
185 Results / Page 15 of 21



Pro-Lifers Forced To Pay For Abortions Under Obamacare

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – I brought up at the end of last hour what should be the final nail in the death of our formerly great union, should be if we actually had people of moral conscience, and enough people willing to put their moral conscience on the line, draw a line in the sand and say “Here and no further.” Here’s the headline: “Obama administration: Lawmakers, staff […]

todayOctober 2, 2013 7


Television Is Today’s Literature, And It Should Be Discussed

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – You’re going to have to help me out, Mr. Gruss. I am three episodes away from the end of Season 1 of Homeland. Don’t blow it for me. The episode I just watched -- I don’t recall that this was controversial at the time. Watching it last night, how could it not have been controversial? Check out today’s transcript for the rest…

todayOctober 1, 2013 29


If The Pope Won’t Defend The Catholic Church, Who Will?

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – This is why what Pope Francis said yesterday or in a series of interviews is so disturbing. I think there are some good things he said as well, but some of what he said is disturbing. That’s not just the traditional Catholic in me; that’s the world traditionalist in me. If the Catholic Church is not going to do it, then who in the […]

todaySeptember 24, 2013 12


A Culture Of Dollars And Bling And Musical Expletives Is No Culture At All

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – As I said, we don’t have a culture any longer, not writ large. We have an anti-cult. A cult is something you organize around. It is almost always organized around a religion. This is not organized around a religion unless dollars are the religion, or unless bling is the religion, or whatever the terminology is. This is organized around radical autonomy, dubious self-promotion. There […]

todaySeptember 23, 2013 12


Is Universal Carry The Solution To The Gun Control Issue?

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Here’s a little Latin for you: quid leges sine moribus vanae proficient, which is “What good are laws when there are no morals?” This is from the Roman Horace. I think that goes a long way to explaining an awful lot of this. Check out today’s transcript for the rest…

todaySeptember 19, 2013 9


Modesty Is Best Learned From A Young Age

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – I’m rearing daughters; many of you are rearing sons. The Earl of Chesterfield’s Letters to his Son, who he refers to as “boy,” read some of the Earl of Chesterfield -- you can find it at The Earl tries to teach his son, who is a bastard, by the bye -- another word we need to bring back -- he tries to teach […]

todaySeptember 17, 2013 22


With Religion Gone, People Turn To The State To Organize Their Lives

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – What’s a cult? Back in the day, a couple thousand years ago, humans organized into cults. Almost all cults had their basis in religion. It doesn’t matter what religion it was, whether it was Buddhism or mysticism or Judaism or Islam before the advent of the prophet Mohammed. I guess there were Hellenic religions, worshiping or believing in Greek gods and then Roman gods […]

todaySeptember 16, 2013 5


The State Is A Religion And War Is Its God

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Folks, I want you to listen to this. This is as important as anything we will discuss this week, next week, or probably for the rest of the entire calendar year of the year of our Lord that is 2013. Check out today’s transcript for the rest…

todaySeptember 6, 2013 9


The Founding Fathers Left A Roadmap For Our Culture As Much As Our Politics

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Let me say to you something you won’t hear very many members of the talk radio mafia, a derisive name given to talk radio show hosts by Mary Anastasia O’Grady back in 2008 because radio hosts were refusing to endorse Senator McCain back then. I don’t believe that this juncture in the lives of Americans or of Western civilization in general is that much […]

todaySeptember 5, 2013 16
