
The WarFare State Now Owns Conservatism Inc. – “Gross” Net Neutrality – The Mike Church Show

todayNovember 30, 2017 4


Mandeville, LA – How The Current “Net Neutrality” Actually Helps Make The Monopolies That Will Do What Opponents Fear – I continue my study into the complex issue that is “net neutrality” and what the December 14th vote on the new “rules” actually does and actually means. Robert Tracinski, in doing yeoman’s service to this task, reminds us that once the internet had actual “neutrality” and that’s how it flourished and boomed.

“That’s why we should be thrilled to see Internet service providers contemplating “Internet fast lanes” to charge extra for massive data users like Netflix. This would set off a gold rush of investment in infrastructure and innovation that would eventually bring us all much high data transmission speeds. That’s what the actual history of the Internet shows.”

I’m still studying but it seems to me that what we have now ARE monopolies (believe me I deal with them daily) and what is needed are NO monopolies. Again, the CRUSADE Channle has a HUGE stake in getting this right, I invite your comments and submissions on this post, below.

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Christopher Warshauer

Written by: Christopher Warshauer

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