
The Ice Age Cometh And The Nine Times Rule Says Its The Sun & Our Orbit Responsible

todayJuly 15, 2023 31


Mandeville, LA – Originally published on Dec 9, 2013. THIS POST IS NOW UPDATED AS 2018 BEGINS A NEW, LITTLE ICE AGE.

URGENT UPDATE – Please see: Gradual onset of the Maunder Minimum revealed by high-precision carbon-14 analyses.

Since 2010 I have been explaining and warning that the threat to humanity is not the Earth warming but from the Earth dramatically cooling as it does with such regularity you can set your geological watch to it. The science for this is simple and demonstrable: the cycles of the sun (very active to very inactive) when combined with Earth’s “rickety orbit” conspire to cause “little ice ages” and every 60k years or so BIG ice ages. The evidence now shows that Earth is entering its predicted cooling period and there’s nothing the UN or AlGore can do about it.

Accuweather reports on “little ice age” dawning.

Scientific studies show the cooling has begun and will progress for 30-35 years.

If the real climate outcomes follow a trend which approaches the near term forecasts of this working hypothesis, the divergence between the IPCC forecasts and those projected by this paper will be so large by 2021 as to make the current, supposedly actionable, level of confidence in the IPCC forecasts untenable.

The Ice Age Cometh.

Read The Nine Times Rule Pt I-IV for the science behind astronomically caused ice ages

Exclusive Transcript – Of course, the greens won’t be hysteric today because people are freezing.  You won’t be able to find a climate alarmist out there with a search warrant today, especially while people’s power is being knocked out in the Tennessee Valley and all the way across the Ohio River Valley today.  These people are in hiding.  I tell you where they ought to be.  They ought to be in witness protection programs is where they ought to be.”  Check out today’s transcript for the rest…

Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  Back to the climate news.  We find out, if you care to look at the information, that the planet warms and the planet cools.  There’s nothing to see here.  If you’re going to live on Earth, get used to it.  Like Denis Leary used to say, climate sucks, get a helmet.  It’s going to happen.  There’s nothing you can do about it, unless you care to excavate yourself a 200 million square anchored dome underneath the surface of the planet.  I don’t even know if that would do the trick, because then you’d have shifting tectonic plates.  The Earth is constantly changing.  I imagine it changes below the surface, too.

My point is this, and I make this every time this climate hysteria comes up.  Of course, the greens won’t be hysteric today because people are freezing to death.  You won’t be able to find a climate alarmist out there with a search warrant today, especially while people’s power is being knocked out in the Tennessee Valley and all the way across the Ohio River Valley today.  These people are in hiding.  You know what, they’re in hiding.  I tell you where they ought to be.  They ought to be in witness protection programs is where they ought to be.

Let me just make the point, and I’ll make it again and again and again.  We can deal with rising temperatures and rising water.  We just move.  [mocking] “But I live on the coast.”  Too bad.  Climate sucks, get a helmet.  It happens.  What you cannot deal with and what life in this biosphere cannot deal with is cold.  Stuff doesn’t grow in the cold.  This is not a surprise, not a shock to most sentient beings.  You may have noticed, ladies and gentlemen, that when the first frost comes around, lots of things that were green in your yard are now brown.  They’re dead.  Frost kills them.  If you’ve ever taken a trip north of the Hudson Bay, may have noticed that if you’re anywhere near winter, there’s not an awful lot of green.  There’s a little bit.  There are some trees that can survive the extreme cold, but very, very few, and they only survive inasmuch as they kind of go dormant and then bloom and blossom in the very short summer they have.

The point is and the point I make to people is, thank our Lord, thank God we live in what is known as an interglacial.  I’m going to share a little science with you this morning.  We live in an interglacial.  That means we are thankful and lucky to live in the time period between ice ages.  You don’t want to live on this planet in an ice age.  Let me rephrase that.  You don’t want to live above 40 degrees latitude during an ice age.  Let me rephrase that again.  You’re probably not going to be able to live above 40 degrees latitude in an ice age, maybe 50 degrees.

Related Material: Mike Church explains how ice ages happen using our “rickety orbit”. Read The Nine Times Rule Pt I-IV for the science behind astronomically caused ice ages

I’m going to quiz the two young whippersnappers up in the DC command center.  I’m going to ask a couple questions about recent meteorological history.  Boys, you’re going to be graded on this pop quiz.  Do you know how far south the last ice age ice sheet extended in North America?

Eric:  I know it was in Europe, so I’m going to guess Virginia.

Mike:  You’re about right.  The northern part of Arkansas in the last ice age, just on the other side of the Missouri border, Hardee, Arkansas, you can actually see where there were glaciers.  When it receded, it drags things with it.  You can actually see the path of where there was a glacier and how it receded.  Just think of Arkansas.  Arkansas is not exactly a deep South southern state.  It also is not what you would think is a northern state.  That’s how far south glaciers extended about 15,000 years ago before this interglacial, just to give you an example.

This would mean if you happen to live, all you highfaluting yahoos that live in New York City, you live in a place — you can see this in Central Park.  I’ve actually been to Central Park and I’ve witnessed this, and I’m sure many of you have, too.  Those ginormous boulders that are strewn about Central Park, and some of the ones that are precariously perched, has anyone ever explained to you New Yorkers how they got there?  How did they get there?  I’ll tell you how they got there.  They were dragged by a glacier as it receded.  They just happened to be perched, one on top of another, when the ice melted and voila, you’ve got balancing boulder.

My point is, folks, if we are descending into an ice age, and we’re just about due.  We may have another 1,000 years or so, let’s hope that’s the case.  I do not wish to be proven correct by existential evidence or by actual evidence and life experience of an ice age, let me put it to you that way.  If we are about to descend into an ice age, life as we know it on this planet will cease to exist.  It will be impossible for terrestrial life as we know it today to survive very far north of I’m going to say Pennsylvania.  That’s probably about as far north as you’ll be able to go because it’ll be covered with ice.  There won’t be anything to survive with.

End Mike Church Show Transcript

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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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