Interviews Kevin Gutzman – The DC Court Just Killed Obamacare I think the ultimate implication here is, unless the Halbig decision is reversed, that Obamacare has to go. There’s no way the Democrats who live outside those 14 states with state exchanges are going to be able to continue to support the existence of Obamacare if all it means in their state is that poor people now are going to be penalized if they don’t buy health insurance, which is […] todayAugust 6, 2014 9
insert_link Transcripts What If Constitution Meant Agreed-Upon Things When Ratified ? Any Diversion Today Indicates Unconstitutional Acts Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "So I have these two stories here about Obamacare, a pair of rulings yesterday, one judge saying that the subsidy funding method is illegal, unconstitutional, and another saying, [mocking] “Oh, come on, it’s like ordering a Domino’s pizza.” I’m not making this up." Check out today’s transcript for the rest… Begin Mike Church Show Transcript Mike: So I […] todayJuly 28, 2014 16
insert_link Transcripts Caller Steve: ObamaCare Makes His Insurance $6,900 More Expensive Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "If we’re looking for any kind of a silver lining from the ObamaCare implementation, and I’m not promoting this as a silver lining, and no, I’m not happy about it. What I said was, in the first hour, that the implementation of the Affordable Care Act has lifted the shroud on what this stuff actually costs. People are shocked. They are shocked at what it […] todayDecember 2, 2013 7
insert_link Transcripts Billions Of Dollars Was Taken By States To Use On Obamacare, But That’s Not What They Spent It On Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – This is the way the game works. If you think it’s just a game about ideology and politics, again, I say you’re wrong. The game is all about the money, boatloads of federal money. Follow the boatloads of federal money and you will always wind up where the pot of gold is at the end of the lib rainbow, always. They’re all about the […] todayNovember 20, 2013 3
insert_link Transcripts If You’re Going To Have A Minimum Wage, You Need A Minimum Purchase Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Why is it any different for the State to compel a business person to pay someone for a service that is rendered, and voluntary service that is rendered, at a preordained or predetermined price? Why shouldn’t the State then be able to compel, or why shouldn’t the store be able to use the power of the State to compel the consumer to spend a […] todaySeptember 2, 2013 19
insert_link Transcripts Tennessee Valley Authority – Just Another Entitlement Program Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – It’s all regulated by the state. These things are operated under the supervision of these god-awful things called public service commissions. All they do is ensure that the utility is guaranteed to make a vast, vast profit on the sale. They could still make the profit, but if they had to compete for it, they would then have to actually be out and in […] todayMay 30, 2013 7
insert_link Transcripts Don’t Blame The IRS, They’re Just Doing Their Jobs Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – The American sheeple want free airports. The American sheeple want the TSA. The American sheeple want all the subsidized power companies. The American sheeple want their vainglorious military dispatched hither and yon to every corner of the globe. The American people want nonstop, never-ending war, it seems. The American people want all these government services. The American people want subsidized crops. The American people […] todayMay 30, 2013 6
insert_link Transcripts Social Security Is A Giant Ponzi Scheme – The Money’s Been Spent! Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – If you need any more proof, as if you needed it, that Social Security is a Ponzi scheme, and that there is no trust fund, and that the trust fund was squandered and used in real time decades ago, here you go. It’s contained in the story. If the immigration bill the Gang of Eight is proposing is passed, it could provide a boost, […] todayMay 9, 2013 20
insert_link Daily Clip ExxonMobil Wants Their Government Subsidy Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Brian Watson writes: “Mike, why is a petroleum company marketing for common core?” Brian, that is a damned good question, sir. I believe I can provide you and the rest of the audience with a very good answer. Here’s what I wrote to Brian: “Brian, the answer is that Exxon would not have to foot the bill to train scientists and mathematicians to employ. […] todayApril 15, 2013 6
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1757