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The Mike Church Show-Radio Would Have Thwarted The Trump Assassination Attempt The KingDude
Audio Post Format TheKingDude
Mandeville, LA – Mike Church’s daily Pile of Prep, chock full of the latest from Paul Gottfried, trying to define Right Wing. Read along with my historical viewpoint to help make sense of it all plus other [r]epublican stories used to perform the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM Patriot channel 125.“In Comrade Mandela we had a brave and courageous soldier, patriot and internationalist who, to borrow from Che Guevara, was a true revolutionary guided by great feelings of love for his people, an outstanding feature of all genuine people’s revolutionaries. To us as South African communists, Comrade Mandela shall forever symbolise the monumental contribution of the SACP in our liberation struggle.” – Statement from the South African Workers Party (communists)
Today’s Guest Anthony Gregory: 72 years of infamy, the annual commemoration of the attack on Pearl Harbor reminds us of our non-interventionist past
The backlash against “conservatives’ ” embrace of St Mandela receives some new B-12 vitamins in the form of an admission by the South African Communist Party that Mandela was a member
Jack Kerwick and Ilana Mercer seem to be the only two souls in the Northern hemisphere who refuse to carry the water for Mandela without acknowledging not only his old, violent past, but his recent association with African communists and indeed membership in their party
[private FP-Yearly-So76|FP-Yearly|FP-Monthly|FP-Yearly-WLK]
Paoul Anderson’s tale of time travel is an insightful reminder that our ancestors were as smart if not smarter than we are and in complete control of their technology
There’s no better long form reading project than getting familiar with John Taylor of Caroline’s “Tyranny Unmasked” quite possibly the best tract ever written on the subject of what he called “protection” but what we call “corporatism”
What did the English think of the North’s ridiculous claims that the Confederate States 1. Could not secede 2.Were never sovereign & Independent and 3. Were justified in their defense of themselves? Read all about it, start on p. 650
H.L. Mencken is worth reading on many topics but especially on Gettsyburg, you will find his entire critique of Lincoln’s “Gospel” beginning on page 173
The biography of Albert Gallatin is worth knowing and this “American Statesman” book on him is a good start
John Taylor of Caroline was the most influential [r]epublican voice of his day and his work remains as necessary reading. This essay by the great Joseph Stromberg, first published in 1982, explains Taylor’s [r]epublicanism and libertarian thought, unlike any other American of his time
S.J. Quinn’s The History of Fredericksburg, VA is a most thrilling historical walk through 18th & 19th century American history &b includes episodes from 1776, 1798 and 1861
One of the most accomplished yet little know Founder AND Christian Gentlemen was John Randolph of Roanoke, I am researching him for reference and for a good volume on his life to republish, this one is rare and good
PA Congressman wants to know how the IRS plans to force Volunteer Fire Departments to abide the individual mandate under ObamaCare and then “provide” benefits to “volunteers”? ” “First, are volunteer firefighters considered employees and therefore subject to the employer mandate under Obamacare? And second, how should volunteer time be counted to see if they’re working 30 hours?” – Lou Barletta, PA
Rep Paul Ryan & Senator Patty Murray unveil increased spending, taxes (airline “fees”) and insults to military retirees (their pensions are cut) in $85 BILLION spending gap measure cheered by DeceptiCONS & Libs alike and includes an INCREASE in military spending so we can elevate our 43% share of the universe’s military spending back toward 5o%!
Nomocracy in Politics: The virtues necessary for the Constitution to be effective are the “lower virtues”. “This constitutional morality is no set of theological convictions or habits; it does not explicitly demand any particular conception of the human good beyond recognition of the duty to uphold the Constitution. It is not some high virtue of the saint. But this lower virtue is essential for constitutional government to survive.”
Speaking of the U.S. Constitution, can someone help me find the clause that grants appropriation power to the Vice President, or the President for that matter? VP Biden said he was writing a $100 MILLION check for the treatment of “mental health”, this is to try and prevent future Sandy Hook shootings. The implication is the national tyranny can actually improve the insane’s mental condition!? How about $100 million to cure Viagara addiction or maybe $100 million to cure the psychopathic career criminals at the NSA
LATIN PHRASE OF THE DAY: De mortuis nihil nisi bonum – Of the dead nothing unless good
You know that bailout I keep talking about that’s going top burst the bubble of never-ending debt spending? The DeutscheBank now thinks that is exactly what’s going to occur
After the embarrassing revelations that teens are snapping “selfies” at their loved ones funerals, our Dear Leader decided to give the ultimate act of dubiousness a go, taking a “selfie” with other funeral attendees who seem to be having way too much fun for a “memorial service”
If there was any doubt left that the intelligence on the Syrian government’s use of nerve gas, was cheer picked to justify the war John Kerry & John McCain wanted, this will settle the question once and for all – Syrian “rebels”, Obama, McCain, Graham and Rubio’s new buddies, not only had sarin gas but they made sarin
Brion McClanahan: Thomas Paine and his “Crisis” breathed life into Washington’s near dead campaign for the “Glorious Cause” in December, 17776
Article V Amendment Convention talk is picking up proverbial steam, now being promoted on the pages of town and Prof. Kevin Gutzman and Yours Truly are mentioned alongside Mark Levin whom the author apparently thinks has always been a promoter of Article V conventions (he hasn’t-see here)
Gentleman’s Tip of The Day: How to take care of a hat. No, we don’t mean baseball CAPS we’re talking classic fedoras and other classy “toppers”
From Monday’s Mike Church Show: Why is it a “socialistic takeover” of 1/5 of the economy when Pelosi/Obama/Reid et al pass ObamaCare with an individual mandate but it’s “free market reforms” when GOP’s Tom Price does it with a nearly identical mandate?
Brad Birzer: Conservatism is not about group think, plastic hairdos, broadcast fakes or most of all,m conformity
The Christmas edition of the American History Quiz from our friends at Franklin’s Opus
Ryan Lizza gives u stye most complete picture of the history of the NSA, the C.I.A. I have read this year and asks the question: why won’t Obama tell the spy fare state to stand down?
The radically autonomous may never be fit for the type of agrarian life that running a farm entails despite the “cool” factor of “organic farming” preached in many avant grade food rags. Farming requires a family, a large family and if its one thing Millennials do not want, its large families suckling their 80 inch 4d TV access away
Blogger gets the unemployment crisis and its cause/remedies precisely backwards as I marvel at how he could have arrived at his quackery
Written by: TheKingDude
todayAugust 28, 2024 114 1
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