
3 Results / Page 1 of 1



Don’t Blame The IRS, They’re Just Doing Their Jobs

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – The American sheeple want free airports. The American sheeple want the TSA. The American sheeple want all the subsidized power companies. The American sheeple want their vainglorious military dispatched hither and yon to every corner of the globe. The American people want nonstop, never-ending war, it seems. The American people want all these government services. The American people want subsidized crops. The American people […]

todayMay 30, 2013 2


Big Government Needs The IRS Like We Need The Sun

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – All this protestation and all this hooting and hollering and all this stuff that’s going on, in all the fundraising that’s going on with Tea Party groups sending their little letters out asking, [mocking] “You must support us now in this our darkest hour of need. We’ve got to get rid of Obama.” At the end of the day, none of this will result […]

todayMay 17, 2013 2

Church Doctrine

Don’t Use Public Money To Buy Right Or Left Wing Fried Chicken Dinners

Don’t Use Public Money To Buy Right Or Left Wing Fried Chicken Dinners - Louisiana’s one of a kind school voucher program is now in effect and judging by the howls of righteous indignation coming from the usual suspects on the left it must be working. Times Picayune columnist Jarvis deBerry informs us that “Public money is now being used to send children to private schools … and taxpayers deserve […]

todayAugust 21, 2012 8
