report of 1799 -- this won't take very long -- this is basically little Jimmy Madison's summary of what the Virginia Assembly had decided.  Pay very close attention to a couple things here.  One is the Supremacy Clause.  Check out today’s transcript for the rest…. […]

todaySeptember 11, 2015 35


Madison Says: Don’t Support Trump’s Immigration Plan & Call Yourself a Constitutionalist

  Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – As I said last hour, people think all these other things are so worried about Jorge and Jesus and everyone else sneaking into the country.  While that is a concern, and, yes, recidivism amongst illegals is a valid, genuine concern, it is a secondary concern to the primary function of government, which is to act on behalf of the common good.  That's why […]

todayJuly 30, 2015 6
