Founders Pass

VI Annual, Constitution Day Extravaganza-Audio Is Now Available!

todaySeptember 20, 2015 20

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    VI Annual, Constitution Day Extravaganza-Audio Is Now Available! TheKingDude

VI Annual Constitution Day Extravaganza, Live Webcast, Recap!

Mandeville, LA – [Editor’s Note: LIVE broadcasting has its share of significant challenges and we have experienced them all since beginning our Philosophia Perennis Tuesday night classes. This webcast got off to a rough start as a result of operator error on MY PART. I mistakenly failed to select an option on our LIVE YouTube webstream which stopped the stream from being broadcast LIVE as advertised. This resulted in professor Gutzman’s segment not airing live and Dwayne and Chris’s segments being 40 minutes delayed because in troubleshooting the first error I triggered a second error (lucky me!). None of this suggests we are lazy and nefarious in promoting the event in attempting to pull it off as some very irate members have suggested. I apologize for my errors and hope to avoid them at future events. Thanks to Dwayne and Chris for being magnanimous through my incompetence. We have recordings of Professor Gutzman’s segment and will debut them Friday the 18th and beyond. – Mike Church]


“BAD PRESIDENTS” Featuring Dr. Kevin Gutzman

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    VI Annual, Constitution Day Extravaganza-Audio Is Now Available! TheKingDude

“FLAWED FROM THE START” Featuring “Liberty The God That Failed author Chris Ferrara

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    VI Annual, Constitution Day Extravaganza-Audio Is Now Available! TheKingDude

“ARTICLE III JUDICIARY MUST BE STOPPED” Featuring Dwayne Stovall, candidate for Congress and founder of Texans For Freedom.

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    VI Annual, Constitution Day Extravaganza-Audio Is Now Available! TheKingDude


Join us on Constitution Day this Tuesday 17 September for a special evening show with Mike and special guests Kevin Gutzman, Dwayne Stovall and Chris Ferrara. We’ll have plenty of video and audio for you along with the always informing and entertaining interviews with our guests all following this year’s theme: Is The Constitution Dead?!

Not a Founders Pass Member? You can support this site and the non-radio work Mike Does (which winds up ON-radio by becoming a Member. Books like Life of Washington & Patrick Henry-American Statesman don’t revive themselves, please support these and countless other projects here with a new Founders Pass membership. Become a Key, Founding Brother ($100) or Founding Father ($500) Supporter and earn Premium gifts like The Spirit of ’76-The Story Continues. Join for as little as .20 cents per day!


Dwayne Stovall – Candidate for U.S. House, President, We Texans

05:40 a.m. (SiriusXM) and 06:05 p.m. (FoundingFather Films webcast)

Kevin Gutzman author of James Madison & The Making of America

06:10 a.m. (SiriusXM) and 05:15 p.m. (FoundingFather Films webcast)

Chris Ferrara author of Liberty The God That Failed

07:10 a.m. (SiriusXM) and 06:35 p.m. (FoundingFather Films webcast)

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Written by: TheKingDude

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  1. Craig on September 24, 2015

    No apology necessary Mike. You break new ground with historical truth on a consistent basis regardless of the hither and yon snafu. Thank you for what you do.
