mike church

224 Results / Page 3 of 25



How The Diocese of Manchester Chose Soy Boys Over Saints

Mandeville, LA  - Michael Matt at the Remnant reports and comments on the Saint Benedict Center crisis,I will summarize: Manchester Diocese Calumniating the MICM & their lay community to Saint Augustine, "Beat it, rigid purveyor of heresy and unholiness, you're no "Father" to us!" Meanwhile, is Sodom City... Manchester Diocese calumniating the MICM and their lay community to "Father" James Martin S.J. "it's about time you came to our neck of the […]

todayJanuary 16, 2019 8

Daily Clip

Red Pill Diaries – Pope Benedict Knew About McCarrickgate and So Does Francis Featuring Michael Voris – The Mike Church Show

300-page dossier revealing the existence of the gay lobby had been delivered to Pope Benedict in response to what had been called the Vatileaks affair  “The report contains a detailed and disturbing picture of the moral and material corruption of the clergy, with names, surnames and circumstances. We were exceptionally able to examine a document on papal letterhead contained in the investigative report, whence we here publish an excerpt: it […]

todaySeptember 14, 2018 6


Mike Church LIVE! Appearance – 2018 Catholic Identity Conference, Register Now!

Mandeville, LA - The 2018 Catholic Identity Conference has asked Mike to speak at its 2018 conference in Pittsburgh and he has accepted the invite. PLEASE, CRUSADERS, register NOW for this conference and let's show the fine folks at the CIC that The Little Station That Could-turns out in force! I'll be on-site all weekend AND broadcasting LIVE! The latest additions to our roster include Professor Roberto de Mattei from […]

todaySeptember 6, 2018 14


How I Witnessed The Apostolic Succession – Mike Stars In Regina Magazine!

Mandeville, LA - When I attended the ordination of my friend Fr. Michael Cunningham FSSP, in Omaha NE, I was blessed to see, first hand, the Apostolic rite of succession. The experience was one I will never forget and pray I have the chance to experience again. In short, if you are given the opportunity to attend an ordination, do it! Thanks to Harry and Beverly Stevens, our friends at […]

todayAugust 3, 2018 7


Permission to Die – The Story of The 16 Carmelite Martyrs of Compiegne

Permission to Die - The Story of The Carmelite Martyrs of Compiegne Download Permission To Die, On-Demand, Here! Mandeville, LA – Mike Church narrates the epic tale of the ultimate sacrifice offered by 16 Carmelite nuns on 17 July, 1794, on the guillotine scaffold. "During the executions, no sounds could be heard save the sisters' singing Veni Creator Spiritus, their chorus reduced one by one, and the remorseless slicing of the […]

todayJuly 27, 2018 17
