mike church

224 Results / Page 16 of 25



The Mike Church Show Episode 422 Podcast: Was Robert E. Lee a Traitor? No He Wasn’t.

Mandeville, LA – Kentucky Town To AntiFas: We’ll Take Every Confederate Statue in Muricah and Display them – Welcome to Brandenburg KY, home to the last honorable, brave Southerners. 90% Of Confederate Soldiers Were Not Slave Owners And Died For Defense Of Their Homeland – For the ordinary soldiers who fought and died, devotion to the Confederate army did not arise primarily from a devotion to the institution of slavery (just as most […]

todayAugust 21, 2017 13


The Mike Church Show Episode 421 Podcast: Orthodox Islam Strikes Spain!

Mandeville, LA – Another Day In Europe Another Mohammedan Rampage – The UK Daily Sun’s coverage has over 100 photos and videos, most of the gore has been blurred out. The Daily Mail has the pertinent facts including the orthodox Muslims identity, 18-year-old Moussa Oukabir, and the the names of those arrested in connection with the act of orthodoxy.

todayAugust 19, 2017 5


The Mike Church Show Episode 420 Podcast: Is President Trump Is All In?

Mandeville, LA – The Civil War of 2017 Has Begun & President Trump Is All In – President Trump held a press conference yesterday that should have remained what it started, a fierce competition for the “watching paint dry trophy”, then the Media Industrial Complex began shouting questions about Trump’s membership in the Klan, his embrace of Nazis and why he cheered for the murder of the young lady killed in Charlottesville. […]

todayAugust 17, 2017 2


The Mike Church Show Episode 419: The Aztecs Had Nothing On Iceland’s Baby-Killers

Mandeville, LA – What kind of society “lives” to choose who else gets to live!? – CBS News wants to know if the rest of the “civilized world” should follow Tenochtitlan imitators in Iceland (live baby sacrifices) and murder ALL the PLANET’S soon to be born babies “diagnosed” with Down’s. Seriously folks, if Hitler did this we’d have 300 big-budget films featuring it’s unbelievable evil. This story isn’t trending anywhere but an 18-ton piece of “vandalized” […]

todayAugust 16, 2017 5


De Homine Lecture Series, Lecture Number 19

Mandeville, LA - The Audio instruction and discussion from Wednesday, 16 August 2017, on Brother Francis Maluf's de Homine lecture series Number 19. This is the audio recorded from the CRUSADE Channel featuring Brother André Marie and moderator Mike Church. A listing of de Homine postings is below

todayAugust 16, 2017 6


The Mike Church Show Episode 418: The War Has Begun

Mandeville, LA – Buchanan: Do The AntiFa Anarchists Plan To Purge Themselves From This Land That White People Conquered? – It is a fair point and a historically accurate one: white supremacists settled the Americas, civilized the natives (AND converted them to Catholicism for a time) and then ruled AS white supremacists for nearly 400 years. If you look at western history post Columbus, that is principally true, so are the AntiFa […]

todayAugust 15, 2017 4


The Mike Church Show Episode 417 Podcast: The 100 Year Anniversary Of The 4th Fatima Apparition: With Chris Ferrara

Mandeville, LA – What We Can learn From The Faith of The 3 “Seers” At Fatima – On August 13th 1917, the “Tinsmith” (constable) of the town of Fatima Portugal, abducted Jacinta, Lucy and Francesco who were en route to the 4th apparition at Fatima Our Lady had promised them. The “Tinsmith” after a day of interrogation at his home then, on the 14th (today) took the children to jail and locked […]

todayAugust 14, 2017 6


The Mike Church Show Episode 416 Podcast: The Sistas & The Brothas California Dreamin’

Mandeville, LA – California Dreamin’ Nightmarin’-The Golden State Has Turned Red – There was a time when many ‘Muricans dreamed of moving to California and enjoying the good life: moderate year-round climate, plentiful natural resources, sunny beaches, beauty everywhere you turn and boundless opportunity. That was then and this is now: California is the poster child of what not to allow a “republic” to become. The state that was settled by the […]

todayAugust 11, 2017 4


The Mike Church Show Episode 415 Podcast: GOOGLE’S War Against Reality

Mandeville, LA – The CRUSADE Channel Is Not “Acting All CRUSADER-Y” By Itself Anymore – A new online magazine called The Peregrine has launched and its editors welcome letter has lots of CRUSADER-Y goodness in it. “The market, the family, and the state are all established for the sake of the common good, the common life of virtue and the contemplation of the good, the true, and the beautiful — ultimately God Himself. The common […]

todayAugust 10, 2017 4
