The CRUSADE Radio Network CRUSADE Radio Network
The Mike Church Show-Radio Would Have Thwarted The Trump Assassination Attempt The KingDude
Audio Post Format TheKingDude
Mandeville, LA – Today’s Pile of Prep: most of the stories and research used to put together the Mike Church Show on the Veritas Radio Network’s CRUSADE Channel. 2017 is here and WELCOME to the All-New, Mike Church Show on the CRUSADE Channel, listen LIVE for Free (don’t cost nuthin’).
Sapientia et Veritas -In our time, there is no danger that the mass of young people will be paralyzed by dull submission to ancient custom, convention, and deference. The motion of our age has been centrifugal, not centripetal; the tendency has been eccentric, not centric. Violence and fraud increase at every level of society: half the marriages end in divorce, and we slaughter myriads of unborn infants; the alienist is busier than a bee, and the cement of society disintegrates. The need is not for emancipating the young from fixed convictions, but rather for reminding them that there are some convictions worth cherishing. – Russell Kirk, The Necessity of Dogma In Schooling
The War Party Youth Have The White House – Yesterday’s spate of announcements then renouncements from the Trump Administration presented an impression that our foreign policy is evolving in real time. On Sunday Nikki Hayley, who seems to never tire of asserting these United State’s willingness to wage war, maim, destroy or extort any sovereign entity on earth to perform her bidding; thundered that “Secretary Menucin is preparing new sanctions against Russia that could be released as early as tomorrow.” Well, when POW Trump heard of this, he sent another surrogate out to quash the sanctions that according to the WaPo: “But Trump conferred with his national security advisers later Sunday and told them he was upset the sanctions were being officially rolled out because he was not yet comfortable executing them, according to several people familiar with the plan.” In other words, the war-party youth have taken control of the White House’s operations, have reinstalled their war-game joysticks and consoles and were busy initializing the disastrous foreign policy of Bush 43, version 2.0.
The War Party Youth Have Their First Mordor POW: President Trump – Patrick J. Buchanan wonders how the President lost control of the White House to the Bolton Youth?
“Clearly, with the U.S. fighting in six countries, Commander in Chief Trump does not want any new wars, or to widen any existing wars in the Middle East. But he is being pushed into becoming a war president to advance the agenda of foreign policy elites who, almost to a man, opposed his election. We have a reluctant president being pushed into a war he does not want to fight.”
It follows that Trump doesn’t want the fight and instead relishes the rhetorical war on Twitter that preceded it. But The Bolton Youth play for filled caskets and re-orders of lethal military ordinance. Will Trump reign these merchants of death in before its too late?
There Is No “There”, There: The #Fake News Chemical Weapons Story – Watch the video posted below and read the attached reporting for yourself to discover that the Friday night shelling of Syria had to occur then before the actual truth of what happened in Douma could be discovered: there was NO chemical weapons attack.
A Quiet Place: Are Ascendent Demons, Coming For The Kids, The Monsters? – I saw the new film A Quiet Place on Friday night last and I can tell you it is a very special piece of art. A.C. Gleason has a review of it here and I generally agree with what he says about the film with some important additions. For the first time in years, John Krasinski presents a loving family as a single unit with a very strong father at its head. In 2018 this is no small achievement and Krasisnski gets away with it because of the novelty of silence he introduces in the film. I don’t want to spoil the plot but the family schemes to thwart the ravenous creatures that cause the silence from feasting on the family’s newest addition: a baby. There’s so much to like about this film I plan a full review later this week. This is 4 Reagan movie-making here, go see it!
From Russia With Cyber Love – When in doubt these days, just blame the Russians. Lose a Super Bowl? Russians hacked your playbook and gave it to the winning team. Burn a tray of burgers at Mickey D’s? Blame the Russians for hacking the automated timer system that cues the cook on when to sear, flip and remove. Cite GLOBAL attacks on routers, hubs and GE refrigerators with wifi built-in, blame the Russians who, not satisfied with ruling all of Asia and scheming ‘Muricah’s demise, now wants to control your Xbox. Really!?
Chemical Weapons!? What Chemical Weapons!? – The U.S., U.K. and French invasion of Syria has been conducted before the evidence for the use of chemical weapons can be established by neutral entities created to do just that. The Organization for Prevention of Chemical Weapons has not yet started its investigation into the alleged use of chemical weapons; as a matter of fact, they haven’t even gained access to the sites in question yet, the invasion has already been executed. What happens if/when the OCPW finds no weapons linked to Assad’s Syria? As I have been telling you, a flagrant violation of international law, the UN charter and more legal atrocities have been committed. This is how the U.S. runs foreign affairs these days!? This is what global “leadership” looks like!?
What Do Those Who Allegedly “Benefit” From ‘Muricah’s Invasion of Syria Think About It? – The Syrian Patriarchate representing the Greek Orthodox, Syrian Orthodox and Greek Melkite Catholic Churches is not amused by the Trump-led invasion into Syria./ Read their statement, issued immediately following the bombs, here. Here’s an excerpt.
Does this sound like our illegal bellicosity is for the “benefit” of the “suffering people” of Syria?
Pre Bloody Friday, The Rational Among Us Wondered Why Trump Was Threatening Syria – Incredible as it sounds, these President of The United States is conducting war policy via the trivial medium of Twitter against the 2nd most powerful military on earth – the Russians. Before the tomahawk bombing began, late Friday, Michael Brendan Dougherty wondered why so many were so giddy that Trump had returned his irrational, knee-jerk gaze back to Syria and a new military intervention. As MBD points out, ever since John McCain floated the idea of assisting “good terrorists” in Syria, 6 years ago, despite no Congressional approval, that assistance has been delivered. The ridiculous idea that the U.S. has NOT been intervening in Syria is preposterous.
“The U.S. has been actively intervening in Syria for half a decade. We’ve been funneling in weapons. Our intelligence agencies and the Defense Department have been choosing and outfitting rebel groups. We have thousands of Special Forces on the ground. This all has worked to extend the Syrian civil war, making it bloodier and longer than it would otherwise have been.”
So, the U.S. has extended the Syrian war and actually helped continue the violence it now lethally complains must end. Ask the question of who benefits from this extension and the answer is those who vend the supplies, labor and weaponry needed to execute it: the State.
Late Night Talk-Radio Legend, Art Bell Has Died – I always enjoyed listening to Art Bell’s overnight radio program and the fact that Bell could do 4 hours of radio flying a capella and talking to his version of the 3 Stooges cutout (albeit a life-sized ET cutout) was impressive and inspirational. Art has died at the tender age of 72, let us pray for the repose of his soul.
Bieszad: Why Should ‘Muricah Fight Israel’s Wars For Israel? – Why do so many ‘Muricans think that the United States has a God-ordered obligation to fight Israel’s wars and to expend our blood and treasure for her defense? As Andrew Bieszad correctly sees it, the Syrians are bigger potential allies than Israel is. It is the Assad “regime” that defends hundreds of thousands of Christians from almost certainly becoming refugees, fleeing a Sharia law state that wants them either enslaved, oppressed or martyred.
“[S]ince when was America ever the private army for Israel? It is good and true that nations who are allies help each other, but to demand that another nation invade a country that could start a serious war with a world power such as Russia all over dubious claims of “gas attacks” is uncharitable and rude as it is selfish to make such a demand that is suicidal for the individual to do it.”
We Have No Steve McQueen To Vanquish This Blob – If you haven’t received the memo yet, under the TPS report cover sheet here’s what you’ve missed: the Trump Administration has officially been convereted to the 3rd term of Bush 43 and his “foreign policy” team, affectionately known in Hades as “The Blob”. Doug Bandow explains what this is and why you should be concerned. Heck the human race should be concerned.
“However, the Blob—as the foreign policy establishment and its extensive network of analysts, pundits, and officials is known—also dominates the president’s staff. Indeed, it is not clear he has anyone working for him, at least at the State Department, Pentagon, and National Security Council, who is not a card-carrying member of the Blob. That means his foreign policy aides spend most of their time trying to talk him out of his most sensible ideas.”
Listening (reading) The President’s Tweets yesterday as he casually threatened nuclear war with the Russians then returned to Tweeting his anger at a domestic foe serves as a reminder that once someone has slimed their way into a seat at Mordor on The Potomac’s $4.7 Trillion all-you-can-eat-buffet, they are never kicked out for over-indulgence, never denied seconds and never asked to pay their tabs… we, and the rest of the world, are instead.
Who Dares Datamine The Great And Powerful Woz!? – I have always liked Steve Wozniak, the co-founder of Apple, mainly because he never takes himself or the mad world we live in too seriously. Well, Woz has taken seriously the threat to privacy and perhaps humanity itself that Facebook has become. But Woz is just making common sense of the situation.
“Users provide every detail of their life to Facebook and … Facebook makes a lot of advertising money off this,” he said in an email. “The profits are all based on the user’s info, but the users get none of the profits back.” Wozniak said he’d rather pay for Facebook than have his personal information exploited for advertising.
It’s hard to imagine a more crooked business “model” than the one described above yet that is precisely what Facebook and Google do: mine the info we, all too foolishly give them, for profit.
The Swamp Thing Cometh – Membah…membah! the Trump campaign slogan to “drain the swamp”? That often repeated bulwark of the #MAGA campaign that insures flag waving, second amendment perverting voters that “the bad guys” in Washington will be kicked out and treated like Orcs from Deep Ellum; to be replaced by the whiter-haired Elfen folk who will ride in make government work for the #MAGA people. The promise was powerful, now the only power it has left is the power to stink up the 100 miles square with an INCREASE in the Orcs, led by our new War Emperor John Bombin’ Bolton. The swamp hasn’t been drained and Bolton is the Swamp Thing. Paul Gottfried is not amused.
“One also has to wonder about the gullibility of the average, self-identified conservative who happily accepts that the president is fumigating Washington by embracing Bolton. Is this how these militants understood the phrase “draining the swamp” when they went out to campaign for Trump?”
Paul, they never understood the phrase, all they did was bounce from one movement, the Tea Party, to the #MAGA movement. Why? Flags, flag waving and war baby.
DeceptiCONNED: How “Pro-Life Voting” Has INCREASED The Harvest of Aborted Baby Parts – Terry Jeffrey’s has a shocking report out at detailing how the “pro-life” GOP has actually systematically passed INCREASES in Federal funds for “fetal tissue research” which should be known by what it is: research done because of the abundance of dead baby parts available via abortions. I always maintain that it was and is a mistake to act as though the GOP and your voting for it is the answer to ‘Muricah’s abortion and contraception holocaust, Jeffrey’s research proves me correct.
So “voting, hoping and coping” is not saving baby’s lives; it is not reversing the macabre mountain of murdered baby parts being harvested for “research” and it is certainly not rolling back the abortion industry into the hellfire pit it should be contained in. What recourse is left? The CRUSADER Knights of The Holy Rosary and our appeal to the Immaculate Heart of Mary to intervene. LISTEN To The Mike Church Show for details or call the show at 844-527-8723!
Why You Need To Listen To The Pearcing Truth’s Series On Economics As If Families Mattered – The Federalist headline screams the current state of our civil, “economic” affairs. Yo, Big Business: Money Doesn’t Give You A Right To Manipulate Politics. It doesn’t? Then are you ready to begin implementing a system of Distributism, solidarity and subsidiarity? While ‘Murican Government has become the national religion, business and the exchange of money for pleasure and profit have become her powerful parishioners. Since we rarely know the people who grow or make our food or anything else for that matter, business has become a ubiquitous, requisite agent for exchange of what we want, mildly tempered by what we are willing to borrow to get it. Micro systems of barter exchange are gone, save for the rare entities that have carved out niche markets serving the locals, folks we used to call friends and neighbors. My ongoing feature series with the author of Small Is Still Beautiful, Joseph Pearce, delves heavily into this subject and is MUST LISTENING for anyone truly interested in avoiding Amazon et al from controlling the food supply and thus what is acceptable, secular behavior to get it. Download all 4 Episodes here.
The book’s stories are harrowing from the point of view that bodies and lives are being physically altered with no chance of repair. This is being done, allegedly, to bring about a more fairer world in which those born into the bodies of the sex they believe is not for them. But what is fair about having your breasts cut off while being doped up with drugs that get you banned from any professional sport? This is the work of Beazelbub and the boys and the poor souls who undergo these mutilations are the prizes.
Co-hosted by Mike Church and now available On-Demand!
The Infamy Visited Upon The Beautiful Holy Family Finds A Home On Roseanne – In 1992, Roseanne Barr campaigned for Bill Clinton and gave popular cover to the anti-family sentiments finding their way onto broadcast TV. Now that Roseanne is back and is pushing its “I voted for Trump so deal with it” theme, it is the love-child of the #MAGA, conservative echo-chamber, and almost everyone is buying the ruse. Of
Buchanan: If Trump Brings The #MAGA, Middle Class Another War, The Middle Will Bolt – Last week the President said he wanted to pull U.S. Troops out of the Syrian conflict, which is a surprise since we are not supposed to be involved in the Syria conflict! Buchanan maintains that Trump must resist the DeceptiCON conceit that pulling out of any of our conflicts is tantamount to the end of ‘Muricah herself. “Yet the resistance of this city to giving up its vision of U.S. global hegemony is broad and deep, for that vision is almost a defining mark of our foreign policy elites. For them to give it up would be like death itself.” A death that is well-deserved.
The Standing Army Cannot Co-Exist In A Constitutional System Like ‘Muricah’s – William S Smith echoes my sentiments on just why the Constitution is an anachronism today. “The American framers assumed that a certain type of constitutional personality would animate American statesmanship. But any government that regularly goes abroad in search of monsters to destroy will tend to be led by people whose temperament ignores the constraints of constitutionalism and who in turn will become a threat to fiscal prudence and to its own citizens.”
What Is This Hell You Speak Of? – The revolving circus that is the pontificate of His Holiness Pope Francis has now taken a turn that SNL writers couldn’t have scripted: he has stated that “there is no Hell”. While thye Vatican dismisses the report as fabricated, there is an army of fake mercedarians out there repeating the canard from the rooftops.
It Is Time To Ditch Social Media From The Big 3 – Robert Tracinski wonders if Social Media was a mistake (but of course!). “We posted on our own sites. We had good discussions in our own comment fields, which we moderated. I had and still have an extensive e-mail list of readers who are interested in my work, most of which I built up in that period, before everybody moved onto social media. But then Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube came along and killed the blogs. There were three main reasons they took over.” Yes, the Big 3 social media dominate and monopolize hours of people’s time every hour of every day and this is done for the profit of those 3 companies not you, the content supplier!
The Religion That ‘Murican Politics Has Become – When Donald Trump as President, shows up at a rally to commemorate or promote something, the event takes on a religious tone; think about it. Before the President – the priest – enters the temple – the speaking stage – prayers are recited in unison – the Pledge of Allegiance – then an opening canticle is chanted – the National Anthem – then the priest makes his procession to the altar – the dais with the holy crest of the office of the President – then the priest begins “the mass” – making the political pronouncement and explaining why it is good for the congregation. When “the mass” is finished, the choir strikes up a driving beat of a “patriotic song” which serves as the post communion hymn and then the congregation takes leave to go and evangelize the gospel they just took in to unwashed masses – let the conversions begin! Michael Davis writes of this and makes the proper conclusion: All Politics Is Religion.
“Movement conservatism, meanwhile, is a kind of Protestantism. The Constitution fills the role of the Bible. It is immutable, if not infallible, and we must hold it, as Hamilton said, in “sacred reverence.” Like Protestantism, this conservatism defines itself by what it isn’t—monarchism, socialism, etc.—just as Protestantism is a blanket term for those Christian sects that arose in opposition to the Catholic Church. Jefferson and Adams are like Calvin and Luther: united by a common enemy more than a common creed.”
Armed with my description of a ‘Murican “Conservative Church” service, next time you see this transpire on Fox News and the propagandists for the faith wait breathlessly for the priest to arrive and mass begin, see if my description above is correct and if it is, know then what the takeaway is: The Faith has been replaced in most ‘Murican’s daily lives by the faith (sans caps intentional) in ‘Murica.
It’s April 2018 And The Immodesty Is About To Go Nuclear Because It WENT Nuclear – Venerable Bishop Sheen called out ‘Muricah back in the 1960’s while speaking to a group of young Catholics on “Youth and Sex”: “8:15 in the morning, the 6th of August, 1945, when we flew a military plane over this city, when we dropped that atomic bomb on it; that bomb on blotted out boundaries. There was no longer a boundary between the military and the civilian, between the helper and the helped, between the wounded and the nurse and the doctor, between the living and the dead. For even the living who escaped the bomb were already half dead. So we broke down boundaries and limits and from that time on the world has said we want no one limiting me. … You want no restraint, no boundaries, no limits. I have to do what I want to do. Now let’s analyze that for a moment, is that happiness?”
The MIKE CHURCH SHOW and the Veritas Radio Newtork’s CRUSADE Channel are 26 months old this month. To see another 26 months of life, please support our crowdfunding effort, become a Founders Pass Member, place an ad or much more. Click SOS our Mascot for details!
The Tragedy of Post Christian, Philosophia Perennis Devoid Thinking – Read this piece from AmConMag writer Noah Millman to get a closeup view of why Philosophia Perennis is so desperately needed to corral the erroneous thinking Men are sure to engage in when NOT grounded in the eternal quest for True Wisdom i.s. Sapientia. The issue Noah, is not whether “only the Saints” can live by the Magisterial code, it is that by God’s Grace the Saints DID live the Tradition WHILE receiving the Graces needed to do so. You cannot approach Grace as zero sum, mathematics, as in if I do ______ I will receive ______ “Grace credits” but if I do ______I will have deducted ______ Grace Credits. Grace is present in the world and we are given the supply needed at Baptism, the suffering of the Christian Faithful is simply to maintain the state you enter at Baptism, using the Gospels and the Traditional Teaching as MEANS to that END. As Padré Gaetano tells us in Humility of Heart: “And has not a saint abundant reasons, from the thought of his own weakness, to live always in a state of great humility, when he knows that from one hour to another he may lose the grace of God and the kingdom of heaven which he has merited by years of laboriously-acquired virtues? “Unless the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it.”
Written by: TheKingDude
todayAugust 28, 2024 114 1
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