Veritas et Sapientia

Veritas et Sapientia-Time To Heed Your Mother’s Warnings About “Days Like These”

todayJune 26, 2018 1

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Mandeville, LA – [Editor’s note: Like most of you, I watch the escalating violence in our political world, which combined with the shameless rise if public displays of perversion, stoke fear for the near-future. Are all these events and trends coincidence or the fulfillment of prophecies? Reading the statements made by the Mother of Christ to Sister Mariana of Jesus in Quito Ecuador, brings these events into focus and begs the question: have we conformed our mind to the reality that Our Lady, prophesied the Truth AND told us what to do about it?Ed., M.C.] “The small number of souls who will secretly safeguard the treasure of Faith and virtues will suffer a cruel, unspeakable, and long martyrdom. Many will descend to their graves through the violence of suffering and will be counted among the martyrs who sacrificed themselves for the country and the Church.

“To be delivered from the slavery of these heresies, those whom the merciful love of my Son has destined for this restoration will need great will-power, perseverance, courage, and confidence in God. To try the faith and trust of these just ones, there will be times when all will seem lost and paralyzed. It will then be the happy beginning of the complete restoration….

“In those times the atmosphere will be saturated with the spirit of impurity which, like a filthy sea, will engulf the streets and public places with incredible license.… Innocence will scarcely be found in children, or modesty in women.

“He who should speak seasonably will remain silent.

“There shall be scarcely any virgin souls in the world. The delicate flower of virginity will seek refuge in the cloisters.…Without virginity, fire from heaven will be needed to purify these lands.… – The Mother of Our Lord, to Sister Mariana of Jesus, Quito Ecuador c. 1700

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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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