So there will be new information at each destination.
Sulphur – Lessons Catholics can learn from the history of the Popes.
Lafayette – Elevated by the past, the normative role in traditional life.
Covington – Poets, Lovers, Children, Madmen and Worshipers.
New Orleans – The genius of Christianities Roman Rite.
A lot of what happens have practical reasons too.
They had a natural habit of wanting to attach symbolism to them.
Like washing the hands, it is a Ritual Purification – symbolic value.
Lifting of the chasuble – in the beginning it was b/c they were very heavy garments.
The Roman chasuble when it entered it is a much simpler and cut down shape.
It is almost like a sandwich board and it is extremely easy to elevate the Host but we would never give up the ‘tradition’ of this.
The Priest is acting as Christ – so it must be like the woman in the Gospel that touches Jesus’ garment to be healed.
It isn’t contrary to anything it just ADDS to the symbolism of the Mass.
The Catholic worship has always been deeply rooted w/ Jewish worship and structure.
Christ was a Jew, His apostles were Jews – obviously they took what they knew from that and inserted Catholicism.
Into the Passover Ritual –
Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network.
Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".
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