Veritas et Sapientia

Veritas et Sapientia-The World Modern ‘Muricah Has Made

todayDecember 19, 2016 3

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Mandeville, LA – [Thanks to Rod Dreher for posting this letter – Ed. M.C.] “On the other hand, you have stories of parents, all wealthy, all white, all ostensibly educated, whose highest telos seems to be water polo or soccer or skiing for their coddled teenage children and who therefore uproot themselves from whatever home and community they and their children have known to pursue such big goals as playing hockey for Boston College. Big dreams! What lessons are these children learning? That the pursuit of some solipsistic and socially worthless goal involving sports (!) should supplant the needs and company of their immediate families, not to mention those of grandparents and uncles and aunts and childhood friends. That your father should live in an upper-crust boardinghouse so you can play a sport that only seemed meaningful when the Russians and the Hungarians left blood in the Olympic pool in 1956.

This is the world we have all made and the shame and the blame extends to all of us. Because we listened to the free traders for whom the value of cheap goods from China via Walmart was more important than the industrial jobs that sustained young families and provided some discipline and dignity to young lives. To the entertainment elites that cynically peddled a culture of indulgence and irresponsibility in various seductive packages, wherein the only value is to have a good time and whose narrow idea of consequences is confined only to the immediate participant, not those whose lives the participant touches. To the professional elites who looked down on their fellow citizens who had to do society’s dirty jobs and who were more worried about some carbon dioxide in the air than what would happen to those miners and processors when all their jobs were gone. To the political class, who among many crimes on the road to the welfare state abetted the baby daddies abandoning their offspring, paid unmarried women to have more children and offered a vision of society in which you are either a winner or a hand-out recipient. Even to those saintly grandparents featured in the opioid story, who could not figure out how to protect their children from the corruption all around them.

Some of us are considering the virtue of a retreat into smaller communities in which traditional values can be supported, what the essayist Rod Dreher calls the Benedict Option. Stories such as these may give us the push we need, although we must also maintain hope for those left behind.” – Pat Maloney Winnetka, Illinois

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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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