
He’s Baa-aaack! LISTEN NOW to The Mike Church Show Every Morning 5-11 AM, Here’s How

todayMay 29, 2018 12


Veritas_App_on_black_for_email_smallMandeville, LA – You can now listen to the Mike Church Show fro FREE, every weekday morning from 05:00-11:00 a.m. You must be wondering, OK, so HOW do I listen to The Mike Church Show? Simply put, listen to Mike Church LIVE and his über cool, 24/7 Channel called CRUSADE the same way your kids listen to nearly all their music and watch their movies:

TIP 1 – Download the Veritasd Radio Network app for iPhones hereDownload the Veritas Radio Network/Mike Church Show app for Android, then use wifi and your smartphone accented by cellphone data when you are mobile.

TIP 2 – WHERE IS THE MIKE CHURCH SHOW HEARD!? The Mike Church Show on the CRUSADE Channel is a 24/7/365 Radio Station, like any other station out there on terrestrial or satellite radio but UNlike any of them because it stars Mike Church AND pursues Red Pill Truth in all its programming. That is why we stream the show via the radio interface of takes the CRUSADE Channel sound feed including the Mike Church Show and distributes it to any broadband device that asks for the Station audio. Simply use this autoplay address to access the CRUSADE Channel stream and the Mike Church Show when it is LIVE from 05:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. every weekday morning. NO subscription or username and password is needed but to get the CRUSADE Premium quality, commercial free feed, please subscribe to the Founders Pass membership service and you’ll also gain access to the all-new, CRUSADE Channel content app; use the download QR codes below to download the app.

iTunes-Apply phone/table download
Download the VRN app for Android phones.



TIP 3 – WHAT devices does the Mike Church Show on the CRUSADE Channel work on? The short answer is MOST Smartphones, that is iPhone, Android and other brands as long as they have:

A. A built in web browser i.e. Explorer, Safari or Firefox.

B. A new enough operating system that allows streaming services like Netflix, YouTube and iHeart Radio. If your device looks like one of these, the Mike Church Show and the CRUSADE Channel will probably play on it.

Listen to Mike Church on your iPhone, easily, by clicking this iPhone!



KNOWN issues listening to the Mike Church Show & the all new CRUSADE Channel:

• Windows phones do NOT play the stream, we are aware of the problem and hope to resolve it very soon.

• The LIVE stream is NEW and still being developed, it does go out of service from time to time. In order to help us develop it further please tell us PRECISELY what type of smartphone, computer or tablet you are having a problem listening to the Mike Church Show on the CRUSADE Channel. Also helpful is what operating system is on the device.

• Every Original show on the CRUSADE Channel including the Mike Church Show is available as a hi quality, commercial free download the day that program debuts! Simply login to your Founders Pass member account and then go the Founders Pass Media Player for hundreds of files to download and enjoy at your leisure.

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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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  1. CDeringer893 on November 20, 2015

    Is it possible to down load and listen to the broadcast on an Ipod? ie old fashion podcast? I tried downloading the broadcast (pc windows 10) and it just starts the media player on my computer. is there an ipod/iPhone app to down load to iTunes?

    Love your show and was very disappointed in Sirrus for dropping your show. Best wishes for the new format and show.
