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The Declaration of Independence On Display As Original Is A Fake AbbyMcGinnis
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Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – “You may say: Mike, why would he want Wythe to make printed copies? This is easy. This is the easiest part of the mystery. People seem to forget that on the 5th of July 1776, Thomas Jefferson and the other 55 cats that signed the Declaration were wanted for treason. They were pursued by the British Army. Some of them were captured. They pledged lives, fortunes, and sacred honor, right? What part of fortune would we be talking about here? Their papers and effects, especially if they were contraband, would have been confiscated, meaning had Jefferson been captured, what would they have done with his papers? They would have taken them. They probably would have burned them all. ” Check out today’s Clip of The Day and transcript for the rest…
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The Declaration of Independence On Display As Original Is A Fake AbbyMcGinnis
The Declaration of Independence On Display As Original Is A Fake AbbyMcGinnis
Begin Mike Church Show Transcript
Mike: Lots of new stuff posted from Ages of Independence, which is an ongoing project here before I finalize it and put it into final screenplay form and decide whether or not to turn it into an audio feature or an audio feature with a video component, or try to make it into a docudrama movie, which I think it favors. There are problems with that because we’d have to obtain high-resolution copies of the document actually in question. Since I can’t get anyone in the news media other than me to even acknowledge the find and discovery that has been made in the Ages of Independence, it is yet an uphill battle. That doesn’t mean I’m going to quit. We added evidence to the story yesterday of the chain of command of Jefferson’s copy —
If you don’t know the story, just a quick primer on this. I think this is important because it is a defining moment in American history. Historians, for over 150 years, have claimed that there is no original copy of Jefferson’s draft of the Declaration of Independence. There are only copies that Jefferson made after the fact because he was angry because they edited his work. In Ages of Independence, we aim to show that that’s not true, that there is a copy, the copy as I call it. It belongs to the New York Historical Society. It’s in the New York Museum of History. I don’t know if you can visit it personally. I actually need to make a phone call up there and ask.
Last time I told a historical museum what I was doing and asked for their assistance, they told me yes until they found out who I was and then never talked to me again. This is the story of the mistake identity of Patrick Henry, which is revealed in my book Patrick Henry American Statesman, taken from the 1887 Moses Coit Tyler Patrick Henry American Statesman. We just republished it. The world has been looking at the wrong picture of Patrick Henry for over 170 years. I corrected this with an irrefutable chain of custody. We came within a whisker of getting on the — Eric, what is CBS’s morning show? Is it Good Morning America?
Eric: No, Good Morning America is ABC. I think it’s just called –
Mike: CBS This Morning, right?
Eric: Yeah.
Mike: I was in contact with one of the producers and they were interested in the story. I don’t know what happened. They probably went: Oh, Sirius XM Patriot, right-wing libertarian Christian radical nutjob. Run! Run! The history be darned. In the last year, and I’m not bragging. I’m just informing you of what your host does on your behalf in hopes that you will forward this along so that maybe someday before I die and have to pass all of this onto my kids to go knock on Scott Pelley’s door going: Mr. Pelley, my father made some discoveries about American history that were never picked up by a news organization. They seem pretty important. Maybe you’d like to cover one.
Patrick Henry’s portrait is not the one that you think it is. There’s only one that was ever taken from life. I unequivocally prove this. The chain of custody of that story and the footnotes and everything that is in that story are irrefutable. There’s only one, one painting, and it’s in the front page of American Statesman. Now I believe I have solved the mystery of the missing Declaration of Independence, and that is it’s in that New York Museum of History. People who live in New York probably know where this museum is. It’s under the care of the New York Historical Society. It’s a copy that Jefferson sent to George Wythe. The more I dig into this, the more it becomes apparent to me that my version of the story not only is correct, I’m just mystified as to how other historians have missed it. You have to read the letter that Jefferson sent to Wythe with the Declaration. I read the letter and I went: The only way this letter makes sense is if it’s written in cipher, code. We have the letter that Jefferson sent, an actual after-the-fact copy to Richard Henry Lee, which he tells him: I’m sending you a copy of my copy and I’m underlining the stuff that these imbeciles in Congress cut out. No such letter exists between he and Wythe. Why? Wythe has the Declaration. This is not in dispute.
Then on July the 27th, you want to talk about a mystery that needs to be unraveled. George Wythe signed the Declaration of Independence, if you don’t know. He also signed the Constitution. He was an eminent founding father in Virginia. Wythe sends Jefferson a letter back on 27July 1776. He sends a letter back to Jefferson and tells him that he has consulted with this mysterious, shady character that only goes by the name Mr. Bruce, and that Mr. Bruce was unable to find the papers that Jefferson wanted, but he hoped to obtain them before Jefferson arrived in August. Now, I’m reading this going: Why hasn’t anyone else questioned what in the wide, wide world of sports Wythe is talking about? Who is this Bruce character? Since I don’t rest until I solve a puzzle, I think I’ve discovered who the Bruce character is. This story just gets more mysterious and more, to me, exciting as I unravel this. If you just do a little deductive reasoning a la Sir Arthur Conan Doyle vis-à-vis Sherlock Holmes, you can fill in some of the gaps here. It’s not difficult to put together that what Wythe was told to do by Jefferson in a letter that was obviously destroyed was: Look, I am sending you the copy. You are the eminent statesman in Virginia. You’re the greatest lawyer around. I am entrusting this copy with you. I need you to procure paper that will stand the test of time. I need you to get someone to make printed copies of this.
You may say: Mike, why would he want Wythe to make printed copies? This is easy. This is the easiest part of the mystery. People seem to forget that on the 5th of July 1776, Thomas Jefferson and the other 55 cats that signed the Declaration were wanted for treason. They were pursued by the British Army. Some of them were captured. They pledged lives, fortunes, and sacred honor, right? What part of fortune would we be talking about here? Their papers and effects, especially if they were contraband, would have been confiscated, meaning had Jefferson been captured, what would they have done with his papers? They would have taken them. They probably would have burned them all. So Jefferson took the precaution to lift the original copy of the Declaration out of Philadelphia, sent it to Wythe, told Wythe to make copies of it. Wythe contacted this Mr. Bruce character and Mr. Bruce was in the process of doing so. Folks, this is huge news! This is earth shattering American history news! Why won’t CBS, ABC, NBC, Fox News, Breitbart, why won’t they cover this? This is all on my website, all footnoted, all documented. I can’t make the story any more clear but I’m not going to stop until I stockpile so much evidence that the world has to acknowledge that this chain of events is very likely to have occurred, if not we may be able to prove beyond a shadow of doubt that it has occurred.
That’s what’s going on with Ages of Independence. You can tell that I’m very excited about it because I actually think that I’ve stumbled onto something that is important. We may be able to tell our children: Look, that copy that Nicholas Cage steals in National Treasure, that’s not the Declaration. If you want to see the real original one, it is in a museum in New York. There ought to be lines out the door to view that thing, lines out the door.
End Mike Church Show Transcript
Written by: AbbyMcGinnis
ages of independence Declaration of Independence George Wythe patrick henry Thomas Jefferson
11:40 pm - 11:55 pm
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