insert_link Founders Television Brad Birzer and Winston Elliott Discuss “A New Dark Age” todayJanuary 23, 2025 23
insert_link Founders Television New Christendom Committees of Correspondence Newsletter Vol I, Issue IX todayFebruary 26, 2021 13
Duane Cunningham on April 17, 2013 MIke Again, I wanted to thank you for picking a subject to get my blood boiling. I find that your show wakes me up better then any coffee or alarm clock. As far as the subject matter, I want to add a few thoughts. I believe the culture is changing. Maybe I need to restate what you preach, to come to an understanding. I find that we as a nations are moving away from the founders, and godliness, or from the ideals of (r)epublicanism, slowly into an Orwellian abyss, with the citizen voting willingly for in ignorance. Daniel McCarthy is indicative of the supposed intellectual view of controlling the monster Leviathan for good, to which only tryanny will continue to grow from, as the monster takes root in everything in our daily lives. The growing culture of dependence is being educated by Leviathan itself, and the media for the most part is a culpable partner. Do we really need instant gratification of centralized government solutions pushed through Congress to make us feel better at the cost of our freedom? Why does commentary like this anger me so? The Founders made it harder to change, as they knew the reactionaries would use populism, to grasp for power, and to get the support of the electorate. And now that is succeeding more then I could have ever imagined. It is those that stand up to irrational change like yourself, that make a stand for the common good, to fight to protect and “conserve” what the Founders made for us that should be emulated, not some farcicle “what are you going to do for me” mentallity that is becoming pervasive and changing this country into something I do not recognize. Keep up the good fight!!!! Log in to Reply
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1757