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Daily Clip

What Do Local Sheriff’s Need Drones For in the Land of the Free, Mobile Home of the Brave?

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio and Transcript - This Clip of The Day was originally aired and published on May 14,2012 and is part of the Founders Pass Flashback Collection. FOLKS, a message from Mike - The Audio Clip of The Day files, Project 76 feature presentations, Church Doctrine audio & video clips and everything else on this site are supported by YOU. We have over 70, of my personally designed, written, […]

todayJune 8, 2015 13


The Dorner Case – When Is Lethal Force Appropriate?

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - If we don’t question the authorities when they use lethal force, then human nature tells me they’ll use it more often. To my friend Deputy Shawn out there, of course I admire and respect your work, sir, and did not mean to cast dispersions on the entire San Bernardino County police force, but you must acknowledge and we must all agree that whenever lethal […]

todayFebruary 15, 2013 6


Sheriffs Need To Enforce All Eight Amendments Not Just The Second Amendment

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - If your sheriff will interpose on your behalf on behalf of the Second Amendment, why won’t your sheriff interpose on behalf of the rest of the amendments? If you sheriffs out there -- there’s probably some of you listening right now. You listen to me, if you’re doing this because it’s good politics, I understand. If you’re doing it out of devotion to principle, […]

todayJanuary 25, 2013 13
