Veritas et Sapientia

Veritas et Sapientia-The Nihilism Of Catholics Accepting “Gay” Lifestyles

todayJanuary 10, 2018 6


Mandeville, LA – “I received your dear letter extremely late; it is dated December 12th. It is actually postmarkedJanuary 3rd. The delay of the second date is normal during these holidays, which are for me the worst days of the year, if for no other reason because they are the most desecrated. I agree completely with what you tell me about the current nihilism. It is no longer tragic nihilism, whose last traces could be found, perhaps, in terrorism. That nihilism was supposed to lead to a revolutionary solution, which was more or less confusedly glimpsed or, better, confusedly remembered. In it there was still an element of rage, and this gave it a remotely human semblance. But today’s nihilism is gay nihilism, in two senses. It is gay because it is not restless(perhaps it could be even defined as the suppression of Augustine’s “inquietum cor meum”.

And also because its main symbol is homosexuality (indeed, we can say that it always understands love homosexually, even when the relationship is still between a man and a woman). Not for nothing, it finds its representatives in ex-Catholics, who are still courted by Catholics who recognise in them something that at bottom they find in themselves. Such nihilism is precisely the reduction of every value to “trading value.” It is the utmost bourgeois outcome, in the worst sense, of the process that started with the First World War. The worst clouding of judgment produced by nihilism is the loss of perception of the inter-dependence of all the factors of today’s history. Indeed, if you look carefully, it is just the flip-side of scientism and of its necessary un-mooring from all values that are not strictly instrumental. […] As for Catholics, what characterises them is the acceptance of an interpretation of our time whose origin is Marxist or neo-bourgeois. The result is that they can no longer think of their metaphysics and their religion as truth.

This impotence is manifested by the fact that they present it using allegorical and allusive language, through which they claim to distinguish themselvesfrom common and traditional Catholics, and truly succeed. Their school of unbelief is unparalleled. […] – Augusto del Noce, Letter to Rodolfo Quadrelli of January 8, 1984

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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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