
93 Results / Page 2 of 11



Hail Full of Grace! Feast of The Immaculate Conception – Brother Andre Marie & Mike Church – The Mike Church Show

Mandeville, LA – “Joachim and Anne were the parents of Mary. Joachim kept as strict a watch over his thoughts as a shepherd over his flock, having them entirely under his control. For the Lord God led him as a sheep, and he wanted for none of the best things. When I say best, let no one think I mean what is commonly acceptable to the multitude, that upon which […]

todayDecember 8, 2017 5


Time Makes Alphanumeric Combo #MeToo “Person Of The Year”, The Asteroid Cometh – The Mike Church Show

Mandeville, LA – Time Proclaims The #MeToo As “Person of The Year” Giving The Revolt Against Nature An Award – I have been asking the question lately: of all the women claiming abuse and using the #MeToo what were they doing when they were being #MeToo’d? Now Time Magazine comes along and proclaims the nebulous group and their alphanumeric symbol as “Person of The Year”; the transgenderMammy™ homage to a world gone stark raving […]

todayDecember 7, 2017 4


Will We Have A Supreme God Or Supreme Sodomy? – This Is ‘Muricah, You Will Go Sodomite – The Mike Church Show: Podcast

Mandeville, LA – This Is ‘Muricah, You Will Go Sodomite, Bake Our Cake And like It – “The un-baked wedding cake heard round the world” is one ‘Murican revolutionary way to describe the fiasco that just made it to the SCOTUS. Arguments were made yesterday in the case of Jack Phillips and his Masterpiece Bake Shop vs Charlie Craig and David Mullins. Craig and Mullins had enlisted Craig’s mother to accompany them […]

todayDecember 6, 2017 8


Contraception Kills – Science backs up God’s justified anger – The Mike Church Show

The “Contraception Kills Diaries”, Episode 7,726 –  The evidence continues to mount that contraception is the handmaiden to abortion and is as deadly as abortion too. In contracepting human life, we make the conscious decision to defy God’s will and His plan for us, an act against nature. Just like any other act against nature e.g. sodomy, the consequences are grave. Put another way, if you tell God to go pound […]

todayDecember 5, 2017


The CRUSADE To Keep The CRUSADE Channel Going Just Got Real: iHeart Radio Is About To Fold – The Mike Church Show

Mandeville, LA – The CRUSADE To Keep The CRUSADE Channel Going Just Got Real: iHeart Radio Is About To Fold – I have been telling people this for a few years now that the destruction of the radio industry began in earnest in 1994 when the TeleComm Act signed by Bill Clinton made radio nothing more than a commodity for money lusting manipulators to exploit for billions then discard its corpse. That […]

todayDecember 1, 2017 6


The WarFare State Now Owns Conservatism Inc. – “Gross” Net Neutrality – The Mike Church Show

Mandeville, LA – How The Current “Net Neutrality” Actually Helps Make The Monopolies That Will Do What Opponents Fear – I continue my study into the complex issue that is “net neutrality” and what the December 14th vote on the new “rules” actually does and actually means. Robert Tracinski, in doing yeoman’s service to this task, reminds us that once the internet had actual “neutrality” and that’s how it flourished and boomed. “That’s […]

todayNovember 30, 2017 4


It’s True, Red Staters Are Actually LESS Likely To Produce Bastards! – The Mike Church Show: podcast

Red State Blitz. It’s True, Red Staters Are Less Likely To Sacrifice Children To Fake Gods! – Mark Twain is mistakenly quoted as having once said: “There are lies, damned lies and then there are statistics”. Sometimes the statistic part is used as proof of something that cannot be proven in nature, like the natural occurrence of children who are the progeny of the transgenderMammy. Now comes some interesting research on […]

todayNovember 29, 2017 3
