
The Power Is With The People But We Have To Reclaim It First

todayJune 27, 2013 9


Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Franklin, you have swallowed whole, my friend, the red versus blue, right versus left, liberal versus conservative, Republican versus Democrat propaganda.  It is nothing more than propaganda, my friend.  They’re all equally corrupt.  They are all equally and dispassionately involved in the redistribution of mammoth amounts of money that does not belong to them.  They all routinely violate their oaths of office.  They all routinely skirt morality and skirt ethics in doing so by violating their oaths.  Check out today’s transcript for the rest…


Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  Franklin in Tennessee is next on The Mike Church Show.  Hello, Franklin.

Caller Franklin:  Good morning, Mike.  Thanks for taking my phone call.  I need to let the listeners know that I live in Tennessee, a lifelong resident.  I was present at a Tennessee Supreme Court dinner where Lamar Alexander spoke a few years back.  Of course, Lamar Alexander is the senator that’s kind of doing the work at the left and bringing out the Internet sales tax.  Your listeners also need to know that the word on the street in Tennessee is that it was Governor Haslam that had him bring this up to be able to get more tax revenue for the State of Tennessee.


Mike:  Oh, he did?

Caller Franklin:  Yes.

Mike:  That’s not the word on the streets.  I’ve read that in print in several places.

Caller Franklin:  Well, Lamar Alexander and Bob Corker both run as Republicans in the State of Tennessee, but both are Democrats.  You remember Scott Brown, Massachusetts —

Mike Church Show Transcript – Thomas Jefferson’s Inaugural Speech

Mike:  Scott Brown was gonna do it.  I remember Scott Brown.  [mocking] “He’s gonna do it.  You just wait and see.”

Caller Franklin:  Remember Scott Brown used to drive around in an old beat-up pickup truck and wear a flannel shirt and he was among the people?

Mike:  Yes.

article-v-pamphlet-adCaller Franklin:  Guess who did that back in the ‘70s?  Lamar Alexander when he was running for governor.  This is all theater.  This is all political sway.  Lamar Alexander has been a dinosaur within the establishment Republican entrenchment there, if you will.  They are no longer the face of the Republican Party, Rand Paul, Mike Lee, folks like that.  It’s very serious and they need to realize what’s going on.  The role of government is to control the people.  The role of the people is to control the government.  Right now, the government is winning.  No one will run against Lamar Alexander.  He’s too entrenched and has too much money.  Somebody needs to step up in the State of Tennessee and defeat this Democrat who always runs as a Republican.  We had to pull him across the finish line kicking and screaming to vote against the Second Amendment gun grab takeover that they just brought up.  He’s unreliable as far as a conservative.

Bob Corker is even worse, playing golf with the president, going to dinner.  These guys try to ride the fence.  They try to not rock the boat.  They try to go along to get along.  My point about this dinner, the Supreme Court dinner, was his whole talk was about the day that he became sworn in as governor, the youngest governor in the State of Tennessee, and how Democrats and Republicans worked together to swear in the governor in the middle of the night to be able to basically stop and I guess arrest the former governor from writing all these illegal, what do you call it when you get the prisoners out of jail, a get-out-of-jail card.

Mike Church Show Transcript – Patrick Henry – Why did they say “We the People”?

Mike:  Pardons.

Caller Franklin:  The governor was writing all these political pardons to his cronies and buddies.  While that might be good that Democrats and Republicans have been known to work together from time to time, the problem is today’s Democrats are actually communists and everybody knows that.  The Republicans are now today’s JFK Democrats.  Lamar Alexander is one of those Democrats.

Mike:  So it’s a war.  Franklin, you have swallowed whole, my friend, the red versus blue, right versus left, liberal versus conservative, Republican versus Democrat propaganda.  It is nothing more than propaganda, my friend.  They’re all equally corrupt.  They are all equally and dispassionately involved in the redistribution of mammoth amounts of money that does not belong to them.  They all routinely violate their oaths of office.  They all routinely skirt morality and skirt ethics in doing so by violating their oaths.  I don’t know how you draw these distinctions between these saints and angels that are out there that occasionally vote the correct way on legislation that shouldn’t be in front of a body to start with.

magnificent samIf you want to look at where the problem is, like George Carlin said, the problem is you.  Look in the mirror.  The problem is us.  We are the problem.  We are the amoral louts that continue to act in amoral or exhibit boorish and amoral behavior.  Where are the statesmen among us?  Did anyone stand up and say at any time during — I don’t know, maybe Rand Paul or Mike Lee did.  If they did, I missed it.  Did anyone stand up during the entire debate over this awful, absolutely awful, constitutional travesty of a bill called the Marketplace Fairness Act, did anyone stand up and say: We really don’t have the authority to do this, and if we have any authority at all, what we ought to be doing is abolishing and getting rid of as many tentacles as we can that already confiscate the meager amount of wages that most Americans have in their pockets or are able to earn.  All of sales taxes are all on the books because of the rapacious appetite of government to go out and spend money that they don’t have, to solve problems they never should have been charged to solve to start with.

Mike Church Show Transcript – American Government Created to Secure Liberty

Of course, just like with community policing, you have to get back to community politicking.  We’re not allowed to do that because we have nine bandits in black robes called the Supreme Court that claim to have authority over every living material and spiritual affair in the entire lane.  You‘re not thinking about the problem in the correct way, in other words, my friend.  Think about the problem in terms of how do you deal with your issues and the things you care about and the things that directly affect you and your community without having to get a permission slip from Lamar Alexander and his gang, whether they are in the United States Senate, whether they are in the House of Representin’, or whether they are the governor of your fine state.  That’s the challenge.

End Mike Church Show Transcript

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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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  1. Chuck Griffiths on July 1, 2013

    Dear God, I am sick to death of hearing what the problems are. I know what the problems are. I live with them every day. I need SOLUTIONS!!!!
