Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts

Wednesday Red Pill Diaries-Moore Vs Harper Could Be The Catalyst For A Great republican Awakening

todaySeptember 14, 2022 16



Moore vs Harper 

  • In Moore v. Harper, the Supreme Court will decide whether the North Caro­lina Supreme Court has the power to strike down the legis­lature’s illeg­ally gerry­mandered congres­sional map for viol­at­ing the North Caro­lina Consti­tu­tion. The legis­lat­ors have argued that a debunked inter­pret­a­tion of the U.S. Consti­tu­tion — known as the “inde­pend­ent state legis­lature theory” — renders the state courts and state consti­tu­tion power­less in matters relat­ing to federal elec­tions.

Gerrymandering = In representative democracies, gerrymandering is the political manipulation of electoral district boundaries with the intent of creating undue advantage for a party, group, or socio-economic class within the constituency. The manipulation may consist of “cracking” or “packing”.

  • It was Patrick Henry that did this first unsuccessfully by trying to stop Madison from being elected to the Congress.
  • Dividing Congressional Districts in geographical way is a massively dumb idea.
  • Moore vs Harper
  • WHY DID THE COURT (SCOTUS) TAKE THE CASE? The Supreme Court has not explained why it decided to take the case, although that’s not unusual. However, some justice’s state­ments at earlier points in the case shed some light. When the Supreme Court denied emer­gency relief to the gerry­man­der­ers in March, three justices — Justices Samuel Alito, Clar­ence Thomas, and Neil Gorsuch — voiced support for the theory, as they had previ­ously done in other dissent­ing opin­ions in 2020 elec­tions cases. A fourth justice — Brett Kavanaugh — voted to leave the court-approved map in place for the 2022 elec­tions, but he said that he saw “serious arguments” on both sides.
  • They wanted these people sworn in to do their solemn duty.
  • There wasn’t some nameless paper voting.
  • It was a momentous decision and the STATE signed off on it.
  • Not just a bunch of random people that wondered in to vote for FREE stuff.
  • The courts do not get to draw the congressional districts. 
  • If the court sides w/ Moore and they use the same as they did w/ Dobbs, this is a counter-revolution. 
  • It will rollback Obergefell and many many others. 
  • If THIS SCOTUS sides w/ Moore, the left will truly lose it!
  • You think Florida is on a roll now, if Moore wins DeSantis will run with this!
  • Brown v Board of Education none of those matter but they refer to the states, states must admit minorities to the voting process.
  • It doesn’t say you FAVOR one over the other just that you have to admit them in.
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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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