insert_link Transcripts It Takes A Village Idiot To Vote For Hillary by Ilana Mercer It Takes A Village Idiot To Vote For Hillary © By ILANA Mercer If you strapped Bill Clinton to a polygraph (or some lie detector that can’t be fooled or shorted by the Clintons)—I suspect he, too, might confess to a preference for Vladimir Putin over Barack Obama. Mr. Clinton had been appropriately scathing, in 2008, about Obama’s mythical status in the media. A “fairy tale,” he called the current […] todaySeptember 16, 2016 23
insert_link Transcripts Senate Punts NSA Obama Kill List Report How Is The Kill List Being Carried Out? Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "How are we using lethal force in any country without using declarations of war or letters of mark and reprisal? That’s in the Constitution. You could do that. Congress says that they’re not authorizing any of this stuff, so how’s it getting done?" Check out today’s transcript for the rest… Begin Mike Church Show Transcript Mike: Here’s […] todayMay 7, 2014 14
insert_link Transcripts Recent Middle East History Shows Iran Would Be Safer (For Iranians) If It Had A Nuke Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – The point that Buchanan is making that I’m trying to make, or that I’ll continue to make, is that if a country is participating in the League of Nations, as the Iranians are saying they wish to participate in, and they are engaging in commerce and there are tens of millions of those engaging in commerce, direct commerce, and they become at least partially […] todayDecember 2, 2013 4
insert_link Transcripts Who Actually Has Nuclear Capability And The Bombs To Prove It, Iran Or Israel? Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Before we move any further with this, I want to go back to November the 12th. Today’s the 25th. That’s a little shy of two weeks. I want to revisit with Patrick J. Buchanan. He was writing about this exact subject. It was known back then that Kerry and company were trying to negotiate some kind of deal with the Iranian mullahs. I saw […] todayNovember 25, 2013 8
insert_link Transcripts Scheuer: Why Africa is Overrun with al-Qaeda Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - Michael Scheuer from Would you say to the listeners, if I ask the question, Mr. Scheuer, can you paint a picture of why, get us behind the why of this expansion into those mineral- and oil-rich parts in Africa is happening. Is this al-Qaeda and the Mujahidin? Is this their method to get back at Western nations for invading their homelands, attacking and […] todayOctober 24, 2012 18
insert_link Transcripts Why Romney Isn’t Selling In PaleoCon Libertarian Circles Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - If you wanted to do all these things and you wanted to actually participate or make these things in force of law or effective, then the path is clear. You have two choices. Article V is still out there and still to be used. The other one is to dissolve the political bands which have connected you with another. If you can’t see that […] todaySeptember 24, 2012 13
insert_link Transcripts Interview with Michael Scheuer Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - Michael Scheuer joins Mike on the show today and discusses all of the goings on in the Middle East and Africa, and how Senators McCain, Graham, Lieberman, etc figure into all of it. Check out today's interview for the entire interview... Begin Mike Church Show Transcript Mike: Michael Scheuer, Michael Scheuer: Dot com, sir. Mike: Dot com. I had it right the […] todayJune 26, 2012 7
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1757