Karl Marx

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It’s Marx’s, Material World, We Are Just Stuck Living In It – Mike Church Show

Mandeville, LA - The New York Times wants you to celebrate the 200th birthday of Karl Marx; this has Mike wondering when the countdown to the 200th birthday celebration of Adolf Hitler begins? Brother André Marie joins to discuss why the Amazon "Smile program" is an anti-Catholic, corporatist scheme to fund the diabolical SPLC. Mike demolishes the Louisiana Conference of Bishops plea to continue pubic funding of Catholic School lunches...WHAT!? […]

todayMay 4, 2018 26


Socialism A Stepping Stone To Communism

James Otteson Author Of The End of Socialism   Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Professor James Otteson, the author of The End of Socialism, which you can find at Amazon.com, is on the Dude Maker Hotline with us.  Socialism, according to Marx’s view anyway, Karl Marx’s view, socialism was something of a stage on life’s way to communism.  Socialism was the stage you needed to have when the authorities […]

todayJune 16, 2016 38


Racism Is Sinful Under ANY Flag

The Relationship Between Lincoln and Karl Marx Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "There was a book that was published, I think in 2009.  I ordered a copy.  I don’t have it but a friend sent me some pages of it.  It’s called The Star-Spangled Heresy.  In the book we’ll find an interesting chapter about St. Lincoln and about his relationship to one Karl Marx.  Perhaps you’ve heard of him." […]

todayJune 27, 2015 4


Malvasi – Consumer Credit Society Impoverishes Wealth And Soul

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "According to the Reuters News Agency, the Sparkasse Bank in Chemnitz recently issued a MasterCard adorned with the hoary visage of Marx himself. So, now you can get a MasterCard Karl Marx edition. Doesn’t this play right into Marx’s adage that the capitalist would sell the very rope that would be used to hang himself?" Check out today’s transcript for the rest…

todayDecember 16, 2013 12
