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The Mike Church Show-Radio Would Have Thwarted The Trump Assassination Attempt The KingDude
Audio Post Format TheKingDude
Twice now in 4 days ABC News has gone public with news that it could have corroborated and failed to do so, the reaction has been ho-hum which shows the line of demarcation between what news organizations claim is news and an uncaring public that must EXPECT IT (ABC) to be inferior – SAD
While most obsess over the Second Amendment and TRTKBA and minutia of gun control someone needs to ask WHAT & WHY some men are driven to these horrifically violent acts – Russell Kirk asked back in the 1990’s and his conclusions are of no solace to today’s video game culture
Andy McCArthy wants to know why “conservatives” should remain in the GOP if the GOP isn’t “conservative” anymore as 2012 shapes up to be an awful lot like 1856
Obama’s now infamous “You didn’t build that” video as he channels his inner Elizabeth Warren
Andy McCarthy wants to tell you the story of how Obama’s favorite entity-the Federal Gubbmint: actually tried to STOP the building of the Golden Gate Bridge
Flashback: Tom Woods demolishes the Warren/Obama argument that we OWE our success to Big Gubbmint
Flashback II: Robert Murphy was having none of Warren’s childish rant on the benefits of public works either
Now the fake “amateur athletic” mob & crime syndicate known as the NCAA purports to conduct their sports for the benefit of “abused children“. Will Indiana have to give back Titles for Bobby Knight’s temper tantrums? What about Ohio State and Woody Hayes’ famous antics “abusing players”?
Dumba*ses at the NY Slimes cannot figure out that the decline in “middle class wages” tracks nicely with the rise in government debt and expenditure
Rapper Ice-T loves his guns and understands what they are REALLY intended to bear against (that would be government tyranny)
Will Sally Ride be remembered because she was an amazing physicist who could pass the Shuttle’s physical flight test or because she “was the first woman in space” as our never-ending quest for “equality continues…
Our train arrives at Brokesville Station with new lows for employment, middle class wealth and now Treasury Securities
VIDEO: Why gold & silver coins are “god, sound, American money”! (from 1947)
Nuts: CNBC hacks still predict 20,000 DOW and believe in the long term viability of stocks
Obama’s global warming-anti industrialist czar-Lisa Jackson-ADMITS that the 1930’s were the hottest heatwave years on record!
Greenpeace co-founder says that we humans need to make MORE Co2-otherwise all plant life will die out and so will we
Written by: TheKingDude
ABC News Aurora shooting Elizabeth Warren Islam McCarthy Obama
todayAugust 28, 2024 114 1
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