moral theology

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Ben Carson Is Right, Confusion Is Our Problem

  Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "I'm not quite sure exactly what all that means, other than as long as you're willing to take the oath of office to protect and defend the Constitution, it’s okay then to be a person of Muslim faith, if I understood that correctly.  But if you are a person of Muslim faith that has ever lived in a theocracy or wishes to live […]

todayOctober 12, 2015 7

Daily Clip

Mike to Young, Abortion Promoter Amy: Just Because Something is Legal Doesn’t Make It Right

  Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript and Audio – Caller Amy:  There’s been a lot of dialogue about calling women evil or calling them serial killers and really condemning women who have a legal medical procedure.  Meanwhile -- so the original quote that I called about -- Mike:  Just because something is legal doesn’t make it right.  You can’t keep preaching your errors, madam.  Error has no rights.  We haven’t even crossed the first […]

todayOctober 5, 2015 5
