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DuaneDuane on February 26, 2013 Mike, On my way to work this morning, you touched on a subject that made blood shoot from my eyes. SEQUESTRATION is a joke. It is like putting a band-aid on a sucking chest wound. The whole financial mess has been created by the Congress or its cronyism, and as you say, enabled by the voters, or what you call “you people”… They are all part of the plundering of our future, and yet who really cares, besides a few people like you, or I. What can we do? I know so many people who are conservative, but yet not really. There is no real conservative movement, or one that is big enough to make a difference, or not yet. Is it going to take a calamity to get logic, and rational thought back into our government, and into a real Republic, that follows the Constitution? Yes! There will have to be a big loss of freedom, property, and even blood, to get the attention of the citizen. It is unreall to the level of ignorance, and or lack of interest in the spectical of the “Leviathan”, and what I fear would take to change it. To explain to a NEOcon or RINO, without mentioning a liberal or a low information voter, that we don’t need to spend vast amounts of GDP on defense or entitlements, is an exercise in futility. Let’s discuss the military first. We are addicted to controlling the outcomes of the world to the point that we interfer in so much of it, that we have no business in. We are subsidizing the defense spending of half of the planet, including socialism, and tyrants, and getting involved turmoil for no good return from our blood and treasure. Can’t we have the same outcomes without such expense? As a veteran and a citizen, I want substantial spending cuts to the military. Its funny when I discuss this, how many responses I get that take the RINO or Liberal line, and ignore the logic of small government, and liberty. The military is good, but it is big government too, so It should be used SPARINGLY, and not made into “Laviathan”. We need cuts to start dismantling the military industrial complex. This is real conservatism. WE CAN cut spending, AND be ready for any contingency! If we bring most of our military home, and let other countries take responsibilty for their own defence, we can bring sanity back to our spending. Yes, we need to protect our shipping, and trade, and keep the sea lanes open for our own self interest. No, we don’t need troops in over 100 countries, and activity around the globe. We can be just as safe and spend half as much! And be just as prepared. Imagine if thousands more service members served in the United States instead of overseas, and thier families and homes. That economic activity would help local economies. We could secure our borders, without having a need for MORE money to be spent. Imagine our standing if the world if we did not dictate to it what has to be done, but as a vigilant State prepared to defend itself, not interfering in the world stage outside of some obligatory self interest, such as controlling piracy and keeping sea lanes open for our trade, and protecting our borders. We could actually declare war if needed, or use a letter of Marque and Reprisal… How about not spending the future of our children to pay for something now, that does nothing for us, does not advance our society, and really makes us less free, through a slavery to debt, and to “Leviathan”… And yet I could go on and explain this logical position to others, and will be told “you’re not strong on defence”… then the blood shoots from my eyes… We are slowly becoming accostomed to spending our way to oblivon, like the REM song “Its the End of the World as We know it (and I feel fine)”… Am I preaching to the choir?.. Log in to Reply
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1757