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Duane Cunnningham on February 8, 2013 I used to be gung-ho about the “war on terror”. I guess being a veteran, attempting to be a partriot, and the desire to support my nation played a part. However, as I get older, these things I identify myself with, become less, as I see what I supported, is not as it seemed years ago. To cross the pons asinorum, to see and understand what the cost of perpetual war is on our nation, the cost of our freedoms due to the justifications of fighting such a war, the cost in treasure, and lives, is what understanding brings. The use of drones are but one example of what has become an acceptable tool of so called justice delivered by the Executive branch without checks and balances, only lessens our nation and is but one sad example of departure from the core values of the Founders, and the Constituion. Is Due Process now a thing of the pass, and a war on terror an excuse for the further demiss of the Constitution, and rise of tryannical executive power, ignored by a self interested congress, that is stealing from our posterity to bankroll this tryanny, and then cry about how many drone strikes are acceptable, what regimes we must overthrow, or support which rebellion, or that we must defend ourselves by defending the entrire planet, or that we must subsidize the defense of most of it, and arguing over the crumbs of what is left of our liberties. Thanks for the red pill… Log in to Reply
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1757