insert_link Founders Television “Iraq War to Blame for Obamacare” Writes Jonah Goldberg!? Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Video and Audio - There's a column by Jonah Goldberg at called "Can Republicans Reverse the Damage Done by Iraq?" For JONAH GOLDBERG, a decepticon, big war, big government, bomb 'em back to the stone age kind of guy, is BIG. We've been saying, along with people like Ron Paul, that the Iraq War was a mistake for five years. How many people do we […] todayApril 1, 2013 5
insert_link Transcripts Texas Is Now Corrupt, Can Secession Save It? A member of Congress is not going to be able to, just to give a recent example, stop the property tax rates from going up in the State of Texas as Susan Combs, the Texas State Comptroller, wants her fellow Texans to know. Apparently you’ve been concentrating so much on the federal legislature that you forgot there are sales taxes and property taxes in Texas. todayFebruary 22, 2013 19
insert_link Transcripts Callers React to Newtown Regurgitating Propaganda the RIGHT Has Fed Them Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - I think the ubiquitous and abstract hurling epithets at the term liberalism solves absolutely nothing, that’s what I think. It’s not liberalism, by the way, it’s progressivism. Classical liberalism we all practice: free markets, freewill, freedom of choice. That’s classical liberalism. Hurling all these accusations at liberals and blaming them for this, this solves nothing. We’re right back at Red Socks v. Yankees. Our […] todayDecember 18, 2012 8
insert_link Transcripts Evan Sayet Interview About His Book “KinderGarden of Eden: How the Modern Liberal Thinks” Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - Here's a quote from the mouth of Evan Sayet himself about how the modern liberal thinks, be sure and check out today's transcript for more and a link to his book The KinderGarden of Eden, "They determined, the modern liberals, that thinking is the cause of every evil on this planet. Everybody in the history of man has thought they were right, and that […] todayNovember 5, 2012 11
Pile Of Prep There is No Salvation To Be Delivered By Romney or Obama, Obsessing Over Them Is Making It Worse Obama & co. ponder where to strike the rebels they helped put in power in Libya (still no word on the orignal sin of intervention) Loyalty of the Lib as seen in polls: ObamaBots bolt the President on the results of ONE debate? And you wonder where the character & virtue of our civilization has gone? "Ruh Roh Shaggy!" The Democrats get out the vote effort, much maligned the past […] todayOctober 16, 2012 4
insert_link Transcripts Claes Ryn – Jacobinism is America’s Religion Thanks to Decepticons Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - Claes Ryn is a professor of history at Catholic University in D.C. He’s been on the show before. He is well versed in American history, brilliant man when it comes to the intellectual basis of what we call conservatism, and there is an intellectual basis for it, although these days it’s difficult to find, but it is out there. At one point in time, […] todaySeptember 26, 2012 11
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1757