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The Mike Church Show-Radio Would Have Thwarted The Trump Assassination Attempt The KingDude
Audio Post Format TheKingDude
Mandeville, LA – Mike Church‘s daily Pile of Prep, bringing you the latest from a world gone mad. A government whose every agent now seems on an accelerated path to removing any vestige of Christian law and submission to God that remains in our civil institutions? Read along with Mike’s historical viewpoint to help make sense of it all plus other [r]epublican stories used to perform the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM Patriot channel 125. “The new religion is even odder than I have so far presented. Gelernter elevates Abraham Lincoln to Mount Olympus. Lincoln “transformed Americanism into a full-fledged, mature religion — not by causing America to embody its noble ideals but by teaching the nation that it ought to embody them. He changed Americanism by interpreting those ideals — liberty, equality, and democracy — not as words on parchment but as marching orders.” Further, in “the Gettysburg Address and the Second Inaugural Lincoln produced the two greatest sacred narratives in the English language.” – Paul Gottfried reviewing Americanism: The Fourth Great Western Religion. By David Gelernter
Vlad the Impaler or Vlad the Saint in the making? Patrick J Buchanan wonders if the thoughtless denunciation of Putin’s admonitions against the pagan, Western world were just propaganda or actul statements of faith?
SECEDE or DIE: Scotland approaches historic vote on Independence as polls show the gap between “Yes” and “No” closing to a mere six points! 53-47
NOMOCRACY: Lincoln & The American Union, The Fourth Great Religion religion
Why how very polite yet still, constitutionally perverted of Obama to “notify” Congress he had “chosen” to initiate bombing runs over Iraq for “humanitarian purposes” which I assume now means we can have President’s wield our military for earthquakes, tsunamis, droughts and AIDS epidemics
Democrats attack Senator Rand Paul for his “attack on America” op-ed as if cautioning war mongers in both parties against choosing sides in the Syrian-ISIS struggle is anything other than an intervention of the kind (the stupid kind) urged by McCain & company last year AGAINST Assad and WITH ISIS
Guess who else is emerging as a U.S. “ally” against ISIS? Yeah, that country McCain, Santorum & every other DeceptiCON alive have wanted to go to war with the last 15 years: Iran
Black Mass update: OK City’s “Mass” is still opposed by many with petitions now bearing 70,000 signatures against the “service” however, just WHERE is the Church Militant on this? if this blasphemy is to take place there should be an army of Catholics outside the “service” praying to Our Lady & St Michael to bring the event to a close
Not satisfied with defining “marriages” and “civil unions”, “transgendered” and other “emerging sexualities” the State of CA now wades into defining exactly what is and what is not “consensual sex” which is funny considering backers of this insanity were the same hippie pagans demanding that “government stay out of my bedroom” all those years ago.
Many readers and listeners have communicated their abject fear of ISIS coming to the U.S., using the horror of mass executions of 150 people in one day as justification for their fear. “These are people, some Christians that are being killed, Mitter Church, we have to bomb them” you cry! While I pray daily for an end to these demons inspired by the so-called “prophet” I also pray for and fear the mass executions that happen EVERY DAY IN THE UNITED STATES AT ABORTION MILLS. The statistics say that 1.07 MILLION Americans were executed, without trials, at abortion clinics in 2011. If you want to stop mass executions, the evil, macabre lurking inside too many Americans hearts, carried out by butchers at abortion clinics is a great place to start.
Don’t look now but the name “Mohammed” has become the most common new name among new borns in Norway and lest anyone think the Islam takeover of Europe without invading with an army has stalled, Muhammd also rules the nurseries of the U.K. too
Matt Walsh wants to know why nekkid pictures of “celebrities” like Jennifer Lawrence, which are also STOLEN, are such an attraction? Are there NO RULES of morality that apply any longer to online content?
Maybe the people pre-occupied with internet nudity could assist in trying to REBUILD the Christian, western culture instead of pushing it over the cliff?
Federal judge tells UT to go have sex with itself and start printing marriage licenses for MULTIPLE wives/husbands because polygamy is back and it is legal baby! I’m not really excited about this so much as I have run out of superlatives to describe the demonic rot taking hold in every institution of life, fostered and then made legal, scratch that, REQUIRED, by Leviathan
I was accosted by several polygamists and now polyamorysts when I posted my reaction to the UT ruling and then challenged to prove “why is polyamory wrong?” To answer that requires 1. That you believe in 1 Holy Mother Church and 2. That you believe her canon is sacred. and infallible if you meet 1 & 2 then 3. is that you want to honor the teaching and pursue a state of grace by discovering the real reason for marriage to begin with, find that answer, among other places, here
I wonder what Owen would say about this VERY protective mother and blogger who found out her seven year old son had been searching for and watching porno on his iPad AFTER she installed porn filters on the device? The kid knew he had seen things he wasn’t supposed to and confessed to his mother, this prompted the very lengthy discussion she has now had with him and is still having with him. Of course the “kids are always going to see this stuff so we may as well prepare them for it” crowd will I’m certain, pile on the mom and call her every synonym there is for hypocrite but that will not change the raw fact that this will keep happening, and not only does it poison the kids minds, what is it doing to minds and SOULS of the performers?
In the last 3 months we’ve covered one woman’s filming of her abortion then bragging about it like it was a “hook up” at Starbucks now we have NPR (nat’l Communist radio) airing a glowing puff piece on 3rd trimester abortionists titled “After Tiller”. If there was film of third trimester horses being aborted there would be outrage but in the U.S. these days, outrage is posting your disapproval on Facebook then going to Starbucks for “brunch”
Michael Scheuer: If the intervention in the Middle East continues AND if the imbecile war-hawks get their way to gin up a new war in Syria/Iraq, IS will only get bigger and stronger and another American defeat will be close at hand.
I have been saying for nearly 2 years that Libya’s problems including BenGhazi were the result of “Mrs Clinton & Obama’s original sin” of deciding to help assassinate Ghadaffi. I even had Michael Scheuer on the show to beef up the argument. It is gratifying to see that since Senator Rand Paul “broke” this point of view on Sunday, now the bandwagon is filling up, which is a wonderful thing to see because Hillary must be stopped.
This is another great read by Joseph Pearce, this time taking on the Darwinists in ‘What is Man?” I received an email from a listener today, informing me that I must stop saying “our goal is to get to heaven” (I actually say as Fathers our goal is to get wives and children to heaven then work on our own tickets) because “all that is needed is to live a good life…and angels will swoop down and bring you to heaven upon your death.” While I appreciate the suggestion to live it up and Sin while stopping at a few soup kitchens that is not how Christians, true to Holy Mother Church are taught. In this piece Pearce sums up what must be done. “Another understanding of man, related to the Greek anthropos, is that of homo viator, the travelling man or the man on the journey of life, the man whose purpose is to get Home by taking the adventure that life throws at him. The archetypal homo viator in western culture is perhaps Odysseus but, in Christian terms, the archetype is the mediaeval Everyman, who gets to heaven through his good works and the help of the Christian sacraments. For the Christian, every man is homo viator, whose sole purpose (and soul’s purpose) is to travel through the adventure of life with the goal of getting to heaven, his ultimate and only true home, facing many perils and temptations along the way.”
Catholic Gentlemen, you are needed on the battlefield in 10, 9, 8… There are some things every Knight of Our Lord’s chivalry can do in the most secular workplaces to drop faith markers in a gracious manner. Here are just a few (I do the prayer at every meal one regardless of the company)
And one more on how we as Remnant Church Militant must go “weapons hot” into battle against the secular tsunami
Joe Friday (TV’s “Dragnet”) could never have imagined the dragnet the NSA has bee pulling behind its super-spy-skiff the last 12 years. A new report reveals the agency has been mining meta data it was never authorized to gather AND the agency inside the NSA that was supposed to monitor this illicit deception didn’t even know it was going on until 2010
Buchanan: If there’s anyone who needs to recuse themselves from the Ferguson shooting inquest it is not St Louis DA Robert McCulloch it is the AG of the US, Eric Holder who has no jurisdiction in municipal matters (IF we are following the Constitution as ratified and amended)
How to separate the New Age pagan from their beliefs into the beliefs of the one, true Church may be easier than many think but first, the converters must believe and ACT like they believe
DeceptiCONS are about to hand ISIS the “holy war” it desperately needs to fund its perverted “Islamic” campaign against most anyone, Christians and Shia Muslims included
Never-Ending War follies: Remember when Senators John McCain, Lindsay Graham, Kelly Ayotte et al wanted to ARM and EQUIP those “rebels” that were going to eradicate the evil Bashar al Assad from his legitimate office in Syria? Well, turns out, our “allies” were ISIS, the Mohameddans who have killed all those Christians in Iraq and non-conforming Muslims in Iraq & Syria and now have captured and control their SECOND military base in Syria.
I am not clear how and Egyptian feminist’s “pooping” on the ISIS flag, totally nude and being photographed is supposed to stop the Jihadis from beheading and marauding but AMERICAN feminists seem to be in support of vulgarity for the sake of —– and there’s the rub.
Are you [r]epublican enough to take the #FoundingFatherChallenge? Here’s the video to stoke the effort
The case for forcing the U.S. Dollar back on the gold standard is building. Many voices that remain in the politics fight (there are fewer and fewer) rightly see the gold standard (or some version of it) as the ONE THING that can kill many Leviathan birds with one, golden, stone. It can also be one way to “restore Reagan’s soul”
After the evil and inhuman beheading of journalist James Foley, President Obama should call Congress into session and immediately obtain both offensive and defensive war powers to be used against ISIS as President’s Jefferson, Washington, Adams, Madison and Monroe did for similar circumstances to protect American commerce and life in foreign affairs where ISIS may be operating (subject to current treaties). View the actual congressional record of the debate over Congress having sole possession of both defensive AND offensive war powers from 1801 in today’s “Prep Better” section for Founders Pass members. Not a member!? Join and support keeping this site open for just .17¢ per day.
PREP BETTER: Download the original text file of Ronald Reagan’s E.O. 12333 in this week’s Prep Better section for Founders Pass Members. Not a member? Signup today for .17¢ per day.
If you have taken my [r]epublican Challenge #1 (for Fathers) then you probably have a good handle on what to do when confronted with situations that can easily lead into violent, parental, episodes. This FL dad confronted one such episode and dealt with it heroically (yay) only to use the event to a gain a shameful advantage.
An oldie but goodie from Joe Sobran on the Right of Secession as the ultimate and final check against an oppressive Central Government, namely the one in the style of the (sic) United State of America
When the price of bacon goes parabolic, brought on by conditions the Federal Leviathan says cannot exist so long as they are on the job, it may get the attention of the apathetic hoi polloi
Q: Was the 14th Amendment ever ratified? A: No, and Forrest MacDonald has the proof.
NEW, Founders Pass Feature! Prep Better! Get Mike’s Insider Show Prep and see what ELSE he is reading for today’s Mike Church Show. Take the tour – Subscribe Now – Not a member? Subscribe today for .17 cents per day
Did you know that in 1865, 7,000 Confederation citizens sailed to Brazil and set up a community there and are STILL there today? Hmmmm, maybe there IS still a place to seek refuge from Obama’s Leviathan
Today’s Latin Phrase of the Day: “Et Libertas set pectus purim et fermium gestate; alias res obnoxiosae note in obscura latent.” Liberty is having a pure and dauntless heart; all else is slavery and hidden darkness
Written by: TheKingDude
todayAugust 28, 2024 101 1
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