
125 Results / Page 1 of 14



It Takes A Village Idiot To Vote For Hillary by Ilana Mercer

It Takes A Village Idiot To Vote For Hillary © By ILANA Mercer If you strapped Bill Clinton to a polygraph (or some lie detector that can’t be fooled or shorted by the Clintons)—I suspect he, too, might confess to a preference for Vladimir Putin over Barack Obama. Mr. Clinton had been appropriately scathing, in 2008, about Obama’s mythical status in the media. A “fairy tale,” he called the current […]

todaySeptember 16, 2016 23


The “Conservative” Nominalists Have Won, How Much Is A U-Haul To Bora Bora Again?

Mandeville, LA -  "The Imbecility of The "Romney Option" Must Be The Last Straw For "Conservatives", SERIOUSLY folks....- The Managing Editor of the allegedly "conservative" rag, the National Review, has offered "conservative 'Muricah" the ultimate ballot option: convince socialist/kleptocrat Bernie Sanders to run 3rd party which will trigger a "Conservative Party" entering the race and fielding an "authentic conservative" candidate in the person of.... drumroll please.... Mitt "for brains" Romney. Salvation by Balloteers, […]

todayMay 26, 2016 11


Pile Of Prep

Veritas et Sapientia – Jefferson Explains Why We Should BUY Our Own Villages

Mandeville, LA - [Editor's note: the following is excerpted from a letter written by Jefferson to John Taylor of Caroline County, available as a Project '76, Audio Webisode here.]  "I see in it much matter for profound reflection; much which should confirm our adhesion, in practice, to the good principles of our constitution, and fix our attention on what is yet to be made good. The sixth section on the […]

todayApril 7, 2016 10

Founders Television

What’s the Difference Between Ted Cruz’s Filibuster and Rand Paul’s? Complacency vs Action.

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Video and Audio - Even though Ted Cruz was standing tall at his filibuster against Obamacare, he was also standing with the majority view. His views represent nothing new and most of the rest of the Republican party. When Rand had his filibuster he was challenging the Democrats AND the Republicans, who had voted FOR most of the policies he was filibustering against (NSA, spyfare, drones, […]

todayJune 19, 2015 20

Founders Television

Defenders of the Constitution… Is There Anybody Out There?

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Video and Audio - How many TRUE statesmen have their been recently? True defenders of the Constitution. Ted Cruz? Nah. Ron Paul is about the only one that we can actually think of. And it doesn't matter if these guys are Republican or Democrat. Why anyone would want to jump on board with any member of the current political class is beyond comprehension. Almost everyone is […]

todayJune 9, 2015 4

Founders Television

What Does The Conservative Gentleman Wear In These Modern Times?

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Video and Audio - When people are wearing flip flops and camo gear... to Mass, what is the Conservative Gentleman to wear? Well, much like in the political realm, there is not specific guide, but we have history to guide us. We can look back at some of the great conservatives, Russell Kirk and T.S. Elliot for example, to see what they wore, which was mostly […]

todayJune 9, 2015 31
