
Veritas et Sapientia – To Stop Iconoclasm, Teach Its Opposite

todayAugust 23, 2017 5


Mandeville, LA – Education confers happiness and usefulness, and therefore demands attention. No maxim is more readily admitted than that a wise and free government should provide for the education of its citizens; but the maxim seems not to be admitted to its just extent. Nor is it only as a refuge from the dangers of youth that such an institution is to be regarded. It is to give strength and preparation for the whole life. It is then that habits, principles and tastes, that fix the colour of succeeding years, are to be formed. Then are the victories to be achieved over the temper and disposition, over the temptations from within and from without, that make the man master of himself through life. Patience in investigation, accuracy of research, perseverance in labour, resolution to conquer difficulty, zeal in the cause of learning and virtue, are then to be acquired. Then is Science to display her charms, and Literature, her delights, and a refined and exalted taste to lure him, by high gratifications, from the vain pleasures of the world. Then is he to be made familiar with the sages and heroes of antiquity, to catch the inspiration of their genius and their virtue, and the great and the good of every age and of every land are to be made his associates, his instructors, his examples.

Will not a grateful sense of these benefits heighten the ardor of his patriotism, and will he not serve a country that cherished and adorned his youth with more devotion, as well as with far more ability? It may be that love of country springs from some undefinable and hidden instinct of our nature, wisely given to the heart of man to fit him for the filial duties which he owes to the land of his birth. But this impulse, however pure and high its origin, must submit to the common destiny of all human affections. It may glow with increasing ardor, elevate itself above all our desires, and reign the ruling passion of the soul. And it may grow cold, languish and expire. A country, like a parent, should meet this instinctive feeling of her children with a corresponding affection; should call it forth to early and continual exercise by early and continual blessings, by setting before them illustrious examples, and all the high rewards of virtue, and preparing them for all the enjoyments and duties of life. Such a country will not want patriots. – Extracts From A Discourse On Education, Delivered In Saint Anne’s Church, Annapolis, After The Commencement Of Saint John’s College, February 22nd, 1827, By Francis S. Key, Esq. Alumnus Of Saint John’s College.

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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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