nuclear weapons

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Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts

Big Bombs For Little Problems, USA Says Nuke ‘Em All – The Mike Church Show

Mandeville, LA, The Mike Church Show - Season 2, Episode 528. HEADLINE: The Nuclear Posture Review by Paul Craig Roberts Wait - after 20 years of telling us we need MORE military you are now telling us is it scary big and nukes are abundant? Men, take your weapons/rosaries you are called to arms! 3 simple intentions: 1. sodomy 2. pornography 3. abortion 4. contraception How Do I Listen […]

todayFebruary 7, 2018 6


Olive Branch Petition

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Folks, what you read here is basically the beginning of the system of American government that would be set forth in the Articles of Confederation and then in the Constitution.  You can hear, in between the lines here, there is a sense of justice, a sense of right and wrong, and a system of tradition, right and wrong coming from tradition.  This is what […]

todayOctober 21, 2016 20


Who would Jesus nuke?

Ryan Grant Discusses Hiroshima and Nagasaki Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "There is no case that can be made for justifying this, unless you are going to make the argument that we had to do it because we had to break his will.  Then I add this to the final commentary part of this discussion.  If the nuke is never detonated in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, there is then less of […]

todayJune 16, 2016 8


Iran Treaty And Decepticons

All War All The Time, We Like War Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "What's really going on here is there has actually been some diplomacy and some negotiation and the war hawks don't like that.  That might lead to peace.  We don't want peace.  We like to bomb people.  We like to have our constituents and our supporters perpetually on a war footing, perpetually thinking, preaching, living, sleeping, calling […]

todayJuly 23, 2015 19


Memo To NeoCONS – You Don’t Need A Nuke For Genocide, Ask The French

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Westermann, in command of the blues pursuing them westwards back into Brittany, ordered no quarter to be given. ‘The road to Laval is strewn with corpses’, reported one of his men, ‘Women, priests, monks, children, all have been put to death. I have spared nobody.’ Perhaps 10,000 died during this retreat. On 23 December, finally, the remnant of the Catholic and royal army turned to […]

todayApril 28, 2015 16


What Just War Theory Says About OUR Diabolical Interventions

Love For Neighbors Threatened By Violence Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Remember, the philosopher does what?  He looks for the ultimate cause.  The common man that doesn’t care about these things but likes to complain about them just looks for the immediate effect, for the accident of the cause.  Look for ultimate causes and you’ll be far better off.  You’ll be a better thinker is the point."  Check out today’s […]

todayApril 28, 2015 29


Iran, Neocons, And Bigotry Toward Catholics

Interview with Patrick J. Buchanan Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Let’s go to the Dude Maker Hotline and say hello to someone who knows far more about these issues than I ever will, and certainly is one of those great Americans that Sean Hannity likes to talk about all the time, my friend and yours, Patrick J. Buchanan.  Welcome back."  Check out today’s transcript for the rest…. Begin Mike Church […]

todayApril 13, 2015 8


Ronald Reagan Not A War Hawk

Mike's interview with author Craig Shirley Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "I’ll bring Craig Shirley back on now who wrote two biographies about Ronald Reagan, Reagan’s Revolution and Rendezvous with Destiny.  That last part of the speech was about four minutes long where he basically presaged his future administration."  Check out today’s transcript for the rest…. Begin Mike Church Show Transcript [start audio file] Ronald Reagan: . . . of […]

todayMarch 3, 2015 12


From Republicans With Love, Why DeceptiCONS Want War With Russia

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – There was an agreement that was made in 1994 called the Budapest Memorandum.  It was signed by three countries; United States, United Kingdom, and Russian Federation.  What it did was it told the Ukrainians: Look, you’re a former Soviet republic.  You’ve got some nukes there.  Give the nukes up and we will grant to you certain concessions.  Check out today’s transcript for the rest…. Begin […]

todayFebruary 4, 2015 13
