
4 Results / Page 1 of 1



CIA Spying Good Enough For Me

 The CIA Is Cleared to Spy on YOU....Just Not Elected Officials Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "It’s one of the things that we very seldom discuss here on radio shows and television shows like this, which is motivation.  Why do people do the things they do?  They do the things they do because stealing, or as Frederic Bastiat called it, plunder, is a hell of a lot easier than actually […]

todayMarch 27, 2014 7

Mike's Hate Mail graphic

Listeners Lounge

Your Daily Dose Of… “Apologies for Hating on the King Dude”

Mike I want to apologize.. I stopped listening to you as much as I fell into the trap like most of my so called Conservative friends in that getting rid of Obama was all that mattered.. After the debate last night its crystal clear there is virtually no difference between Obama and Romney on any issue that really matters.. You have always been spot on and I will doubt you.. […]

todayOctober 23, 2012 4


More Love From Our “conservative” Friends Via My E-mail Box

More love from our "conservative" friends vai my e-mail box this morning: "Do u ever quit crying?? I learn something new everytime I take enough pepto to stomach five min of your alan combs happy hour u call a show. I learned ron paul is the only lib that can talk about the constitution! You are a joke queen dude atleast your out of closet now just 100% lib. Talk […]

todaySeptember 27, 2012 10
