
Who would Jesus nuke?

todayJune 16, 2016 8


Ryan Grant Discusses Hiroshima and Nagasaki

On-the-Roman-Pontiff-670x800Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript“There is no case that can be made for justifying this, unless you are going to make the argument that we had to do it because we had to break his will.  Then I add this to the final commentary part of this discussion.  If the nuke is never detonated in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, there is then less of a chance that the mutually-assured destruction which drove the nuclear arms race and the hell-firing of the rest of the world would have taken place.”  Check out today’s transcript for the rest….

Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  Herbert Sussan, he was a filmographer.  He was one of eleven on a film crew of twelve that were allowed to go and actually produce color film.  MacArthur wanted – the film that you’re talking about, MacArthur ordered that they use color film.  They even used the railway to make sort of a tracking shot into the city of Tokyo and the parts around it that had been firebombed so they could dramatize it.  There was 90,000 feet of Technicolor film footage – this would have made Hollywood blush at the time because color was just coming out – that was filmed about Hiroshima and Nagasaki.  You people that are listening to this right now going, [mocking] “You’re making all that up.”  Go produce a couple feet of the color footage.  See if you can even find it.  It’s still never been released, although there were a couple snippets of it that have been snuck out.  From his memories, Herbert Sussan was one of the men that was asked to go film the aftermath of the firebombing and the aftermath of the atomic weapons being dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.  This is from Sussan’s mouth here, from his pen, in his memoirs:


Nothing and no one had prepared me for the devastation I met there…We were the only people with adequate ability and equipment to make a record of this holocaust…I felt that if we did not capture this horror on film, no one would ever really understand the dimensions of what had happened. At that time people back home had not seen anything but black and white pictures of blasted buildings or a mushroom cloud. [The film] would vividly and clearly reveal the implications and effects of the weapons that confront us at this serious moment in our history.

[end reading]

Mike:  Sussan was one of four cinematographers who captured 90,000 feet of the film footage in the aftermath.  Even considering that the Japanese warlords were far more entrenched, Patrick J. Buchanan answered the question, that is the principle, and that Ryan Grant and Chris Ferrara and I have asked.


Yet, whatever the mindset of Japan’s warlords in August 1945, the moral question remains. In a just war against an evil enemy, is the deliberate slaughter of his women and children in the thousands justified to break his will to fight? Traditionally, the Christian’s answer has been no.

[end reading]

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Mike:  That sums it up.  There is no case that can be made for justifying this, unless you are going to make the argument that we had to do it because we had to break his will.  Then I add this to the final commentary part of this discussion.  If the nuke is never detonated in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, there is then less of a chance that the mutually-assured destruction which drove the nuclear arms race and the hell-firing of the rest of the world would have taken place.  It would have been inconceivable that human beings were capable of detonating a device like was detonated on the civilian populations of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Let me sum that up for you.  I’ll put it in terms that everyone can understand.  Truman dropped the bomb to give us the nuclear arms race.  It is the fact that we were willing to do it that put the Soviets into the race.  Everyone understand that Americans had done it, so, yeah, you can incinerate a civilian population.  You talk about unintended consequences.  I think that is the intended consequence, and we’re still possessed of it today.  When we hear decepticons railing about the Iranians getting a nuke and they’re going to use it, what experience do we have to know why we don’t want them to use it, Ryan Grant?

Ryan Grant:  Because we did.

Mike:  That’s right, because we did.

Grant:  That analysis actually has a lot of merit.  I don’t know it’s proven beyond a doubt, but one of the things is, the hidden element of all this that is also censored from the record is the Soviet involvement.  The Soviets had declared, three months after they defeated Hitler, they would go and enter the Pacific theater.  They promised this at the Potsdam Conference.  This is one of the reasons the Japanese were trying to tap the Soviets, because they weren’t actually in the war yet.  They were going to get in the war.  They were hoping to tap them to work some context for a surrender.  The US wasn’t moving on it.  The Soviets were ready to invade, and actually already did invade, in between the bombings, not knowing what had actually gone on.  The Soviets were ready to get in the war.

Of course, once they saw what had happened, that the US dropped the bomb, what we now know – we didn’t know this before, but now we know it from decoded cables – is that they tapped their spies over here, including the Rosenbergs and a few others saying: Get all nuclear material.  We need to be up on this.  If the bomb had not been dropped, they probably wouldn’t even have been too aware of its existence.  The fact that – the Manhattan Project was so secret.  Even in Truman’s administration you didn’t know.  That’s why whenever they say government can’t pull of a conspiracy, it’s too stupid – the Manhattan Project was the biggest conspiracy theory in history.  It employed over 100,000 people working for it.  Its budget was over $2 billion at a time when that was an astronomical figure, whereas today $2 billion, whatever.  Back then, that was an astronomical figure.  Nobody talked.  Nobody knew what was going on.

Even MacArthur was totally ignorant of the fact that we even had a capable bomb.  He only heard the talk of it years earlier.  Here he is the commander of all Pacific forces.  He’s never even heard that we Nagasaki bombhave the thing in the field ready to go.  That’s how secret it was.  Nobody talked.  If you talked, you were facing treason charges.  Everyone kept their mouth shut.  The Soviets, their myriad network of spies hadn’t heard about it yet.  They knew it was going on.  They knew we were trying to produce something, but they didn’t know any more than that.  Just like they knew the Germans were trying to produce something.  Now they see it.  They get on the phone to the Rosenbergs and others and say: We need that.  Thus, they get the bomb in 1947.  Now we’re in the Cold War and half the planet is sitting in fear of nuclear annihilation for 50 years.

Mike:  Thanks, Truman.

Grant:  Here’s another factor in the business.  Who would Jesus nuke?  As it’s been noted in other places, the population of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were Catholic primarily.  Catholicism began, of course, with the arrival of St. Francis Xavier and the various converts he made, and then later missions to Japan brought a great deal of conversions in southeastern Japan.  Because the civil war is going on in 1601, a new shogun managed to win the civil war and get power, Tokugawa Ieyasu.  He booted basically all the priests from the island.  There was a fortified Christian town, Nagasaki, a fortified Catholic town.  He had a problem.  He couldn’t reduce it.  He didn’t have the troops, the technology to reduce it.  Japan didn’t have gunpowder yet.

Then there were the Dutch.  The Dutch would do anything for anything.  They even sold guns to their enemies, even though they’d be used against them later, as we see in the wars in France and other things.  He gets the Dutch.  He says: I’m kicking all Europeans out, but I will give you full rights to trade off the coast here on a little island called Hashima Island.  In perpetuity, if you’ll just use your naval bombardment with those lightning things you’ve got and blow down that castle, and the Dutch did it.  They did a naval bombardment with their cannon and broke down Nagasaki.  Christianity remained.  All the Jesuits were kicked out.  They taught the people the faith.  They said: If anyone comes claiming to be a priest – because they’re afraid of Protestants coming trying to mission at some point.  They say: These are the things you must ask him.  If he doesn’t answer in this way, he’s not a real priest.  Don’t pay any attention to him.  They gave them basic things from the creed and whatnot that they had to ask him, a few questions in theology that only a priest would know.  Then they left.

Christianity survived.  For hundreds of years in imperial Japan, at the last period of the shogun and then under the Meiji Restoration, Christianity is illegal.  Even when it had gotten toleration in the 20th century, it was still frowned upon.  They were still using proscriptions.  They’re still taxing people for being Christian, what have you.  They were trying to stamp this thing out for 300 years.  In nine seconds, the United States, the beacon of freedom, destroyed Christianity in Japan, which could not be done in 400 years.

Mike:  Wow.  I did not know that part of the story.

Grant:  The epicenter of the bomb in Nagasaki was Urakami Cathedral.  It was the largest church in the Orient, anywhere.  That was the epicenter of the blast.  That was basically what they aimed for.  The interesting question, too, because Nagasaki is the second bomb, why did they have to drop a second bomb?  The claim is the official narrative is they didn’t take the message the first time, so we had to drop a second one.  That’s actually another load of nonsense.

Even Washington hadn’t been able to take account of the bomb on Hiroshima yet, exactly what the level of damage was.  We didn’t have observers in the area.  We didn’t know exactly what that bomb had done in Hiroshima, yet then they go and drop it on Nagasaki, too.  That was a preplanned strike.  That was not an, oh well, they didn’t get the memo so we’re going to do it again.  It was impossible for them to take any notice.  The first ones that took notice of the damage was actually the Soviets.  Truman didn’t know about it yet, exactly what had happened.  The Japanese were still fuzzy on what had happened.  Like I said, they had already destroyed whole cities with napalm bombs.  They didn’t know exactly what had just happened there.  There was no communication between Washington and Tokyo in the meantime, or even through any intermediary that’s ever been revealed.  Again, how is it you can claim – if anything is revisionist, this is, the idea that the Japs didn’t get the memo so we had to bomb them again.

Mike:  So the story then is that the – the narrative that you’re piecing together is that the second bomb was planned to go out after the first one, and the entire attack was a two-pronged attack, it was going to happen that way.  Let’s talk to Peter in Upstate New York.  You’re on the Mike Church Show here on the Crusade Channel, part of the Veritas Radio Network.  How you doing?

Caller Peter:  Good, Mike.  Good morning.  Great conversation as usual.  My comment was – I took a course on this when I was in college many years ago.  Basically everything you’re saying is absolutely correct from what I was being taught, which I’m surprised being that Albany State was a very, very liberal university.


The one thing at the end, what we talked about in our class was, at the end, obviously we wanted to get the unconditional surrender, dropping the bombs and thinking we’re going to get it.  At the end, because we had signed a treaty with the Soviets, the Soviets were going to enter the war in the Pacific if the war in Europe ended first, which it did.  The Americans saw what happened in Europe, and with the Soviets taking over Eastern Europe they didn’t want that to happen in the Pacific.  When the bombs didn’t work, they went ahead and accepted their conditional surrender.  Any truth to that?

Grant:  That’s what I’ve seen in the literature.  I don’t know that can be absolutely proven beyond a shadow of a doubt.  They were worried about what the Soviets would do.  At Potsdam already relations had broken down.  Roosevelt had gotten all kinds of vague promises from Stalin at Yalta, which on his own we can trust Uncle Joe.  He’d gotten Congress to accept.  It basically resulted in the partition of Eastern Europe to communism for the next 50 years.  Under Truman, people saw this, especially Marshall, they got really nervous about what was going to happen if the Soviets got in.  That is very plausible.  I don’t know of any cables or any discussion that’s been revealed.  Borowitz doesn’t talk about it.  Again, it’s supposition, but it’s extremely plausible.

Mike:  Peter, is that satisfactory?

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Caller Peter:  Yes, absolutely.  I guess from all your discussion it’s kind of good we only had a couple of these bombs available.  If we would have had half a dozen, who’s to say how far we would have pushed it in order to get unconditional surrender?

Mike:  Just look at the – Peter, thank you so much for your call.  We’re going to have to cut this short here.  Just think of what this has brought about.  People are so oblivious to this.  There is no way you’re going to have the commander in chief of the United States sitting in an office in Mordor on the Potomac River communicating with some admiral or captain on a ship somewhere in the Persian Gulf giving the order to fire a cruise missile into a known civilian population that has twelve times the destructive impact of the nuke that was dropped on Hiroshima.  That’s exactly what Bill Clinton did.  That’s exactly what Pappy Bush did.  We didn’t know whether or not there were civvies, or the Iraqi Army was in 1991.

Grant:  They didn’t care.

Mike:  We certainly knew that there were civvies in the Iraq invasion in 2003.  We knew where the civilian populations were.  They were ordering airstrikes into – [mocking] “Those are military targets.”  They’re in cities.  They’re in cities.  They were ordering cruise missiles, again, twelve times the destructive firepower.  There’s no way that happens without, as Bishop Sheen said in that address I played earlier today, without the boundaries being broken.  The real effect of the end, the tragic end of World War II, as celebratory as it should be, those should be days where peace was achieved, and men, chivalrous, honorable men agreed that: Okay, this war is just killing too much and destroying too much.  We surrender; you surrender.

End Mike Church Show Transcript

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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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