
The Worst Movie Ever – “Mall” Might Also Be the Best, IF This Is The Bottom

todayMay 29, 2015 16


A Visual View Of Our American Sodom And Gomorrah

FAMILY FRIENDLY! The NEW Founding Father Films Compleat set delivers an entire DAY'S worth of  family friendly, Founding Father themed entertainment
FAMILY FRIENDLY! The NEW Founding Father Films Compleat set delivers an entire DAY’S worth of family friendly, Founding Father themed entertainment

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript“It is the most shockingly offensive and detestable piece of film I have ever seen, as it applies to our culture and the people that we live alongside, and the children that we have raised.  It is absolutely beyond reproach the worst film ever made, but it may be the best film ever made.  If this is the bottom and the film Mall is representative of the bottom, then there is really no place to go but upward.  It can’t get any worse than this.  That’s saying an awful lot because there are some horrid excuses for filmmaking out there.”  Check out today’s transcript for the rest….

Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  I did watch some movies this weekend.  When we talk about our moral decay, our collective moral decay as a civilization and as a society, I have a suggestion.  My suggestion is that if you want to see it, and if you want to see everything that is wrong with the state of American culture, if you want to see – I mean that in the sense that you will see with your eyes, with the organs called eyes, and then hear with your ears.  If you want to see and hear everything that is wrong with our culture today, if you can even call it that, this septic tank that is our culture today – only one of you should do this in your household.  Or you can just take my word for it.  There’s a 2013 film called Mall.  It is the most shockingly offensive and detestable piece of film I have ever seen, as it applies to our culture and the people that we live alongside, and the children that we have raised.  It is absolutely beyond reproach the worst film ever made, but it may be the best film ever made.  If this is the bottom and the film Mall is representative of the bottom, then there is really no place to go but upward.  It can’t get any worse than this.  That’s saying an awful lot because there are some horrid excuses for filmmaking out there.

After my brain and my intellect was bludgeoned – some of you are probably going: Why’d you watch it then?  Well, I don’t really recall why I threw it into the Netflix queue.  When I started watching it, about 30 times I wanted to turn it off.  Then I decided that I would just power on through so that mall_movieI could warn everyone else about this.  Then I began to think: Why warn people about this?  If you want to see – I mean this in all sincerity.  There is nothing that I could show you or nothing that I have seen or have listened to or read that is a better representation of the state of our culture than this film, Mall.  We should look at it with shame.  [mocking] “What about free speech?”  What about free speech?  If you’re free to speak like this, you haven’t earned free speech.  As a society, we should all have our mouths stitched shut by Almighty God.

Again, I could say it’s the worst or I could say it’s the best.  It could reveal, if you dare, or if you wish your senses to be offended, it could reveal to you all that is wrong, from the language to the sex to the behavior.  It’s about a cop-killing serial killer, by the bye.  Those of you that are police officers will find this even more offensive.  You’ll also find the lack of remorse and the over – this is the overarching theme of the entire work, that there really is nothing to atone for, including death itself.  Our existence and our ability to be able to ignore every moral prohibition that has ever been learned by man is the theme of the film.  Again, it shows a state of depravity that is shameful.

I read one review and this was even more shocking.  I read a review written by a guy at Forbes Magazine, of all places, who actually said that he hoped there would be more films like Mall made.  I had to wonder afterwards whether or not he had actually watched it.  You would be better off by saying you wish there would be more Sodom and Gomorrah John Martin, 1854murder and that there would be more widespread acceptance of murder.  We already are halfway there anyways.  We accept murder when it’s perpetrated against unborn children or soon-to-be-born children.  We accept murder when it is perpetrated at the insistence of our government and is visited upon civilians in our undeclared wars.  Why not accept other forms of murder?  We accept murder when it is performed by a physician in the State of Washington.

Folks, this is where we are.  This is where we are.  It doesn’t get any worse than this.  It can’t get any worse than this.  But I wonder, where is the shame?  Where is the shame?  A society that is not capable of expressing remorse and shame that its “artists” can produce such depravity, shocking depravity – how much longer do we have to correct and make a course correction?  That’s a fair question.  My suggestion is: take my word for it.  Whatever you do, don’t view the film.  Wonder about the civilization that created it as entertainment.  It’s a cop-killing movie presented as entertainment.

The children in the movie do not know that they should be remorseful and sad at the death, the murder of police officers.  The children in the movie do not know that they should be saddened and shamed by having extramarital sex with married people.  The children in the movie do not know that they should be ashamed and remorseful for the language that they use, for the hatred they express to other children.  The fact that this was written, filmed, and then produced and people lent their names to this is shocking.  It should be shocking.  We have lost the ability as a people, or too many of us have lost the ability, for shame, to hang our heads in shame and disgust.  Again, if this is the bottom, if we can’t correct course from here, where can, when do you correct course?  Do you correct course?  Put another way, we’re all Irish now.

End Mike Church Show Transcript

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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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  1. wynotme307 on May 31, 2015

    I’ll trust your word. I won’t watch it. I saw enough disqusting behavior in the parking lot of the truck stop, and on the CB Radio. I have been fed up with “humanity” for a long time. I am now home with my Godly wife, and keep in touch with my Christian Children.
    One of them recently said, “hold out you hands, shoulder width apart. That is the normally accepted societal barriers. Move the left and as far as you can reach. That is the extent that is present today as societal deviancy. Extend your right hand as far as it will go. That represents how far the entertainment industry want to take you into immorality.” I think my child knows where she stands. Her bowling America is excellent.
