The Founders

James Madison Warns Of The Federal Monster

todayMay 24, 2013 20


Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – The patriot ought to be the first one that raises his hand and says: We should be a beacon of peace and liberty to the world, and we should only rear our arms in our own defense, this existential own defense.  What we’re doing abroad is unconscionable and would not be something that your average member of the founding father generation would sign off on.  As a matter of fact, they would recoil in horror and shock from it, and I will prove it to you right now.  Check out today’s transcript for the rest…


Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  Before you go flying off the handle and saying, [mocking] “I can’t believe I’m hearing this on a channel called Patriot,” believe it, because the patriot ought to be the first one that raises his hand and says: We should be a beacon of peace and liberty to the world, and we should only rear our arms in our own defense, this existential own defense.  What we’re doing abroad is unconscionable and would not be something that your average member of the founding father generation would sign off on.  As a matter of fact, they would recoil in horror and shock from it, and I will prove it to you right now.


James Madison identifies a monster called the federal government May 20, 1798 writing to Thomas Jefferson and reporting about John Adams’ signing of the Alien and Sedition Acts.  Madison wrote, and I’m reading verbatim.  I want you to listen to the language here of little Jimmy Madison.  By the bye, this letter was used to flesh out part of the discussion on nullification and interposition in my docudramedy, another one I’m trying to convince people they ought to listen to to regain a firm footing on what federalism and the Constitution actually means as implemented and as defended, What Lincoln Killed: Episode I.  It’s that clip I play of Jefferson, Taylor and Madison talking about interposition and nullification.  Here’s what James Madison wrote.  I didn’t change any of the words.  This is actually from his pen and from Volume IX of the Works of James Madison, if you’re looking for this in printed form.

Mike Church Show Transcript: Wilson-Era Espionage And Sedition Acts Are Unconstitutional But Used By Obama Today


May 20, 1798, Dear Sir,

The Alien bill proposed in the Senate is a monster that must forever disgrace its parents.

[end reading]

road-to-independence-BH-RTIDE2-detailMike:  This is before Lincoln, before the Mexican War, before the invasion and subjugation of the Philippines, before World War I, before World War II, before the Korean War, Vietnam War, Gulf invasion, Afghanistan, before all these things.  James Madison looking at his own creature, like Victor Frankenstein going: This thing is a monster.  Of course, though, we’re supposed to believe that the only monsters that have been created have been created by the Obama administration.  As is always the case, you can always find in history, in the reading of actual history, you can find instances of monsters being fabricated because that’s what government is and that’s what it does if it is not restrained.  That’s why you have written constitutions.  That’s really what has Madison so upset here because he can’t believe this: We wrote a constitution!  I bought you guys parchment!  We ratified it.  You just look at it and go: Whatever.  Yeah, dude, whatever.  We’ve got Frenchies we gotta find.


The Alien bill proposed in the Senate is a monster that must forever disgrace its parents. I should not have supposed it possible that such an one could have been engendered in either House, & still persuade myself, that it cannot possibly be fathered by both.

[end reading]

Mike Church Show Transcript: Gotta Have More War – Senate Approves Arming Syrian Rebels

Mike:  In other words, he doesn’t believe this.  Those of you that claim mantles of conservatism and mantles of honor and fidelity to the wishes of the founding generation, I want you to listen to this.  This is directed specifically at you.


It is truly to be deplored that a standing army should be let in upon us by the absence of a few sound votes.

[end reading]

For more on Ben Franklin, pick up your copy of The Spirit of 76 right here!
For more on Ben Franklin, pick up your copy of The Spirit of 76 right here!

Mike:  He’s complaining that Adams wants to form or call up a standing army.  Remember, Spirit of ’76 Story Continues, Militias Are Good And They’re Good For You Part I and II, get the CD.  This is the story I tell.  Why were they so mortified about a standing army?  See America’s Thirty Years War earlier discussed for reasons why.


It may however all be for the best. These addresses to the feelings of the people from their enemies may have more effect in opening their eyes, than all the arguments addressed to their understandings by their friends.

The President, also, seems to be co-operating for the same purpose. Every answer he gives to his addressers unmasks more and more his principles & views. His language to the young men at Pha. is the most abominable & degrading that could fall from the lips of the first magistrate of an independent people, & particularly from a Revolutionary patriot. It throws some light on his meaning when he remarked to me, “that there was not a single principle the same in the American & French Revolutions;” & on my alluding to the contrary sentiment of his predecessor expressed to Adêt on the presentment of the Colours, added, “that it was false let who would express it.”

The abolition of Royalty was it seems not one of his Revolutionary principles. Whether he always made this profession is best known to those, who knew him in the year 1776. [Mike: Madison did not like John Adams. I don’t know if you can tell.] The turn of the elections in N. Y. is a proof that the late occurrences have increased the noise only & not the number of the Tory party. Besides the intrinsic value of the acquisition, it will encourage the hopes & exertions in other States. You will see by the Newspapers the turn which a Town meeting took in Fredericksbg. I forgot to acknowledge the pamphlet containing the last Despatch from the Envoys recd with your letter of the 10th. It is evidently more in the forensic than Diplomatic stile, and more likely in some of its reasonings to satisfy an American Jury than the French Government. The defence of the provision article is the most shallow that has appeared on that subject. In some instances the reasoning is good, but so tedious and tautologous as to insult the understanding as well as patience of the Directory, if really intended for them, [Mike: He’s talking about if what they were doing and writing was actually intended to be read by Frenchies or by Americans.] and not for the partial ear of the American public. The want of rain begins to be severely felt, and every appearance indicates a continuance of it. [Mike: Then he talks a little about the weather.]

[end reading]

Project ’76: James Madison Identifies a Monster, Called The Federal government

Mike:  There are three other letters that Madison writes to Jefferson as the Alien and Sedition Acts start arresting people and they start being enforced.  Again, he just cannot believe that he’s watching this.  This is in 1798.  Those of you that think this is a new thing, just remember the old adage that there is nothing new under the sun.  What was the answer to the tyranny and to the abuse of power exerted by the Adams administration?  The answer was what?  It was to sweep from power forevermore the party that was responsible for it, which was the federalist party.  It was to, in an unprecedented, unpredictable manner usher in a 24-year-long reign of republicans as president, beginning with Jefferson (8 years), going to Madison (8 years), and then ending with James Monroe (8 years).  You can almost make the case that since Monroe and Quincy Adams were very close — I don’t want to say they were cut from the same cloth — Quincy Adams continued the tradition.  You could almost say that the response was, for 28 years, this will never happen again.  Of course, they had men to call upon that could execute this.  From whence shall we call a Jefferson and then a Madison and then a Monroe?

End Mike Church Show Transcript

madison writing with background

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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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