This Day in Founder's History

This Day In Founding Fathers History – 19 March

todayMarch 19, 2014 19


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    This Day In Founding Fathers History – 19 March AbbyMcGinnis


This Day In Founding Fathers History – 19 March

On this day in 1788, Federalist No. 72 was published. It was titled, “The Same Subject Continued, and Re-Eligibility of the Executive Considered,” authored by Alexander Hamilton 1

Elias HicksOne notable birthday on this day in 1748, that of Elias Hicks. Elias’s grandfather was Robert Hicks, who arrived in Plymouth, Massachusetts in 1622, and son of John Hicks, who was one of the founders of Hempstead, Long Island. Elias was a Quaker preacher and traveled all around the country, though he and others like him had religious views at odds with traditional Quaker beliefs, earning them the name Hicksites. Hicks was also an early leader in the anti-slavery movement, preaching “We are not better for being white, than other for being black.” He boycotted products of slavery and refused to use rice, sugar or cotton, and he encouraged his followers to do the same. 2

Thomas McKeanAnother birthday on this day in 1734, that of Thomas McKean. McKean was born in Pennsylvania, studied law, and quickly became very active in politics. McKean was a member of the Stamp Act Congress, signed the Declaration of Independence, served as the second president of the Continental Congress, was a member of the Delaware Assembly, Chief Justice of Pennsylvania and Governor of Pennsylvania. 3

And one more birthday on this day in 1590, that of William Bradford. Bradford was the leader of a group of English Separatist settlers at Plymouth Colony. He served as governor for over three decades. Bradford’s journal was published under the title Of Plymouth Plantation and is one of the best sources chronicling the settling of and life at Plymouth. 4

1 “The Federalist No. 72, The Same Subject Continued, and Re-Eligibility of the Executive Considered,”

2 “Elias Hicks, Quaker Preacher,”
3 “Thomas McKean,” Penn Biographies, Penn University Archives & Records Center,
4 “William Bradford (Plymouth Colony Governor),” Wikipedia

William Bradford

Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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