Daily Clip

The Elimination Of Medicaid And Medicare

todayDecember 30, 2010 12


(Audio) Mandeville, LA – It must be ‘Free Phone Friday’ because we’ve got Gayle on the linefrom the center of Libtard hell, known as Connecticut, and she wouldlike some input on just what to do with Medicaid and Medicare. Have noLibtard fear, Mike Church is here: As far as Medicaid and Medicare isconcerned the States participate in it voluntarily, the FederalGovernment sets the guidelines, pay structures and orders the States toimplement it, which in turn creates a scheme where the Feds order theStates to spend money they don’t have causing the Federal Government toborrow the money to send to the States in block grants. So, what do wedo? Abolish it. Abolish it and tell the people you’re abolishing thescheme rather than the plan.

The elimination of it immediately puts a price tag on what it costsfor the Government to administer what is allegedly free charityhealthcare. The people would then revolt until the people in the Statessupporting this nonsense wouldn’t be elected forcing us to confront thedemon "Government spending does not work, the only way to maintain costis to make it market based, and have the faith based charitiestake over medical care again.

Mike Church Show|Clip of theDay|http://ftp://ftp.mikechurch.com:21//mikechurch.com/mikes_audio/COD/Nov_10/05112010_Clip_Of_The_Day.mp3

Related Material:Perhaps a bit more on the subject ofMedicare? Check out this from the archives of The Mike Church Show onSirius/XM Patriot Channel:

Did They Forget Who Created Medicare?

2010 Mike Church Show


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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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