
The Mike Church Show Episode 472 Podcast: The Devil Went Down To Texas

todayNovember 6, 2017 9


Mandeville, LA – The Demons Arrive In Texas, Claim Atheist’s Soul & 26 Others in 2017 Mass Shooting #2 – “What motivates men to commit acts of evil?” is a question every pundit is asking today but few have the conviction and courage to answer it: we live in a world created to spite The Creator, how else could it turn out? Devin Patrick Keely was a known atheist who boasted of his hatred of God on Facebook and alienated “friends” online.

Patrick Boyce, who attended New Braunfels High School with the killer, told DailyMail.com: ‘He had a kid or two, fairly normal, but kinda quiet and lately seemed depressed. ‘He was the first atheist I met. He went Air Force after high school, got discharged but I don’t know why. Nina Rose Nava, who went to school with the gunman, wrote on Facebook: ‘In (sic) in complete shock! I legit just deleted him off my fb cause I couldn’t stand his post.  ‘He was always talking about how people who believe in God we’re stupid and trying to preach his atheism’  Christopher Leo Longoria replied: ‘I removed him off FB for those same reasons! He was being super nagtive (sic) all the timd (sic).’

Just like the Las Vegas shooter, Kelly sought a closed environment, where carnage would be maximized, to execute his demonic plan. The fact that madmen have a growing disregard for human life meaning they have no regard for eternity and the soul, the direct result of a society purged of Christendom and the singular unity of Christian society. While the debate will rage over “gun rights” and the man who shot Kelly to bring his rampage to an end will be exalted as the reason why everyone should 2nd amendment pack, publicly, the ultimate cause will go un-discussed.

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Christopher Warshauer

Written by: Christopher Warshauer

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