
The Music We Listen To Contributes To Libs’ Assault On Culture And Tradition

todayMay 13, 2014 19


Only The Good Die Young

Anthology_Book_Cover_FEATUREDMandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Folks, this is sickness. This is a sickness.  It is a sickness of the soul.  It is a sickness that has now infected the body politic and it has infected almost every living soul in Western civilization.  I’m going to get to the story in a moment, but first I want to give you some anecdotal evidence of just how far from our very well-beaten and very well-documented and very productive — because it did produce good things — path we have fallen.  It has now become almost impossible to distinguish soft-core porn music from actual porn music.”  Check out today’s transcript for the rest…

Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  This story was originally posted at The Daily Sun newspaper in Great Britain.  Here’s the headline, “Three Lesbian Women ‘Marry’ Each Other, Claim to Be World’s First ‘Throuple’.”  Walter, what’s a throuple?  That’s a good question, what is a throuple?  Well, when you just confer the ability to make up your own moral codes and your own set of moral laws and what have you, this is what’s going to happen.  Again, if you think this is the end of it, this isn’t even close to being the end of it.  How depraved and promiscuous has the American society become when a story like this doesn’t even generate the hint that maybe something ought to be done about this.  And it won’t.  You know what it will generate, [mocking] “Well, we have to have open minds about these things.  These women have the right to experience love.”  Three of them?

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I suspect that three of them will now give way to four and five and six and pretty soon you’ll have a Brady Bunch.  Pretty soon you’ll have the old television show from the 1970s, eight is not enough.  As a matter of fact, if we wanted to have fun with this, we could just sit here for the rest of the day and say that now that polyamory is being foisted on our heads, just as some of us predicted it would be, we’re going to have to go back and change the titles and the stars of all the family-friendly television shows from the ‘60s, ‘70s, ‘80s and early ‘90s.  What will they be called now?  Eight Is Not Enough, that’s a good start, the Not-So-Odd Couple.  I could probably make a dozen of them up just thinking off the top of my head.

Folks, this is sickness. This is a sickness.  It is a sickness of the soul.  It is a sickness that has now infected the body politic and it has infected almost every living soul in Western civilization.  I’m going to get to the story in a moment, but first I want to give you 3_lesbian_marrysome anecdotal evidence of just how far from our very well-beaten and very well-documented and very productive — because it did produce good things — path we have fallen.  It has now become almost impossible to distinguish soft-core porn music from actual porn music.  Do you know why?  [mocking] “Mike, that doesn’t make any sense.”  Oh, yes, it does.  You cannot distinguish soft-core porn music from actual porn music because there is no distinction any longer.  The suggestiveness, the promiscuity, the depravity, the lust, the carnal knowledge is all built into almost every one of the songs most of us tap our feet to every day and don’t even notice it.

I have recently seen and have commiserated with people that I know that fancy themselves as — they’re not Catholics — what many of you call evangelicals, born-again Christians, whatever you want to denominate them.  It’s quite surprising to me that all of them are now devotees and have selected their favorites of who their favorite pop music stars are.  You can go to a restaurant today and it’s almost impossible to escape the soft-core pore.  Just recently here, in the last couple days, I had the chance to share some bread with one such individual, or I should say one such individual’s family and myself and my daughter.  I just notice these things.  I notice what it is that’s playing on the overhead speakers.  I can hear the soft-core porn coming out of the speakers, and then I can see everyone, regardless of sex, regardless of age or ought to know better, tapping feet, humming the rhythm, or even mouthing the lyrics back.  I just think to myself: You know what this is?  It’s so ubiquitous now that it’s inescapable.  It doesn’t even appear to be aberrant any longer, but boy, it’s aberrant.  It is aberrant, the suggestiveness in almost all of what is called pop music today is repulsive.

I was thinking about this today.  Some of you are going to go, [mocking] “That’s it, Church, I’m never listening to you again, you prude.  You gotta get out there and have some fun, boy.”  I was thinking about this.  During this particular restaurant encounter, I went to the bathroom.  You can’t even escape this in the bathroom.  I’m in the bathroom and this stuff is piped into the bathroom now.  So they start playing an old Billy Joel song, a song that I probably have sung a couple hundred times, shame on me.  I won’t sing it anymore.  As it comes on, I find myself almost entrapped because it just seems so natural to do so, to sing the lyric that goes with the song “Only the Good Die Young,” which I’m sure many of you have CD recordings of, many of you have on your iPods and you think: That’s a great song.  That’s great lyrics.


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Think about what is being said.  Just to give one example of this, just to show you how innocuous this is today, but it is patently offensive and it is patently aberrant.  Just think about what’s contained in that song.  “I’d rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints.”  Why in heaven’s name wouldn’t you want to cry with the saints or laugh with the saints, as if the saints have never had a moment of laughter?  It dawns on me, as you think about this: What is the purpose or the reason why there are these figures that throughout history have become saints?  There’s not a one of you listening to this broadcast right now that in any small town or large town in the United States can’t drive to any street corner and find me and call me, as you’re sitting in front of it, from some church that is named after whom?  St. Michael, St. Anthony, St. Athanasius, St. Catherine, St. Agnes, there are hundreds of them.  [mocking] “Mike, what’s the point?”  How did they become saints?  There’s actually a code, a test.  They have to meet certain qualifications — St. Thomas, St. Augustine.

It’s easy to look at it this way.  If you’re going to pursue your life of any sort of faith whatsoever, why are your pursuing it?  [mocking] “It makes you a better person.”  Really?  Okay.  So you can be a half good person or quarter good person or one-eighth or one-sixteenth good person?  I don’t know, maybe you can just be a little bit.  Maybe you could just have good person thoughts, right?  What’s a good person thought?  I don’t know.  Aren’t we free to determine what that is?  Sure we are.  We determine everything else, why not that?  Here’s an analogy for you.


If there’s a horrible sickness out there, say Alzheimer’s, and if you knew that there was a cure for Alzheimer’s and you knew lots of people that were suffering Alzheimer’s, would you vend or render the cure to those suffering the Alzheimer’s?  I think the answer Devil_Inside_the_Beltway_frontcoverto the question is: Of course you would!  It’s a horrible disease.  It debilitates the body.  It totally eviscerates the mind, makes the human condition a thing of horror and the person that’s suffering it a subject of pity.  Why wouldn’t you?

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If you had a cure for a sick soul, would you administer it?  [mocking] “Come on, that’s a loaded question, of course you would.”  All right, well, what’s the cure for a sick soul?  Here’s the short answer: Pursue sainthood.  We’re not all going to become saints.  No one is under the delusion that we’re all going to become saints.  I said pursue sainthood.  One of the things that you would do is, if you were in pursuit of sainthood, I don’t think you would mock the saints.  I think if you were trying to avoid the fiery pit of hell, you wouldn’t want to be laughing and yucking it up with the sinners instead of crying with the saints.  It’s just one example.  I don’t mean to bludgeon anybody that listened to that song last night and remembered how cool it was back in the ‘70s.  This culture, this society that we live in, that doesn’t take any offense or that few take any offense at any of these displays of morally-deprived and aberrant behavior, you’re going to create the following.


End Mike Church Show Transcript

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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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