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The Mike Church Show-Radio Would Have Thwarted The Trump Assassination Attempt The KingDude
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“Abortion is the Antichrist’s demonic parody of the eucharist. That’s why it uses the same holy words, ‘This is my body,’ with the blasphemous opposite meaning.” – Peter Kreeft
Listen To Yesterday’s Mike Church Show on The CRUSADE Channel | Listen To The Mike Church Radio Show-LIVE! M-F 6:00-10:00am CST
Today Is: Classic Movie Day and National Barbecue Day!
Have We Reached Peak Sodomite? No Because We Haven’t Admitted Our Porn Addiction
Life Seen Through The Lens of An Actual Camera Is So Beautiful Not Even “Leftards” Can Screw It Up
Archer Confirms That The Big Guy Was “The Brand” Hunter Biden Was Selling Foreigners
We Went To The Moon Because It Was Hard To Do
We ‘Muricans Have A Great Origin Story That We Stopped Telling
How Catholic Community Is Supposed To Work With
Backwater Foie Gras’ Ross McKnight
Told Ya So: PizzaGate Is Real & The Wall Street Journal Is Confirming It
Are New UFO Reveals A Reverse Deception Or The Real Deal?
Georgia Judge Throws Out All Charges Against Trump Related TO Infamous Phone Call – Told Ya So! The now infamous phone call between Trump, Brian Kemp and Brad Raffensberger has been thrown out of Fani Willis’s case against Trump!
BILL TO BAN TIKTOK IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL TROJAN HORSE – Well, the 1st Amendment DOES SAY “CONGRESS shall make no law … or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press.” This is a Congressional Bill, so, this should be a non-starter. BTW (I ask) Rep. Thomas Massie, is this a back door to a form of “Net Neutrality”?!
WATCH TRUMP ACCEPTS GOP NOMINATION – Watch Trump promise to swab the decks with hateful Joe’s war on the American people. Trump becomes first Republican in history to receive the GOP Nomination for President 3 times!
WHAT MY STATE REPRESENTATIVE SHOULD SOUND AND ACT LIKE – Rep Adam Morgan of South Carolina tells another Rep that he doesn’t care what Dept. of Commerce bureaucrats say, he represents the people of HIS DISTRICT not bureaucracies and their epic-failer “experts”!
FOOD PRICES STILL SURGING! – Food prices are KILLING RESTAURANTS and some are now dealing with it by “dynamic pricing” which is a fancy way of saying you pay “market-price” for most dishes not menu-price!
TOLD YA SO: BUTTIGIEG IS A GROOMER – WATCH the Babadook’s “husband” lead pre-pubescent teenage boys in a “Pledge to the Pride Flag” oath to become good little homosexuals. This is what millstones were made for, folks.
A SAVAGE NATION – WARNING!!! Watch the barbaric beating of a white teenage girl by a black girl who then drives the girl’s head into the concrete while wildly screaming out “bitch….bitch!”. THIS is what the Leftard Welfare State and a complete absence of men as fathers has created, folks.
VOTING IS LIKE MOUNTAIN CLIMBING? – WATCH: Oh the HORRORS & STRUGGLE of making your way to a polling station and casting a vote. Merrick “Scarecrow” Garland makes registering to vote sound like scaling K-2. After “reparations”, Demoncrats will approve “combat pay” for blacks who vote.
DELUDED DEMONCRATS NEED RUBBER ROOMS – There’s a new book out called “White Rural Rage” that purports to show that ALL of middle-class white ‘Muricah is on a perpetual military style campaign that goes in search of then destroys all blacks and homosexuals they encounter. Kylee Griswold says these white not only aren’t the problem but that they don’t exist but DEMONCRATS DO!
NATHAN WADE WASN’T GOOD AT LAW – WATCH POTUS 45 tell his supporters at a campaign event that Wade wasn’t good at law, but he was good at something else with Fani WIllis.
Watch, maniac 22 year old, Monte Henderson, mow down at 70+mph Mom and Daughter on St Louis street as they peacefully crossed. Henderson’s attorney calls him “fine, upstanding young man” as he is released on bond!? @elonmusk
— Mike “The KingDude” Church, Radio Talk Show Host (@TheKingDude) February 26, 2024
Sorry Geico Gecko, Your Grandpappy Is Just A Cave Painting
From my Twittah…
MORE PROOF EVOLUTION IS A FRAUD. An article at todays @WSJ shows that the lizard fossil claimed to be “billions” of years old was actually painted on a cave wall in the 1950’s, destroying the claim that Tridentinosaurus was the grandpappy of the GEICO gecko.
“[Dr.] Rossi said…— Mike “The KingDude” Church, Radio Talk Show Host (@TheKingDude) February 16, 2024
Zelensky’s Stalingrad Moment – The Defense of Avdeevka Collapses
An author I follow on Substack, Demosthenes The Younger, has an EXCELLENT write up on the defeat of Zelensky’s army in Avdeevka:
“As subscribers to my Substack, you are well aware that when conventional military operations break down, it is not a slow decay. Rather, it is catastrophic. Today, Russian forces effectively cut Avdeevka in half trapping anywhere from 3,000-5,000 Ukrainian troops. Despite claims that the city is only symbolic and holds no military significance, the truth couldn’t be farther from those claims. Avdeevka has been the cornerstone of Ukrainian attacks against Donetsk for roughly nine years and was known to be the most fortified defensive position in Ukraine. Well, it was. Today, after a string of brilliant and hard-fought breakthroughs, Russia has trapped a large chunk of Zelensky’s army while the rest are beginning a dangerous retreat to the West. Only the early spring mud may save them from their pursuers, but the reprieve will be at best temporary. The war has now shifted decisively in favor of Russia. This has become Zelensky’s Stalingrad Moment.”
Obama & Biden Were Behind The Russia, Russia, Russia Hoax, JUST As I Told You!
Michael Shelleberger and Matt Taibbi have released a STUNNING REPORT on their Substack called PUBLIC, that details how, in 2016, the FBI & CIA set up 26 Trump Associates to be “bumped”. Bumping is what was done to the men accused of plotting to assassinate Michigan Governor Gretchen DIMWITmer. From the report:
One of the main motivations of the various individuals involved in the Russia collusion hoax appears to have been to create a cloud of suspicion over Trump.
For example, evidence suggests that the head of security for the Senate Intelligence Committee, James Wolfe, leaked information about the existence of the FISA warrant, which claimed Page was an “agent of a foreign power,” to the Washington Post, in 2017. It was a crucial episode in creating the false perception that the Trump campaign had conspired with the Russian government.
Told about the HPSCI report, Papadopoulos told Public and Racket, “There are so many unanswered questions that the investigations kept covered up…I do believe that the operation will be declassified, should Trump get re-elected, which is why his second term represents an existential threat to the intelligence agencies.”
I have been telling you since 2019 that there was a meeting in the Oval Office, in January 2016, where this plot was hatched. In the meeting were Obama, Biden, Victoria Nuland and a Ukrainian diplomat stationed in Washington.
Gavin Newsommabad is ‘Muricah’s Trudeau. A pervert; a pervert lover and a lying sociopath. File this under “Things That Never Happened, for a thousand, Alex”.
— Mike “The KingDude” Church, Radio Talk Show Host (@TheKingDude) February 14, 2024
‘Cash in Envelopes’: How the US and UN Are Funding the Border Crisis – If you wondered how the Chinese were sending their spies, criminals and dregs of society to to sneak into the U.S., wonder no more: we PAID them to do it.
THE $60 BILLION GREAT PAIN ROBBERY – Watch Senator Rand Paul decry this most audacious and atrocius giveaway of $60 BILLION to Ukraine amidst champagne corks pooping in Mordor on The Potomac..
WATCH TUCKER CARLSON & SENATOR JD VANCE – Explain that the bill just voted out of the Senate contains provisions that forbid Trump from cutting the 2025 & 2026 funding for the Ukraine Was which is patently unconstitutional.
THE SECOND AMENDMENT SAVED LIVES IN OSTEEN’S CHURCH – The deranged tranny, Houston, TX shooter was taken out before she could kill by HPD officers working a private detail at the church. She/He was carrying enough firepower to murder dozens of people but the heroics of 2 men saved lives!
“NOW GO, AND GAY NO MORE” – The “He Gets Us” ad campaigns that supposedly are “pro-Jesus” are abominations and the Super Bowl ad that showed a homosexual and an abortion seeker having their feet washed is the worst yet..
MAYORKAS SAYS THE BORDER CAN’T BE GUARDED – Fresh from escaping impeachment, DHS Secretray Alejandro Mayorkas tells Meet The Handcheck Press that the Biden Regime “…does not bear responsibility” for fixing Trump’s border.
“CITIZEN!!” YOU WILL ADOPT AN ILLEGAL ALIEN FAMILY “CITIZEN!!” – So the libs create a humanitarian crisis for the the ACTUAL citizens of Boston then guilt trip the same citizens into “adopting” criminal trespassers. Can’t wait for the followup reports of citizens being moved to homeless shelters & pawn shops making record profits.
“Schumer’s public temper tantrums yesterday show just how desperate the Libtard, demonic Left has become after failing to do away with Trump & his MAGA army!” –Mike Church on today’s Mike Church Show
WATCH: THE COMING OZEMPIC EPIDEMIC – I’ve been talking about this for months now comes Calley Means with Tucker Carlson to spill the beans on Big Pharma & Big Media’s collusion.
WATCH SCHUMER BLACKMAIL YOU FOR YOUR SONS – I have never liked Senator Chuck Schumer and his evil doesn’t disappoint but THIS VIEDO is his most vicious yet as he basically demands every ‘Murican adopt an illegal alien criminal or he’ll draft your sons & send them to die in a war with Russia.
Watch: #NayibBukele rally the military of El Salvador for God & Country. Would ‘Muricans elect a man like this governor… #POTUS!? We should!
“We have been in this war against gangs for 8 months. Thank God we are already winning. This is a very surprising victory that is close…— Mike “The KingDude” Church, Radio Talk Show Host (@TheKingDude) February 6, 2024
CAN WE DRAFT EL SALVADOR’S PRESIDENT? – Nayib Bukele has done to EL Salvador what President Trump is promising to do to ‘Muricah. Watch this video of him addressing El Salvador’s military as he rallies them to save their country for God and Family!
MIKE LEE SAYS NOT “NO, BUT HELL NO”! – Schmuckles Schumer and Mitchard McConnell have been brewing up a “border repair” bill in the bowels of the Senate’s basement that pledges over $200 BILLION to fix: Ukraines & Israel’s borders and fund their wars while throwing table scraps at the USMC and OUR southern border, Senator Mike Lee says “Hell no!
TO BOMB OR NOT TO BOMB!? – This morning the media members of the War Party are practically giddy as they watch “B roll” of missiles blasting off from ‘Murican battleships and ground bases that were flung at 100 targets in Iraq & Syria as we “retaliated” for the bombing of a U.S. base in Jordan but as Col Douglas Macgregor points out, our bombing raids almost always produce blowback that necessitates more bombing.
HER BROWNSHIP WRITES HER OWN FAN MAIL!? -Nikki Hayley is so desperate for endorsements and public approval that someone in her campaign wrote and then sent “fan mail” to her Twitter account. Here’s my response
“The War Party has everything in place to start a shooting war with Iran, we should pray that God intervenes and stops this lethal insanity & instead returns our troops home!” -Mike Church on today’s Mike Church Show
BIDEN CLAIMED TRUMP WOULD START WAR HE IS STARTING IN IRAN – Watch the Wannabe Regime Leader, in 2020, claim that Trump was going to get us into a Mid-East war with…wait for it…The Iranians!
YOU’LL FREEZE TO DEATH BUT “SAVE THE WORLD”! – Biden’s new war on Nattural Gas won’t save the planet, won’t fight “climate change”, won’t lower the global thermostat by a nano degree but it will sure as hell price you out of natural gas appliances!
IF AT FIRST YOU DON’T SECEDE… – The crisis on the Southern border with Mexico, and it is a crisis, shows what I have been telling you for 2 decades, folks: it’s time to Rethink The ‘Murican Union for the 21st Century; here’s one suggestion on how to start that process.
“The campaign of Donald John Trump (Don John of Mar-a-Lago) left no doubt in the minds of the pinko-commie Left: They will have to face him at the polls and beyond and he’s planning to erase their blight from history!” –Mike Church on today’s Mike Church Show
IF YOU MAGA’S MAKE FUN OF CONGRESS WE’LL HUNT YOU DOWN! – Re. Frederica Wilson has a penchant for wearing gaudy hats and demagoguing the latest Biden/Pelosi assault on average ‘Muricans. Rep. Wilson now says she will lead a campaign to have her detractors who “make fun of” Congress critters, thrown in jail! Watch the madness here.
BUY A SLINGSHOT, MAGA MOM, GO TO J-6 JAIL! – We are now learning the details of the FBI’s witchhunt for the MAGA faithful who bought Bibles or slinghshots in the month before January 6th, 2021. Joy Pullman confesses she bought a Bible AND a slingshot and wonders when Biden’s goons will show up to arrest her.
RFK JR IS MORE POPULAR THAN BIDEN & TRUMP – Gallup has a new survey that shows the favorability of the top 10 Presidential Candidates. RFJ Jr. Comes in most likable but guess who comes in second!?
WATCH: JOY REID SUFFERING A MAJOR TDS MOMENT.. YES! – She accuses Iowa’s “white Christians” of using #Trump2024 to take things from minorities to “give it to them”. Oh, you mean a sheriff that returns stolen goods to their rightful owners from the racist mob that stole them!? CORRECT!
TRUMP: “I’M STILL STANDIN'”! -Like Elton John’s song “I’m Still Standin’ After All This Time”, Don John of Mar-A-Lago proved what some of us have been saying for a year: there IS NO CONTEST for the GOP Nomination so let’s end this and concentrate on retiring Creepy Joe to Shady Acres once and for all!.
VIVEK RAMASWAMY PACKS IT IN! – With class & dignity, suspends his campaign. I hope he remains a retorical force because I love listening to the man bag on the demoncrats & their satanic schemes!
NBC NEWS DECLARES THE DEEP STATE MUST STOP TRUMP! -The news outlet assembled the U.S. most guilty Deep Staters to detail their plans to STOP TRUMP before he returns to DC. They are in full panic mode!
NO, IT ONLY HURTS LIKE A DEPRESSION -The WSJ declares that Bidenomics is working BUT there’s a “recession looming” that’s not really a recession, it only feels like one.
FAA ADMITS IT PLANS TO HIRE “DISABLED” TO WORK ATC! -Elon Musk asked someone in aviation if this was true and he was told “yes, and its horrifying”. The FAA, according to a blockbuster NY Post story says it plans to use DEI scores to hire Air Traffic Controllers! Folks, you are no longer “safe to move about the country”.
“Back in 2015, the Saudi Arabians, armed by the Obama Regime, carpet bombed the poor people of Yemen LITERALLY back to the stone-ages causing the largest cholera epidemic in modern history killing over 150,000 Yemenis. Now the Yemenis, some of the poorest people on Earth thanks to us, stuck between the evil, orthodox muslim House of Saud and the Iranians, get carpet bombed by Biden and the Brits.” – Mike Church on today’s Mike Church Show
DR. SCARF VADER: HIV CREATED COVID! – “Dr.” Debra Birx, ‘membah her from those press conferences with Fauci during the early days of The CoronaDoom™, is now out promoting the ludicrous charge that HIV is what caused “covid” and is responsible for the “new covid” the Regime’s lockdown pimps are promoting. See for yourself.
MARJORIE TAYLOR GREEN STRIKES BACK – MTG has asked GA Governor Brian Kemp to open an immediate investigation into Fulton County DA and chief Trump Persecutor, Fani Willis, for blatant and egregious corruption. What did she do? Funneled over $700k to an unqualified but really good looking young attorney to help persecute Trump. Read all about it, here!
TRUMP: “THE WOMAN SUFFERS FROM TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME – Trumps’ trial in Manhattan has concluded as Trump awaits Judge “Eng-moron’s” (emphasis mine) final veerdict. In the post trial presser, Trump in rarest of forms tells the world what he thinks of Laetitia James, his NYC persecutor. Watch, it’s epic!
The WSJ Editors give the details on what the Johnson Congress’s deal with Demoncrats actually entails and you won’t feel any better about after reading it.
Whether you love him, don’t know who he is or maybe hate him, Katt Williams has a view of life in Hollywood and life in general that is worth hearing. Not so much so you can adopt his way but to hear that there are people who view the love and work of the craft, whatever it is, AS the reward for working to excel at it…Williams is one of those (and also insanely wealthy as a result). Watch…
THE INJUSTICE SYSTEM AGAINST ALL OF US – The ‘Murican InJustice system, already reeling from the imprisonment of January 6th grandmas and the warrantless spying upon of Catholics, gives itself a black eye with Colorado Supreme Court’s Xmas gift to Biden.
TRUMP VOWS TO STOP WAR AGAINST CATHOLICS – While The Biden Regime fiddles and toasts itself for getting Donny off the Colorado ballot, Trump takes to the airwaves to promises to liberate Catholics from the FBI’s illegal, warrantless spying!
CONFIRMED: BIDEN’S RE-ELECTION STRATEGY REQUIRES TRUMP TO BE JAILED – What many of us have been saying since these thinly veiled attempt to secure Biden’s 2nd term by jailing his competition has been confirmed with the hiring of this KGB-like attorney to persecute Trump.
ISRAELIS MURDER WOMEN AT GAZA CATHOLIC CHURCH – The world is starting to learn what we’ve been telling you since October 8th: the “holy Jews” brainwashed Christians idolize & are willing to send their children to die for are NOT holy, are NOT who was promised to Abraham and are NOT good people!
TOLD YA SO-THEY WON’T STOP AT “CONFEDERATE” STATUES – The Biden Regime in its hatred for all things Traditional and American ordered the removal of the beloved “Reconciliation Monument” from Arlington but thankfully a Federal Judge has hated this despicable act of virtue signaling for the sake of hating the South.
JOHN DALY: MOST PRO ATHLETES WANT POPPA TRUMP BACK! – Tucker Carlson’ interview with PGA legend John Daly is hysterical and poignant, watch it here.
BIDEN WRITES HOT CHECK TO ZELENSKY – After he marched about the U.S. Capitol like he owned the joint (he only owns part of it) Vlodomyrr Zelensky met with Regime Leader Biden who pulled out his trusty Pentagon checkbook and wrote a check for $200 MILLION that the U.S. does NOT have!
MY LATEST SUBSTACK: HAVE WE REACHED PEAK HOMO? – Apple TV ruined it’s new hit series Monarch by introducing a lesbian couple with a school full of children to prey upon continuing this disturbing trend of making homosexual couples lead characters in TV series. But, why doesn’t Hollywood have equally sexually deranged porn addicts as lead characters? I answer that question on Substack.
WE’RE ALL ZIONISTS NOW – I have been writing and talking on air about the tsunami of pro-zionist rhetoric coming out of the mouths of the Stupid Party and now they have finally said the evil part out loud and are pushing a bill to make “anti-zionism” the same as “anti-semitism” and make both illegal!
VIVEK RAMASWAMY SAYS THE QUIET PART OUT LOUD – At last night’s Fox Nation debate, Ramaswamey dropped the bombshell that 9-11 and the January 6th were inside jobs pulled off by the people who are now backing Nikki Hayley.
Written by: TheKingDude
todayAugust 28, 2024 113 1
12:00 am - 11:59 pm
11:40 pm - 11:55 pm
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