This Day in Founder's History

This Day In Founders History – 12 November

todayNovember 12, 2012 13


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    This Day In Founders History – 12 November AbbyMcGinnis


This Day In Founders History – 12 November

On this day in 1776, North Carolina’s Fifth Provincial Congress is in session for its first day, with 169 delegates. They met until December 23. A committee of eight was chosen to draw up the first North Carolina Constitution and a Declaration of Rights. Richard Caswell was elected as acting governor.

In 1775 on this day, Abigail Adams wrote to her husband, John Adams, after King George refused the Americans’ Olive Branch Petition: “Let us separate, they are unworthy to be our Breathren. Let us renounce them and instead of suplications as formorly for their prosperity and happiness, Let us beseach the almighty to blast their counsels and bring to Nought all their devices.”


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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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