The CRUSADE Radio Network CRUSADE Radio Network
The Mike Church Show-Radio Would Have Thwarted The Trump Assassination Attempt The KingDude
Audio Post Format TheKingDude
Mandeville, LA – Today’s Pile of Prep: most of the stories and research used to put together the Mike Church Show on the Veritas Radio Network’s CRUSADE Channel. 2016 is here and WELCOME to the All-New, Mike Church Show on the CRUSADE Channel, listen LIVE for Free (don’t cost nuthin’).
Sapientia et Veritas – “God is the author and type of all created things; and all creatures, each in its order, imitate or copies the Divine Being, who is intrinsically Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, principle, medium, and end. The Son or Word is the medium, which unites the two extremes, whence God is living God — a real, active, living Being — living, concrete, not abstract or dead unity, like the unity of old Xenophanes, Plotinus, and Proclus. In the Holy Trinity is the principle and prototype of all society, and what is called the solidarity of the race is only the outward expression, or copy in the external order, of what theologians term the circumsession of the three Divine Persons of the Godhead.” Orestes Brownson-The American Republic
Today’s Guest Matthew Sheffield’s “The Conservative Echo Chamber” – Sheffield’s titular point has been the subject of this page and the Mike Church Show for years: “The seeming success of Fox News and talk radio has made many conservatives think they now have a massive media empire. In truth, they have constructed an intellectual ghetto that no one else wants to visit.”
Will You Go Trans or Will You Go Carmelite? – A federal judge tells the Obama Administration that their nationalized, nay globalized, nay from here to the ice world of Hoth and back, policy of letting children choose from a menu of “genders” and then codifying that into bathroom, locker room, overnight field trip policy is a bad idea and they don’t have the authority to do so. But don’t pop the champagne corks just yet because the cabal of Ba’al has just begun their assault on God’s natural order and vows that all schools will ultimately “do the right thing”. It wasn’t too long ago that doing “the right thing” meant respecting little girls privacy and protecting them from hormonally charged, sinful advances of boys. Recall that what is driving this revolt against the natural order is the sex drenched environment these same “activists” have been busy implementing in schools since the 1970’s.
Will You Go Trans or Carmelite II – The Anne Arundel School system is practicing child abuse in letting their misguided and likely, mentally disordered, charges to determine their “gender” and sleep among those of the opposite sex. Watch and know, these people are school system-employed adults, and are coming to a school board meeting near you.
The Constitution Has Not Failed, The Imbeciles Governed By It Have – Bradley Birzer to Adam Fuller: Do you believe that the Constitution has failed?
Fuller: [T]o answer your question, I don’t think the Constitution has failed. A document is incapable of failing. The fact that people sin doesn’t mean the Bible has failed, does it? The failure is on us. We have failed to adhere to it.
Read the whole thing here at the Imaginative Conservative.
Trump And Brexit Are Not Signs of Collapse – James Kalb posits that Brexit and Trump are signs of a societal collapse and thus, are not positive developments but negative ones: “People recognize on some level that the situation is bizarre, and an accepted system of identities rather like the inherited one is basic to human life. That is the fundamental meaning of Brexit and the Trump phenomenon, and it’s the reason people committed to the tendency of events describe those developments as irrational, bigoted, willfully stupid, and so on…So it seems that those intensely alarmed by Brexit and Trump correctly sense a profound threat to the global managed system that has been the implicit goal of public policy since the Second World War.” [emphasis mine] But James, it is the “managed” part of the global system that Trump and Brexit are the secular antidotes for. Prior to the rise of [r]epublican, “We the People” government at the expense of that made and restrained under Christ, the only “global managed” items were global in their transcendence. It is more probable that without intending to do so, the Trump #Brexit class are making the first decisive moves BACK from that transcendent guided world.
You Can’t Make This Stuff Up: Lesbian “Couple”, Bonnie & Claire, Robs Nun of Rosary – File this one under Dazed and Confused. A pair of street urchin lesbians, accost, then rob a nun of her rosary when they discover her “purse was empty save for the rosary. When caught by the cops, the recidivist duo have a half dozen stolen cell-phones and other electronic devices but no rosary. How fitting that women divorced from the grace of their God-granted sex would not find worth in a direct connection to the Mother of God.
2003 Hillary Helps Start War In Iraq, 500k Die-2016, Trump Campaigns, MIC Proclaims Nuclear Holocaust – Mrs Clinton voted for and promoted the Iraq Invasion, the “troop surge” and continuing body counts in Iraq; followed that with staring Egyptians after “liberating them”; then for an encore, she instigated the assassination plot against Ghadaffi and assisted the French in turning Libya into a Hades on earth for the Mohammedans. But never fear the body counts, the MIC has sprung into action to warn that Trump’s campaign will lead to a thermo-nuclear war and the end of days. Don’t believe me? Here’s the LA Times headline: Before Trump, Americans hadn’t worried this much about nuclear weapons since the Cold War.
Dear Leader: You Flooded Peasants in LA, Won’t Get A Gumbo Summit From Me – The fact that the President has largely ignored the tragedy and plight of Louisiana’s 400,000 flooded residents has now made it to the editorial page of the state’s largest newspaper, The Baton Rouge Advocate: “[President] Johnson knew that presidents can powerfully demonstrate what they stand for by where they stand. In standing shoulder to shoulder with citizens who had borne the brunt of a terrible storm, he let them know that in their misery, they were not alone.”
The Sleeping Menace To Internet Liberty: The FCC – Whoever is elected President this November, will get to appoint replacements for all 5 FCC commissioners whose terms will all expire by 2018. Think that’s not a HUGE issue? Consider that the last vote on “net neutrality”, the scam to insulate mega-media and mega broadband corps from competition from insurgent entities like The Veritas Radio Network. Here is the last vote on “net neutrality”, which has passed the FCC but is bottled up in court. Put simply, a new commission, hostile to this tyranny, can ditch the net neutrality rules and power grab with a new vote. Do you think the doyenne of the donor media will effect that?
WANTED: Real Men and Real Men Don’t Do Porn – Watch this video featuring Elizabeth Smart, made by the advocacy group “Fight The New Drug”. The drug in question is porn and Smart reveals that the pervert who kidnapped and repeatedly raped her, had an addiction to porn that was psychotic. Smart’s narrative is hard to watch and is not for the easily offended but it is necessary in the effort to confront this diabolical addiction. Recall that the Man of Virtue, yields not to molesting 12 year old girls and compulsive acts of impurity that include lustful thoughts inspired by digital images on our smartphones, the Man of Virtue conquers and quells these Sins and defends the 12 year old and the 40 year old from perverted obsessions.
Why Trump Will Win 48-2: The Media Industrial Complex’s Diabolical Bias – It has become undeniable that the MIC is in the can for Obama and Hillary but the last 10 days has left more evidence than O.J. The Hill newspaper, not a partisan rag, can no longer cotton the deafening silence the MIC has applied to President Obama’s belligerent snub to the 400,000 Louisianans devastated by Katrina 2: “2005: A Republican president takes three days to survey a natural disaster in Louisiana and Mississippi after cutting a vacation short. The media at the time declares that was way too long, far too insensitive, even pushes a narrative that labels him racist. 2016: A Democratic president will not only cut a vacation short in any capacity to survey a natural disaster in Louisiana — the worst of any kind to hit the country in four years — but hasn’t even made any public statements on it. Not one. The media of 2016 now yawns. Basically indicates its no big deal and if there is actual criticism, it doesn’t lead a cable news hour or go anywhere near a front page.”
The End of White, Christian, America – The latest book to proclaim that the demise of Christianity in the never consecrated New Christendom, ‘Muricah, that is, is now a fait accompli and that all that is left to do is tally up the carnage, is The End of White Christian America. This dystopian view doesn’t take into account the fact that these self inflicted wounds against organized faith coincides with the rise of the new civil religion of ‘Muricanism. In other words, one has replaced the other so there is still faith it has just become “faith” in apostasy. The old adage that those who believe in nothing will fall for anything is being played out in real time and awaits a return to order.
Restoring The Order By Defending The Order –
Calling The Media Industrial Complex To Baton Rouge – Folks, I have talked and written about my brothers and sister in SELA dealing heroically with Katrina2, without the Media Industrial Complex heaping their Judgement Pornosphere™ guilt trips on us. Yesterday I pointed out that the MIC had not sent legions to cover the Acadian Armada-Cajun Navy and the legion of volunteers, cooking and serving the hungry, who can now return to their ruined homes and shattered lives. Meanwhile the trolls of the Judgement Pornosphere™ who have nothing better to do now that bash Louisianans for being “so dumb, they live in flood plains”. Think I’m kidding, check this prince of a man’s comment on my Facebook page on the matter:
Now, thankfully, here comes BR attorney Heather Cox:
An Apple A Day From St Thomas Keeps The Abortion Dr. Away – For those who deny that we are living in a time of unprecedented spiritual warfare I offer the story of abortionist Stojan Adasevic. Adasevic has, over his diabolical “career”, aborted over 40,000 babies in Serbia. He relates the grisly abortion that changed him in graphic detail that you can read all about here. Adasevic also had a dream that St Thomas Aquinas appeared to him in: “He dreamed about a beautiful field full of children and young people who were playing and laughing, from 4 to 24 years of age, but who ran away from him in fear. A man dressed in a black and white habit stared at him in silence. The dream was repeated each night and he would wake up in a cold sweat. One night, he asked the man in black and white who he was. “My name is Thomas Aquinas. Why don’t you ask me who these children are?” St. Thomas asked me in my dream. “They are the ones you killed with your abortions,” St. Thomas told me.” The article then makes note that St Thomas didn’t believe that babies received their souls and became human until 40 or 80 days after conception, but what the writer doesn’t inform the reader of is that at the time of St Thomas, medicine had not advanced into anatomical studies, there were no stethoscopes, and very little pre-natal knowledge. For an in-depth discussion on the Catholic teaching of the matter including St Thomas’s alleged “endorsement of human vegetative life until viability, see this article that contains a crystal clear conclusion: “There should be no debate among the faithful about the time of ‘ensoulment’, or about when a prenatal becomes a human person. The dogmas of the Incarnation and of the Immaculate Conception necessarily imply that, in the very same instant, the body is created, and the soul is created, and body and soul are one.”
Has Trump Gone “ClickBait” By Turning his Campaign Over To Breitbart? – MBD makes a good case that the phenomena of “Trumpism” WAS Trump, loud and obnoxious and unregulated by media hacks like Steve Bannon and that now he will become a bullhorn mimicking Hannity and Levin and all for no avail to those who actually need his help: “Thus Sean Hannity taunts an editor at The Wall Street Journal: “Instead of 23,000 Twitter fans hearing from you. I shared your ignorance with my 1.5 m and 15 m radio listeners!” While Hannity surely is more handsomely compensated than the victims of his taunts, the truth is that in the long run, subscribers to the Wall Street Journal are more important to the advancement of political goals than Hannity’s paranoid geriatrics.”
While Louisiana Drowns, Obama Throws Down In Martha’s Vineyard? – You read that right. While the Cajun Navy was busy rescuing stranded Cajuns from their flooded out homes, Dear Leader, Chairman MaObama was enjoying his summer vacation in Martha’s Vineyard and “going out on the town” until the wee hours of the morning. Recall that we have this vainglorious federal monstrosity that calls itself a government precisely as a result of the 1927 floods that bull-rushed the natural levies of Louisiana and activated the disaster-relief-welfare state. This was made horribly clear during Hurricane Katrina’s aftermath. But as I have been chronicling here, the nation of Louisiana and her citizen-responders have responded to Katrina 2 in heroic fashion so I ask the question, again: precisely WHY do we Louisianan’s need to be tax and spend slaves to Mordor on the Potomac river? Time for the Louisiana Independence Party to begin rallying for an independent Louisiana and a return to our status of 1811.
Where Is The Compassion For Those Who Identify Their Gender As “Single” But Are Married!? – You know it had to happen. You know someone who is single and trapped in a married person’s body and has been since they were forced to watch Leave It To Beaver reruns as a tortured child. When are Targe & Hallmark Card stores going to change the signage in the “anniversary” section and start offering “20th anniversary-ALONE” cards!? Don’t they realize the shame society heaps upon “cis-married” people who always felt single!? Heather Judd’s satire is priceless: “Bathrooms cause me even more angst. Mr. X has repeatedly tried to harass me into using the bathroom in my own apartment instead of in his house. To him there is only the binary of “single” and “married,” rigidly distinguished by the words of a marriage rite. To me there is the need to be acknowledged for who I really am, regardless of social norms or mutual agreements. What he can never experience is how every time I shower by myself in my own bathroom, I feel like a fraud, acting out the script society has written for me.”
What Comes Around Goes Around on SiriusXM Patriot – Hmmm, what will my former employer and 13 year long home for the Mike Church Show, SiriusXM Radio, do now that my replacement, Stephen K Bannon, has been hired as CEO of the Trump campaign!? I publicly volunteer to pickup where I left off and simulcast the Mike Church Show for SiriusXM listeners once again. I wish Mr Bannon Godspeed on his new Trump campaign employment.
I publicly volunteer to resume my duties as morning host on SiriusXM, I have the experience, I have the relationship with the sponsors and most of all, tens of thousands of SiriusXM listeners remain devoted to the Mike Church Show and would follow it back to Satellite Radio; what exactly is there to think about here!?
More on the Bannon move, a mere 9 months into his replacing me after 13 years: “Bannon is temporarily stepping down from Breitbart to work full-time on the campaign “in a new position designed to bolster the business-like approach of Mr. Trump’s campaign,” the news release said. Conway “will work on messaging and travel frequently with Mr. Trump, while working closely with Mr. Bannon and Mr. Manafort on all aspects of the campaign moving forward.”
Memo To Trumpzilla: Make America Small Again – There is not a day that passes on the CRUSADE Channel and the Mike Church Show that we do not talk about, explore and advocate for a return to subsidiarity, solidarity and a remodeled Christendom. In a new book, reviewed by Rod Dreher, Yuval Levin in The Fractured Republic: Renewing America’s Social Contract in the Age of Individualism, Yuval Levin, advocates for the same thing: “Levin says that small communities of committed traditionalist believers can be “agents of resistance” to “the culture of expressive individualism,” and, if they resist bunkering down into angry apocalypticism, can be an example to others of how to live happy, stable, peaceful, and productive lives. He urges religious traditionalists to create “at once a shelter and a model, a refuge and an act of edifying rebellion.”
It’s The Culture of Death Stupid – On the surface it appears that what is driving the #TrumpTrain is a longing for an economic gilded age for the middle class. While that may be one of the symptoms of our current crisis it is not the cause, the flight from Tradition and morality is The Cause. John Daniel Davidson, recognizes this and writes of it: “The truth is, entire swaths of working- and middle-class white America are now afflicted by something much worse than foreign trade or immigration. Their communities are in the throes of a moral and cultural crisis—a breakdown of the family and social institutions that has given rise to drug addiction, welfare dependency, and simmering resentment.” Note well: Davidson counsels acceptance of the “global citizen” narrative and the age old, fracturing ‘Murican practice of “voting with your feet” which is not a recipe for shoring up community and tradition.
All Hail The Cajun Navy, The Acadian Armada – While the Judgement Pornosphere whirs into high gear to denounce Donald Trump for denouncing ISIS and Obama/Clinton/Merkel’s diabolical plan for assisting them in continuing to infiltrate the West, the Cajun Navy, a rag-tag group of lovable, fellow Louisianans sprang into action with their own watercraft and supplies to assist those devastated by the floods ravaging SELA. From we learn this of the Acadian Armada (that’s my nickname for them):
Ryan Heck is a business owner and member of the East Baton Rouge Metro Council. On Monday, he also was a sailor in this band of brothers navy. Heck can be sarcastic and brutally blunt, but not Monday; he was fighting back tears, returning from another rescue mission to a part of the parish that few of his affluent constituents rarely saw before the storm. “There are people out there with water up to their eyes,” he said in a trembling voice.
Heck was on a boat along what a few days ago was Old Hammond Highway, near the intersection of Ponderosa Drive, in the southeast suburbs of Baton Rouge. The entire area went underwater when the Comite River and Lively Bayou, which feeds into Jones Creek, jumped their banks, swallowing everything in sight.
Meanwhile, in Livingston Parish, Louisiana…. – The staggering extent of the floods ravaging Louisiana are becoming known. There are 51,000 homes in Livingston Parish [county] alone and 70% of them are under water, that’s 30,000 people who have now lost everything they owned in their homes and surrounding grounds. This catastrophe is being dealt with on by the nation of South Louisiana which should show her citizens that it is Mordor that needs us, not the other way around. Folks, please pray for the souls ravaged by what some are calling “Katrina 2”.
Buchanan: The Existential Threat To Middle ‘Muricah IS The Status Quo Government – Reading the quote from today’s Veritas et Sapientia on why Executives of States choose war over peace and “debauched currency” over sound money and gold: it benefits the elites that plan our economies, run our governments and pollute our culture which has been surrendered to them: “The taxpayers’ party would engage in constant clashes with the party of the tax-consumers. In 2013, the top 1 percent of Americans in income paid 38 percent of all income taxes. The bottom 50 percent of income-earners, half the nation, paid only 3 percent of all income taxes. A question logically follows: If one belongs to that third of the nation that pays no income taxes but receives copious benefits, why would you vote for a party that will cut taxes you don’t pay, but take away benefits you do receive?”
The Satanists Held a Black “Mass” In OK City, God I s Not Amused – The Satanist “church” of Ahriman conducted its public blasphemy by holding a “black Mass” publicly, in Oklahoma City last night. Note that what these mini Hillary’s purport to mock is the beautiful 2,000 year olf Mass of the Catholic Church. In response an actual Mass was held prior to this blasphemy, correctly noting that: “What the Satanists are doing is a public offense to God and a public offense requires a public act of reparation and atonement”.
It’s August And The Immodesty Is About To Go Nuclear Because It WENT Nuclear – Venerable Bishop Sheen called out ‘Muricah back in the 1960’s while speaking to a group of young Catholics on “Youth and Sex”: “8:15 in the morning, the 6th of August, 1945, when we flew a military plane over this city, when we dropped that atomic bomb on it; that bomb on blotted out boundaries. There was no longer a boundary between the military and the civilian, between the helper and the helped, between the wounded and the nurse and the doctor, between the living and the dead. For even the living who escaped the bomb were already half dead. So we broke down boundaries and limits and from that time on the world has said we want no one limiting me. … You want no restraint, no boundaries, no limitsI have to do what I want to do. Now let’s analyze that for a moment, is that happiness?”
The Tragedy of Post Christian, Philosophia Perennis Devoid Thinking – Read this piece from AmConMag writer Noah Millman to get a closeup view of why Philosophia Perennis is so desperately needed to corral the erroneous thinking Men are sure to engage in when NOT grounded in the eternal quest for True Wisdom i.s. Sapientia. The issue Noah, is not whether “only the Saints” can live by the Magisterial code, it is that by God’s Grace the Saints DID live the Tradition WHILE receiving the Graces needed to do so. You cannot approach Grace as zero sum, mathematics, as in if I do ______ I will receive ______ “Grace credits” but if I do ______I will have deducted ______ Grace Credits. Grace is present in the world and we are given the supply needed at Baptism, the suffering of the Christian Faithful is simply to maintain the state you enter at Baptism, using the Gospels and the Traditional Teaching as MEANS to that END. As Padré Gaetano tells us in Humility of Heart: “And has not a saint abundant reasons, from the thought of his own weakness, to live always in a state of great humility, when he knows that from one hour to another he may lose the grace of God and the kingdom of heaven which he has merited by years of laboriously-acquired virtues? “Unless the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it.”
Written by: TheKingDude
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