
31 Results / Page 4 of 4


Church Doctrine

Will 2012 Produce a Hero or Day To Remember?

  Will 2012 Produce a Hero or Day To Remember? ©2012 Mike Church When the history of this year, 2012 is written, what issue will be the focus? Who will be the heroes and who will be the scapegoats? Will there be a date that future generations celebrate every year because of something we do in this one? Well, the answer to the date question is: it won’t be because […]

todayJuly 19, 2012 7


The Best Case For Free Labor & Capital A Unionist Ever Heard

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - In today's transcript Caller Joe berates Mike for being anti-union and tries to convince Mike that people who invest their time in a company (not investing capital or for a paycheck) are the ones that the company and unions should take care of.  Sounds like a lot of collectivism to me Joe.  Check out the transcript for more.   Begin Mike Church Show Transcript […]

todayJune 7, 2012 9


On the Permanence of the Union – William Rawles

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - Check out today's transcript where Mike shares a passage from William Rawles Book "A View of the Constitution", specifically Chapter XXXII entitled "Of the Permanence of the Union", where Rawles discusses how the states were VOLUNTARILY part of the Union and had the same rights as any other country because they were sovereign. Begin Mike Church Show Transcript Mike:  When we hear about presidents […]

todayMay 31, 2012 11

Founders Television

Interview with Prof. Donald Livingston

MANDEVILLE, LA - EXCLUSIVE AUDIO - On today's special Post Show Show we have a three part interview with Professor Donald Livingston! Mike and Mr Livingston discuss numerous topics including the scale of government, secession, Lincoln, and many others. Several of these topics are also covered in Mr Livingston's book "Rethinking the American Union" which is available in the Dude Gear store in limited numbers as a SIGNED copy! Part […]

todayApril 18, 2012 11
