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The Mike Church Show-Radio Would Have Thwarted The Trump Assassination Attempt The KingDude
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Veritas et Sapientia – “The problem is that we live in a deeply juvenile age. The people who run our institutions—those who organize political rallies, run church dioceses, and write our news—have all emerged from this immature cesspool. A new Solon will not emerge from a culture that thirsts to ruin kids’ lives just because of politics. So once again, we ask in futility: where are the adults?” – James McElroy, Where Were The Adults?
Mandeville, LA – Today’s Pile of Prep: most of the stories and research used to put together the Mike Church Show on the Veritas Radio Network’s CRUSADE Channel.
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Gayle Benson, wife of the late, great Tom Benson, issued the following statement yesterday on the New Orleans Saints historic loss to the Los Angeles Rams. I’ve add emphasis because Mrs. Benson nailed the correct points.
Yesterday’s result is still difficult to accept for all of us. I am thoroughly disappointed by the events that led to the outcome of yesterday’s game. Getting to the Super Bowl is incredibly difficult to do and takes such an unbelievable commitment from a team and support from its fans. No team should ever be denied the opportunity to reach the title game (or simply win a game) based on the actions, or inactions, of those charged with creating a fair and equitable playing field. As is clear to all who watched the game, it is undeniable that our team and fans were unfairly deprived of that opportunity yesterday. I have been in touch with the NFL regarding yesterday’s events and will aggressively pursue changes in NFL policies to ensure no team and fan base is ever put in a similar position again. It is a disservice to our coaches, players, employees and, most importantly, the fans who make our game possible. The NFL must always commit to providing the most basic of expectations — fairness and integrity.
Read the whole statement here. UPDATE: NOLA writer agrees with The KingDude: “No Saints fan worth his Creole seasoning should watch a second of Superbowl LIE!!”
Finally, others are asking the question I asked on yesterday’s Mike Church Show: where were the adults from Covington Catholic High School? Where were/are the adults from the Washington Post? And where are the adults who should be locked away for instigating threats of violence and permanent removal from their IMpolite society? James M<cElvoy has some chastisement for the whole lot, read it here.
“The demons are ascendent, they’ve come for the children”. Just like real demons, the Libtard elite can’t be bothered to leave the comfort of their slut palaces or soy cribs so they take to social media to ask deranged Stalin yewts to do their violent dirty work for them. I won’t reprint their vulgarity but you can sample it here.
Search the photo galleries of commencement speakers at Notre Dame’s graduation ceremonies and you will find one Barrack Hussein Obama from 2009. I wager that you can find Obama’s mug delivering this address somewhere on Notre Dame’s campus in a position authorized by the university. Obama is/was the biggest promoter of abortion, contraception and now sodomite marriages in the U.S. government – an obvious source of contention for the world’s most famous Catholic school – except it isn’t: Christopher Columbus is.
I just happen to know a little bit about Covington KY and I know a little bit about the Catholics there: they are good, tradition-observing folks and they take their public display of The Faith, seriously. Now comes this assault out of left-field that some of the boys from Covington Catholic HS are a bunch of Indian hating, racists…. and there’s video to prove it! Not so fast. Read the statement Nick Sandman sent to local Channel 12 news, here’s an excerpt from Rod Dreher’s coverage.
Rich Lowry apologizes for being a rush to judgement, libtard sympathyzer.
Full video & social media “high-tech lynching” here
The Huffing Puffington Post’s headline reads like an EXTRA! Read All About It, The Nazis Are Coming, The Nazis Are Coming!!!”:
Oh no, not that! The war against ALL religion (except Islam, of course) has been raging since 3:15pm,. March 25, 33 A.D. but this latest phase is the most complete and thorough ever and the evidence of its relative “success” is everywhere around us for all to see. Chad Felix Greene makes a salient observation about this assault on the Pence’s.
As with all traditional religious practices, individuals are expected to conform to a code of conduct. Pence and his wife are traditional Christians, and the frightening undertone of the criticism is of progressives advancing state-regulated religious practice.
I will say it again: you’re arguing from the POV that religious plurality is a mandatory part of our civilization.
Since Nancy Pelosi’s Dumbocrat Party victory in November I have been saying that I couldn’t wait to see the ultimate, corrupt political hack, Pelosi, square off against the real-world tempered and victorious Don Jon of Manhattan™ (President Trump). Where Pelosi would play some big, elite-media friendly worn out “racist, sexist, bigot, homophobe” trope and Trump would counter with “oh yeah, watch this”. Well the “watch this” has happened in response to Pelosi’s “no SOTU speech for you!” hackery: Trump has grounded Pelosi’s military transport plane, thus her “Speaker’s tour” of Europe and Africa. Reuters reported.
“Due to the shutdown, I am sorry to inform you that your trip to Brussels, Egypt and Afghanistan has been postponed,” Trump’s letter said. Trump told Pelosi she could make the trip by flying commercial.
I’m sure the troops in Afghanistan Pelosi was to visit have sent thank you grams to Don Jon of Manhattan™!
James Bovard has done us all a huge favor, reminding us that William Barr – Trump’s nominee to replace Jeff Sessions – was AG at the time the FBI surrounded the Ruby Ridge home of Randy Weaver, his wife Vicki and son Sammy. HWat happened next is one of the most sinister acts the Feds have ever perpetrated, Bovard tells the ghastly tale.
After Randy Weaver, an outspoken white separatist living on a mountaintop in northern Idaho, was entrapped by an undercover federal agent, U.S. marshals trespassed on Weaver’s land and killed his 14-year-old son, Sammy. The following day, FBI sniper Lon Horiuchi killed his wife, Vicki, as she was standing in the cabin doorway. Horiuchi had previously shot Randy Weaver in the back after he stepped out of the cabin. The suspects were never given a warning or a chance to surrender and had taken no action against FBI agents. Weaver survived.
Barr denied he was involved in the Ruby Ridge murders – yes they were murders – but back in the day when the NY Times had investigative journalists, that was proven to be a lie.
Barr told the New York Times in 1993 that he was not directly involved in the Ruby Ridge operation. Two years later, the Washington Post revealed that “top officials of the Bush Justice Department had at least 20 [phone] contacts concerning Ruby Ridge in the 24 hours before Vicki Weaver was shot,” including two calls involving Barr.
The FBI created what it called “007” rules of engagement with American CITIZENS, meaning agents have a “license to kill” the peasant class that e.g. elected President Trump. Read these recaps from the Idaho Statesman that offer keen insight into the “manslaughter” defense the FBI sniper-with the help of William Barr-successfully used. I’d like to believe Trump has no knowledge of Barr’s involvement i the murder of American citizens and the Senate Judiciary committee should do its job and answer that question AND determine Barr’s current stand on FBI agents as James Bond.
Rachel lu on how Gillette blew it with their PoundMeToo TV ad.
Ya, Ve Like The Money & Big House, Ya But Ve Have No Kiddies For Ze Retirement
The demographic crisis is now a PUBLIC concern in Nordic countries – something we’ve known since 2005 and many have predicted since contraception went world-wide in the 1930’s.
On yesterday’s show I played the now infamous Gillette salute to SoyBoy opus “The Best a Ma’am Can Get” and pointed out that none of what was depicted in this brain dead sop was “masculine” much less “toxic masculine”. Now cmoes David French reminding us that Gillette’s competition, Harrys, ran a much worse ad back in 2017 (an ad that I cannot locate anywhere on their media accounts). French says that Harry’s…
If you want to see the difference between a rather awkward attack on truly toxic masculinity and a frontal assault on actual masculine virtue, then look no farther than this 2017 Twitter ad from Harry’s. By striking through manly virtues, Harry’s liberates no one. Instead, a brand designed to cater to men attacks the aspirational ideals of its customer base. Masculine virtues are virtues, and any message to the contrary contributes (in however small a way) to the challenges facing all too many men and boys in modern America.
Here I go again with French’s good intentions but his awful thinking. A “virtue” is not “manly”, it applies to the whole human race. Let’s take the 4 cardinal virtues: Justice, Temperance, Prudence and Fortitude. Then there are the 3 Theological Virtues: Faith, Hope and Charity. A cursory evaluation of each would reveal that women use these (and may need them MORE than men!) as naturally as men, does that make e.g. Fortitude exclusively masculine? Would you deny your wife is exhibiting Fortitude when she consents to a C-section to deliver your child? See the contradiction? What French is trying to say is the virtues we want men to prize and practice are virtues practiced on behalf of women and children. This is called chivalry and it IS all but dead. The Catholic Church teaches the following on the Virtues.
1833 Virtue is a habitual and firm disposition to do good. 1834 The human virtues are stable dispositions of the intellect and the will that govern our acts, order our passions, and guide our conduct in accordance with reason and faith. They can be grouped around the four cardinal virtues: prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance.
I humbly suggest David French read Father William Slattery’s Heroism and Virtue and he will learn of how these virtues can be applied in chivalrous pursuits!
I have been following Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii for 3 years now, ever since she did what was ethically correct and quit her DNC post so she could endorse Bernie Sanders. The Socio-Commie adulation aside, Gabbard actually displayed a knowledge of ethics…and she’s a Dumbocrat! Now Gabbard has come out against the continuing occupations in the Middle-East and is a direct, outspoken opponent of making allies out of the Saudi Arabians and their Yemeni genocide. Gabbard is also the first Dem to declare that she is running for President in 2020 and as James Pinkerton points out, this is a HUGE problem for the party of Martin van Buren.
Thus did Gabbard smile in agreement when CNN host Van Jones summarized her views as “hawk on terror, dove on regime change.” And most Americans would agree: that is, everybody wants an anti-terrorism policy, but few want more foreign wars and regime changes. Interestingly, Gabbard’s words and related anti-war actions make her a controversial figure on today’s Left.
Imagine a debate twixt an actual war vet, Tulsi Gabbard and the fake war “vet” Richard Blumenthal in 2019…. I’d like a front row seat for that. If Gabbard would go REALLY contra-dumbocrat and restore the Robert Casey wing of the party (are you listening Tulsi, this is a HUGE opportunity?) there could actually be some progress made against the killing of the soon to be born. I’m asking Our Lady to intercede for this lady, how about you?
In 2010 I drew the “Libtardia” artwork below and sold it on t-shirts and posters. Look at it closely then read Grayson Quay’s editorial about talking to Libs who “want to put you in a gulag” and I think you’ll see I was onto something back then.
It is, of course, impossible to reason with the true believers, the ones who don’t even try to hide their bloodthirstiness. For them, any attempt at disagreement is not just an opposing opinion, but an act of violence, and even dignifying a less-than-radical viewpoint with a response constitutes a betrayal of the revolution.
I keep asking the question: how long before one of these soy boy SJW’s decides he should act upon his warped thinking and pull a gun and try and (ineffectively7) use it on a “MAGA” fan? What will happen then? Will Gavin Newsome declare California a sanctuary state for SJW murderers and “gulag” terrorists?
Brother André Marie is suggesting that defenders of justice, benefactors and friends of The Saint Benedict Center to pray to Saint Joseph, the patron saint of the diocese of Manchester, that entity currently tormenting the MICM with a plot to destroy them, for his intercession in the matter.
KV Turley has a bone-chilling essay on the “Flithy Lucre of England’s Abortion Industry” that includes the grand dame of baby-killing English style: Marie Stopes. If you think Margaret Sanger’s eugenics are horrifying, wait’ll you meet the even creepier Stopes.
In her book, Radiant Motherhood (1920), [Marie] Stopes states: “the sterilisation of those totally unfit for parenthood [should be] made an immediate possibility, indeed made compulsory.” The following year she opened her first family planning center in London and founded the “Society for Constructive Birth Control and Racial Progress.” Its purpose was to prevent the birth of what she considered: “the inferior, the depraved, and the feeble-minded.
England’s abortion industry as KV points out is an abomination to the smoldering remains of Christendom and proves that the Nazis actually did win WWII and are practicing their gruesome craft as abortionists and their growing clientele. At a time when all of former Christendom is declining in population while Islam remains ascendent (and thus so are demons) it may be time to conclude that the “pro-life movement” is an abominable failure and a new tactic is needed: Calling all CRUSADER Knights!
Check out my interview with the Father/Son filmmaking team behind Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing, Richard and Stephen Payne. The Payne’s boldly state:
This is no conspiracy theory! It’s the real story of Alinsky and his movement. It’s the classic teachings of the Church with insights from philosopher Dr. Alice von Hildebrand, Fr. Mitch Pacwa, S.J. (who as a Jesuit scholastic was trained in Alinskyian organizing), Fathers Glenn Sudano & Andrew Apostoli (co-founders with Fr. Benedict Groeschel of Franciscan Friars of the Renewal), Stephanie Block (who wrote the definitive 4 volume study of Alinskyian organizing). Actors play Alinsky, Popes St. John Paul II & Leo XIII, Blessed Jerzy Popieluszko & others.
We have made the entire interview available for FREE, please share it with friends and family today, its an important piece of work!
A new study shows that most children who leave the Catholic Church as young adults begin the process when they are teens DURING CCD classes etc (my conclusion, not the study’s authors). Now why would that be and why does it matter? Look what 50 years of post-conciliar “happy Jesus-no sin to see here, parishioner, move along, faith” hath wrought [emphasis mine, MC]
The church also is encountering loss through people who were never introduced to the faith. Parents raised as Catholics increasingly choose not to enroll their children in the sacraments of initiation. While Catholic fertility rates largely reflect that of the general population, fewer infants are baptized today than in the 1940s, according to Mark Gray, a senior researcher on Catholicism.
If you are a Mass, 4 times a year “catholic” you obviously don’t believe the Sacraments are an integral and necessary part of your salvation so why should you bother your kids with it when they can hang out with the Protestants down the way and climb rock walls in their churches?
Membah…membah!? Fast forward to November of that year and Chris writes a followup “Too Catholic For Satellite Radio”. Thanks to Papa Francis deliberate attempt to bring an end to the Catholic Church by claiming he can change dogma (the licit Death Penalty), I am becoming #Too Catholic For Lukewarm Catholic Radio. Ferrara wrote the following which we at the CRUSADE Channel studio still believe is True and pursue improving it every day.
“Indeed, over the past year or so Mike Church has emerged as the only traditionally Catholic conservative in talk radio today, anywhere in the world. And I mean traditional. Not only during my appearances on the show, but now thematically, Mike has turned the longest running political talk show on Sirius Radio into an unabashed presentation of the Social Kingship of Christ, traditional Catholic moral teaching, and even the traditional Latin liturgy as the solution to what is evidently otherwise a terminal civilizational crisis. I have been invited on the show numerous times to defend all of these things explicitly, to speak of the one true Church, and even to call upon conservative Protestants to enter the Church if they are serious about saving our nation and our civilization.”
Thanks to you, fair reader, we have the chance to continue that fight but I am in constant need of your assistance, click here to chip in.
Co-hosted by Mike Church and now available On-Demand!
It’s January 2019 And The Immodesty Is About To Go Nuclear Because It WENT Nuclear – Venerable Bishop Sheen called out ‘Muricah back in the 1960’s while speaking to a group of young Catholics on “Youth and Sex”: “8:15 in the morning, the 6th of August, 1945, when we flew a military plane over this city, when we dropped that atomic bomb on it; that bomb on blotted out boundaries. There was no longer a boundary between the military and the civilian, between the helper and the helped, between the wounded and the nurse and the doctor, between the living and the dead. For even the living who escaped the bomb were already half dead. So we broke down boundaries and limits and from that time on the world has said we want no one limiting me. … You want no restraint, no boundaries, no limits. I have to do what I want to do. Now let’s analyze that for a moment, is that happiness?”
The MIKE CHURCH SHOW and the Veritas Radio Newtork’s CRUSADE Channel are 26 months old this month. To see another 26 months of life, please support our crowdfunding effort, become a Founders Pass Member, place an ad or much more. Click SOS our Mascot for details!
Written by: TheKingDude
covington catholic libtards nfl Pile of Prep saints robbed War Drums
todayAugust 28, 2024 113 1
11:40 pm - 11:55 pm
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