Founders Television

Third Parties A Crowd

todaySeptember 12, 2012 4

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    Third Parties A Crowd ClintStroman

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    Third Parties A Crowd ClintStroman


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    Third Parties A Crowd ClintStroman

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Audio and Video – In the 1852 presidential election, there were SIX parties, on the ticket, that you could vote for.  Now, there’s only two… and good luck getting a third party on the ballot as one of the other two parties will use their power and money to make sure they aren’t.  And what’s the difference between the two parties? The capitalization of the letters: Big D and big R. Listen to more about the two party system we’ve backed ourselves into a corner with on the [r]epublican radio podcast.  If you have a Founder’s Pass you can listen to the entire show where we also discuss the possibility of the credit rating being downgraded and of course, This Day in Founders History.  If you don’t have a Founders Pass, sign up now!

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Written by: ClintStroman

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